Most Outrageous Dosage Doses?

the cycle around the world sounds like bullshit, i dont doubt that some one posted it. But its hard to beleive that he actually ran that all the way through with out getting horrible headaches or nasuea or some shit, or just plain old reaslizing it was stupid compared to the results. I would love to see what happned, did he ever post pics or anything? you can only eat so much so i dont see the point of all that gear.

i dont think its that crazy for people to run 2 grams of test for a while, their are people who put way more stress with orals or Winstrol (winny) and dont even realize it.
You would have to know the guy. He made some crazy claims and he posted some partial pics. He's a very large cat 300lbs at 6'1" or so. Some of his claims have been proven false, and he is no longer on the boards.

The cycles he posted were always pretty damn heavy and harsh. He was a good guy, regardless of his questionable tails. lol
DirkMoneyshot said:
I would avoid all fats on days where your using a Very high carb load with insulin being used through out the whole day. Stick to less then 30g fat on those days.

Gotcha, my comment was not pertaining to slin specifically but diet in general.
the most i heard of a pro asian bodybuilder who is a personal friend of mine is 30 10mg dbols a day. That made my eyes pop out.
outlawtas2 said:
again, pro? or at leat massive?
He just barely missed becoming a pro twice. He was 5'6" and competed in the high 230's. Then all of a sudden he joined the church of scientology and stopped everything cold turkey (seriously, not kidding here), lost about 60 pounds right away. Currently, he's working out again but only takes small amounts of HGH and low dose test (500mg/week tops). He's not planning on competing again but looks pretty good right now.