Mister69's Log

smythe squats- 435# 1x5(light spot on 5th), 1x5 clean no prob

leg press- 12 plates+20lbs 1x18+2r\p
sldl- 335lbs 1x10, 1x8

ab\aductor- 1x25 each #130, 150#

hs abs- 2x20 #12

calves- 4x6 #300 standing calf raises

crunches- 1x50
seated knee raises- 2x20

-dc stretches-
hams- 60 seconds per leg
quads- 60 seconds
calves- 160lbs standing calf machine 60 seconds

flat wide pause bench- 300lbs 1x5(shoulder and tendonitis flared up)

incline wide grip- 1x6 235lbs

tricep pushdowns- 1x30 #45

situps with 25lbs weight- 1x20


Ran out of whey protein isolate, and had to make due with out it for a few days, I just made sure to eat my protein. Shakes are just alot easier cause when on the road i just throw back 72 grams of protein in a few gulps. Well its alright i will just make sure to have it post worout w\cranberry juice.
Owner of my gym(back home) let me know that I cant do rack pulls off the bench press anymore cause it was bending the bars too much cause of the pressure of the center. So guess racks are not an option when i workout at my gym back home. Its ok though cause I can just do Gm's.
after that one set of bench my tendonitis flared up my elbows \shoulder killed.

So i cut it short. No DC style stretches or direct shoulder work. Pretty bummed as this same thing happend to my left shoulder\elbows , but now it seems the same exact thing happened ot my right side now. I wrap my elbows with ace bandages and wear a sweater to keep joints warm. I am goig to be taking fish oil to help the joints cause i have so much of it. I dont have anymore msm, but i do have glucosomine cream which i will use.

Not a bad workout, I am not used to working out for less than 3 hours. Tommorrow i am really going to try and eat my ass off and watch football.
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You sound overtrained dude. Take a week or two off and you'll come back stronger.

deads off 3 inch block- 1x4, 1x3 # 435
pull thrus- 1x10 #120, 1x10 #130

t-bar rows- 4 plates 2x6 (easy)

db pullovers- 1x12 #40lbs db's, 1x12 60# lbs db's

preacher machine- #60 1x10
preacher machine reverse curls- #40 1x10
rear delt work- 30lbs db's 2x10

cable heavy abs pulldowns- 2x20 #90
crunches- 1x50
seated knee raises- 1x25

-DC stretches-
back - 40lbs db hanging for 60 seconds
bi- 60 seconds
forearm- 45lbs for 60 seconds

- notes-
took 1 aleve tablet before i worked out, applyed glucosomine cream to my shoulders and elbows and wore a sweater the entire workout, so tendonitis and shoulders felt pretty damn good. Pulled off blocks and beat last times #'s so I will hopefully hit 2x5 in two weeks. Missed a few meals today, but it works out cause I am going out to diner with teh family and going to eat lots of Tai food. DB pullovers felt different but good. I think i will finally step on the scale tomorrow after not weighin in for 6+ weeks.
Thanks pullin

Never actually took myself to 1rep max for floor deads \squats\or bench.

pullinbig said:
thats a nice pull standing on 3" block. very nice. whens the last time you maxed on pulls from the floor?

1 hour session of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Felt great worked on some technique that my buddy showed me. I am in no way fresh in this department, but I am always willing to learn and touch up on the old stuff I learned. Made sure I drank my protein \carb mix after the light session. Still kept the nutrition before the workout the same apple w\protein.
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Taking this week off.

Icy Hot every night on shoulders and elbows. Taking fish oil to lube up those joints. Trying to force feed as much as possible this entire week. Next week i will screw around in the gym use some hack squats mabey db flat presses and some different prosterior movements do all straight sets and mabey just ease in. Then I will start hacking away full force after that week.

Hopefully my elbows etc will be good after this.

Any suggestions welcome fellas.

take care
Well its already sat week off is almost over. I been eating regularly and taking in my supps. Been aplying icy hot to shoulders\elbows every night and taking fish oil to help out my joints.

This week coming up will be a light week, i will screw around with high rep stuff, then the week after that start hacking away at the heavy weights; cant wait.
hitting the gym around 8.

messing around with some high rep stuff cant wait.

front squats
hack squats
pull thrus
12/5 legs

Front squats(smith machine)- 1x10

hack squats- 1x10

pullthrus- 1x20

ad\abductor- 1x10 each

lying leg curls- 1x20
hs abs- 2x30
hanging knee raises -1x25
calves- 1x15


light week, just screwin around and easing into my next week of starting heavy. Felt good, I didnt post the lb's cause its just light\high rep week. Didnt have to take much time between sets cause the load was lightened. Didnt go to failure(cut short with a few reps left in me) and all sets were straight sets. No DC extreme stretches either today. Elbows\shoulders feel a bit better. I am confident that after this week I will be ready to hack away at the basic low volume heavy weights and kill my previous #'s, as long as i keep eating enough calories to gain.

-rotator work
-hammer strenght chest press machine- 1x15

-hammer grip db's pause bench- 1x15

-seated military db press- 1x15

-reverse grip bench press- 1x15

-hs abs- 2x20

-crunches- 1x50
-hangin knee raises- 1x20


felt good today, knock on wood no joint pain at all. Was going to step on the calibrated scale today after not standing on it for 7+ weeks, but the damn thing was all screwed up and not balanced so i didnt step on. I have looked at my #'s from the past few months and every single exercise (big three) have gone up. And i have seen a few people that i hvent seen in a few months and they told me i filled out nicely and that i need to stay off the food lololol.

I always seem to get guys in the gym ask me how i stay so "tight" durring bulking season....I said i dunno. That is how i am described..as a lot "my muslces are really tight". Guess its a good thing I dunno.. I am just gonna up my calories cause i need to put on more size.
rack pulls- 1x20

bent over bb rows- 1x20

pullovers- 1x20

db curls- 1x20

hammer curls- 1x20

crunches- 1x50

hs abs -2x20

hanging knee raises- 3x25

Felt good today, not liking this high rep stuff , but my joints etc need it cause i did straight through from april-dec without a break. ANd that is just plain stupid on my part. I am luckey i didnt get injured. Well i am still aplying icy hot to my joints every night and hope by next monday i should be ready for a nice 8 week straight heavy session.