My 2nd Cycle

I took off just under 3 months. I started early in order to co-ordinate my cycles with the time of otherwords, from now on my bulkers will start in the beggining of fall and cutters will finish just before schools out. Just so I can be cut for the summer.
Day 8

Day 8. Hit chest and tris today, had a noticable increase in strength and endurance. what a pump. Absolutely insane, my tris were so swollen that they were in pain, I literally felt like they were going to pop. I went with my usual routine of 1 set as heavy as I can for 3-4 reps, and drop the weight to pump out 8-12 for 2 or 3 more sets.

My shoulder started acting up today, I'm a little concerned. I feel it in my rear delt, the tendon not the joint. If anyone knows of anyways to remedy this quicly, please post up! Otherwise, i'm just going to push right through and ignore the pain. I was really hoping to push 3 plates by the end of the cycle.

My urine was of normal colour today so it just must have been something I ate. Diet was spot on today. No sides to report as of yet. I am cleaning my face with some stuff twice daily and have no acne yet. I don't think i'm prone to facial acne.

Oh yeah, these are some of my lifting goals for this cycle:

Bench: 315
Squat: 405
Dead: 455
Dumbell curls: 70 would be nice, but I really don't care about strengths on my lifts other than the big 3, all I need here is size.
outlawtas2 said:
Very little if any at all. I am on liquidex @ .5mg / day though, mostly for anti gyno but I guess it's helping with the bloat.

I am currently running 50mg/day of anadrol along with 100mg prop EOD, I read that liquidex would not do much for the bloat from the anadrol, but it has worked wonders for me.
cman81 said:
I am currently running 50mg/day of anadrol along with 100mg prop EOD, I read that liquidex would not do much for the bloat from the anadrol, but it has worked wonders for me.

Yup, I ran adex on my first (test only) cycle and I have never run drol before, so I don't have something to compare it to, but I can say that I don't have any noticable bloat. I was also ran creatine for 8 weeks before this cycle.
I think i'm going to alter my cycle and run the Anadrol for the first 5 weeks, instead of breaking it up...I think that if I break it up I'm giong to be stopping just when it's starting to get good. And then at the end, running it for two weeks seems kinda pointless if it takes 4 or 5 days to kick in - that means I really only get it for 1 week of training.
Day 9

Day off today. Chest and tris are sore from yesterday, but not as sore as I expected. I would normally feel a lot more pain after a workout like that. Diet and sleep were spot on today. Left quad is feeling the usual soreness after injecting, no biggie. No sides to speak of except being really horny...really.

I will run the Anadrol for the first 5 weeks. I am feeling and looking bigger, so my strict eating schedule is paying off...i think the scales will show it this week. If not, I may contemplate upping the dosage to 100mg/day...but thats something I'll have to think about, since I am already running 600mg of Test as it is....It's kind of a hard debate, do I go with the extra gear (since I am ingesting orals anyways) and get the gains that I desire, or keep the dosages moderate and see what becomes of it. I decide that on friday.
Day 10

Hit back and Bi's today. Good workout overall, strength was up but not tremendously...pump was outrageous again. Back was hurting today, but I said fuck it, tightend up my belt and hit a few deads with 405, more reps than usual. Also did weighted chins (25lbs) but it's freakin hard to do when you don't have a belt and you have to struggle to keep the weight between your feet lol. Toronto seems to have a ridiculous shortage of stores that sell workout equipment...i went to 3 stores and they don't even have lifting straps!

Anyways, diet was decent today...I ate mcdonalds - I love bulking. I don't plan on making this a frequent event. No sides to report. Injects are tomorrow.
Day 11

Day off today...just had school and stuff. Injected Test in my left shoulder, all went well. Did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also. Took my usual supps and Drol. Diet went well...had 3 chicken breasts and 1 big veal chop so far, I'm gonna have another breast before sleep. Carbs were a little lower today. Hopin for some good gains tomorrow and a nice heavy workout.

oh yeah, after much searching I actually found a good fitness supply store in my area. I picked up a nice dipping belt, finally i'll be able to do properly weighted chins and dips.
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Yeah, i think it's goin to pan out better this way for me at least. I'll decide the dosage this weekend...maybe i'll just run a higher dosage for a week and see what happens...I really dunno yet.
Day 12

Worked legs and shoulders today. Good workout, hit a PR on squats, 365lbs. Felt good, except my lower back was absolutely throbbing the rest of the workout. I'll go 375 next week no problem. Strength was good for the other parts of the workout. Shoulder workout went okay, the soreness of the injection combined with bad condition of my shoulder as it is made it a little tough, but I pushed through it.

