Mister69's Log

pull ups or chins with weight with a slow strict form have been incredibly helpful to me. I am stronger because of them and I think they definitely have contributed to my back width.
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deads- 1x5 405lbs, 1x3 435lbs

pullthrus- 2x20 #150

seated rows- 2x8 #250

wide lat pulldowns to chest- 2x8 #17

wide bb curls- 125lbs 1x10

hammers- 80lbs db's 1x10

rear delt work- 2x20 25 lbs db's

hs abs- 2x20 #11

** dc stretches**

back- 104 seconds
bicep- 60 seconds
forearm- 60 seconds


should have gotten my sets for deads, but hopefully a few more weeks of rack pulls and i will get them. If not its time to pull off of some plates\platforms.
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feels alot heavier at the bottom, but yesterday was an off day didnt get much sleep the night before.

But i have been alternating rack pulls on other weeks so not really doning any bottom end power at all. Been a while since i hit a wall with racks\deads so it was bound to happen ya know.
yeah, my leg routine hasnt hit a wall so i wont be doing any pause leg press just yet.

As for pullin off of plates, i was going to pull off of one 45lbs plate, you think that is high enough or just stack two 45's and stand on them?
mister69 said:
yeah, my leg routine hasnt hit a wall so i wont be doing any pause leg press just yet.

As for pullin off of plates, i was going to pull off of one 45lbs plate, you think that is high enough or just stack two 45's and stand on them?

whatever 3"+ is. measure it and see.
yo i know your gym has those aerobic steppers use those to pull off of.i think one with no risers on the bottom is like 5".if they aint wide enough use one for each leg instead of going parralell with the bar go horizontial.i personally hate using plates stacked they feel wobbly or something.
legs 10\10

smythe squats- 415lbs 2x5 (very light spot on the 5th rep on both sets)

Leg press- 1x15+2+1+1+1 R\P 12 plates

SLDL- 305lbs 1x10, 1x8

ad\abductor- #130 1x25 each
calf raises in leg press- 1x50 2 plates

hs abs machine- 2x20 #12

**DC stretch**
quad stretch- 60 seconds
ham stretch- 60 seconds per leg
calf stretch- on leg press 6 plates for 60 seconds
chest\tris\delts 10\11

flat wide pause bench- 2x1 335lbs, 2x1 335lbs spotter touched it at the bottom then i exploded up and they took fingures off.

incline wide - 2x10 225lbs (more weight next week)

military machine- #12 1x14

tri push downs- #150 1x32

hs abs- 1x100 # 5, 1x50 #7

**dc stretch*

chest- 40's for 60 seconds
tris- 30's 60 seconds per arm
shoulders- 60 seconds


Good day felt good....not using the scale anymore cuase that shit can drive a man insane with fluctuation of water etc. Eating well and keeping a log of my workouts and what i eat. Allowing myself to a few cheat meals a week usally wendys or mcdonalds as long as it has protein i am a happy guy. I am nailing my numbers and keeping real focused.
rest today

Got back\hams\bis tomorrow

Not sure if i should keep doing racks off of the bench, cuase my university gym sucks. I mean 2 weeks ago i did 465 off the bench and the bench was fine, I just nee two of my bddies to help put the weight on the bar so it doens fall. The bench is reinforced with steel bars on the bottom and is pretty damn solid.

What you guys think, should i keep pullin off this bench, (it is pretty solid).

I was thinking as an alternative i can do sldl's, but it seems that racks have better carry over to floor deads. And i would be doing sldl's 2x a week and that can hit a wall pretty quick.

-When doing sldl's is there a need to step on a platform, or yuo can get more than deep enoguh just form the floor.
thanks pb.

Gonna do rack pulls tomorrow and do them off of the bench. Hey if they dont got a power rack i gotta improvise.
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didnt lift today had some things to take care of,

But tomorrow this is the plan..me and my buddy are gonna go have breakfast at denny's then pull racks :)

rack pulls- 425lbs 1x8, (465lbs 1x4 w\belt) more weight next time

pull thrus- 2x20 #150

lying t-bar rows(plate loaded)- 3plates+15lbs 2x8 (more weight next time)

wide lat pulldowns to front- 2x8 200# used a different pully (more weight next time)

biceps- ez bar standing curls- 85lbs 1x12 (up next week)

hammer curls- 80's db's 1x9

rear delt work- 2x20 25's db's

hs abs- #8 1x50, 1x20

** dc stretches_

back stretch 60 seconds
bi stretch 60 seconds
forarm stretch - 60 seconds (add 5lbs next week)


used lying t bar rows in place of seated rows cause i used the entire rack for seated rows and needed soemthing plate loaded.

This is the machine we got http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2002/lyingtbar1.jpg

I think that is a good substitute to seated rows.