Weighed in at 205, it's not really what I was hoping for, but good gains nonetheless. All these reports of people putting on 17lbs in two weeks is discouraging, but patients is a virtue. I'm upping the drol to 100mg for next week. I'll watch it closely and If i get any sides or don't see any results, drop it back down for the remaining 2 weeks.

Diet went well today. Only side to report is that i'm feeling really hot and sweating all the time, just like my last cycle. It's not insane, but I do break a sweat walking up a flight of stairs lol!
The guys that gain that much weight are the ones who weigh 150 lbs at the beginning of the cycle and have never lifted before.
Day 13

Nice and sore after yesterdays workout. No injects today, just the usual Drol and supps. Diet went well....It's good being on cycle cuz I can't really go out anywhere and waste money! Even though I spent some on the cycle, i'm actually saving a lot by not goin out clubbing and drinkin and stuff like during the summer. It makes it a lot easier to pay off some of my school debt.

I'm expecting good strength and weight gains for next week. If I can keep up with 2-3 lbs a week I'll be very happy. Again, no sides, no testicular atrophy, no acne - everything is fine except for the sweating, which isn't that bad, just a little annoying being sweaty all the time - looks like i just finished a hardcore fucking session lol (which, unfortunately I haven't had for an extended period of time, but that's not cycle related!)

Day 14

Day off the gym again, still nice and sore from the workout. Diet is good, supps/drol as scheduled. I'm feeling and looking bigger, imo. I can see an increase in fat though, so that is part of the weight gain. Can't wait to hit chest/tris tomorrow, espicially with the upped drol dosage and my new dipping belt. Should be one for the books. My lower backs a little sore, i fell asleep on the couch last night.

Oh yeah, my shoulder is still sore from thursdays injection. It's really tight around there, I don't really feel any lumps though. I'm going to keep a close eye on it for the next 2 or 3 days and go to a doctor if it doesn't get better. I think i'm going to stick to glute/quad injections for now. Maybe i'll try calf.
Hey Outlaw,
I read through your first log. Great job man! I'm waiting for my Test E/EQ/Proviron cycle to begin. Can you post some before you started pics? Great info bro, Good Luck!
Rock on! :rockband:
Day 15

Holy fucking Anadrol Batman! Now I know what all the hype was about. Worked chest and tris today and I have to say it was the most intense workout I've ever had. I pressed 285x6 (pr for me) and drop setted that with a 45 and each side for 14 - what a pump! Went through incline presses and dips, mixing really heavy (for me) weights with lighter ones. Triceps got nice and swollen as well.

Diet was spot on today, got in a nice 4 meals before the workout, got home and had a gainer shake and a meal (lean ground beef). I still have injects to do tonight. Feeling great (read: horny) overall. My shoulder seems better today, it was just a little scare. I think it's good though, to kinda keep you in check, otherwise you start acting like Valentino and injecting with needles you dropped on the floor and shit! LOL! I'm in great spirits lately.

Sides have remained constant, though I have noticed a small bit of acne on my left shoulder, I don't even think it's from the gear, just a natural breakout. My back is pretty much acne free thus far, as is my face. The tendon in my shoulder is a little sore as well, but I haven't noticed it getting any worse, hopefully it will either stay the same or get better (not likely with increasing weights) but I'll just play it by ear.

I've been eating like a champ. Anything with good carbs or protein i'm just shoveling down my throat, I don't even use forks or knives anymore lol. I was brushing my teeth this morning and I started gagging pretty hard from my morning shake. I felt pretty queasy for about 1 hour afterwords, but it passed...just a weird thing that happenend.

All else is a okay. People seem to really be noticing my weight got mentioned three times to me today at school. This is one conversation I had:

Some guy "Bro your pretty big, how long you been working out?"

Me: I dunno, like 4 years or so, I did sports and stuff too"

Some guy "Man, do you know how big you'd be right now if you took steroids? Huge!"

Me: (laughing inside) "Fuck that shit"

One side effect to report (along with the regular sweating) is the night sweats! Damn, I wake up literally drenched in sweat, my entire upper body. I get so hot at night that I have to wake up and go run a towel under cold ass water and place it over my body to cool off. This only works for about 20min, cuz the towle heats up to my body temperature. Though it is usually enough to help me fall asleep.

that's probably my worst side thus far. Nothing too bad though.