My 2nd Cycle

Day 23

Day off the gym...woke up at like 2pm today cuz I didn't have school. I got all my meals in, just moved everything up. Of course I can't sleep now, so I'll probably wake up late again lol. I gotta get my sleeping straightened out...

Everything is goin good. Looking forward to tomorrows back workout. I'm keeping weight on my deadlifts the same, going for more reps with that weight and maybe up it to 450lbs and just go for one rep next workout.
I've read through your entire first cycle, and have been following your second.
I'm on my first cycle and I'm about halfway through week 3, I've noticed some very slight changes, I thought it would be more dramatic than it is now, but it may still be early.

my question is, when did you notice DRAMATIC results?
gymcreep said:
I've read through your entire first cycle, and have been following your second.
I'm on my first cycle and I'm about halfway through week 3, I've noticed some very slight changes, I thought it would be more dramatic than it is now, but it may still be early.

my question is, when did you notice DRAMATIC results?

I noticed no dramatic changes during my 1st cycle.
Just what lift said. I think it really depends on where you start. If you 150lbs, you'll probably notice Dramatic results...however if you have lots of training and diet under your belt and are starting at a decent weight, your not going to see an explosion - not like what you think.

My strength really grew - but steadily. It wasn't like all of a sudden I could bench 50 more lbs, maybe 10 lbs a week, some weeks it stayed consistent. But if you look at how much you gain over a 12 week cycle, it really is dramatic.

Also, your at week 3. I really didn't notice an crazy increase until week 5. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for it a long ester test to kick in, but for me, at week 5 i was like "now I know I'm really on".

In all honesty, if you putting on 2lbs a week your doing great. Think about it, 2lbs x 12 weeks = 24lbs - that's a lot of weight man. You couldn't do that naturally without being a complete fat ass.

As for the cycle i'm on right now, I am just in week four and have seen really good results so far. For strength and size. the absolute best advice I can give you is to keep your diet in check. IMO, at the level we are at now, diet means a lot more than training. Once you get bigger the way you train will effect how proportionate you are, how defined you are, etc etc - but for putting on mass all that matters is how much you eat (the right stuff). Obviously, lift heavy too.
Day 24

Well I did it. I finally ate till I puked lol! I ate chicken and potatoes, and left 1 piece of chicken on the plate. I was taking the plate to the sink, took one look at the last piece of chicken and just yacked in the sink! It was pretty bad, but I felt cool cuz i've heard of people doing it I just never have. lol.

I think I'm gonna up my test to 1g a week and stay on for the rest of my lift LOL! (joke) Anyways, hit back and bi's today. My friend came to the gym with me, man I freakin love having a spot. Sometimes it's great to just have a nice workout alone, just listen to music and really focus, but once in while when I get a spot it just takes the workout to a whole new level.

Dead's went great, PR for reps (not weight). I'm upping the weight to 455 next week and trying to squeeze out 2. Chins, pulldowns, tbar rows and machine rows - really got at the back. Bi's went insane. Went to failure and did dropsets. It was the most pumped my bi's have ever been, I could literally not move them after. It was a good idea sticking with the 5 weeks of drol. the only thing that I'm scared of is that when I get off it my gains might slow a little, but we'll see what happens. I can't stay on it forever....

Diet was on par today (except the whole puking thing). Supps and Drol all okay. I have noticed that my injection sites have been staying sore for a little longer than usual - the last three had pain for 4-5 days after, which usually doesn't happen to me. Sides are the same, still non existent and no testicular atrophy.

I've been pretty tired lately, dunno why. I find myself taking an hour nap here and there it's kinda weird considering I got a lot of sleep last night. Sweating a lot still, but i has calmed down a bit. Still no bacne! which is great.
outlawtas2 said:
Day 24

Well I did it. I finally ate till I puked lol! I ate chicken and potatoes, and left 1 piece of chicken on the plate. I was taking the plate to the sink, took one look at the last piece of chicken and just yacked in the sink! It was pretty bad, but I felt cool cuz i've heard of people doing it I just never have. lol.

I've done it before and I'll do it again. Welcome to the club.
Day 25

Day off was kinda off today. I got in the first two meals, then after that I had a double 1/4 pounder meal and later on a meal from KFC lol. I'm still gonna have 1 more real meal and a shake. I still have to inject today also, but I'm sure that will go fine as usual.

I'm nice and sore from yesterdays workout. Got the big weigh in tomorrow, hopin for those 4lbs...dunno if I'll make it or not, but I still should have made decent gains this week.

No puking today, lol.
outlawtas2 said:
Just what lift said. I think it really depends on where you start. If you 150lbs, you'll probably notice Dramatic results...however if you have lots of training and diet under your belt and are starting at a decent weight, your not going to see an explosion - not like what you think.

My strength really grew - but steadily. It wasn't like all of a sudden I could bench 50 more lbs, maybe 10 lbs a week, some weeks it stayed consistent. But if you look at how much you gain over a 12 week cycle, it really is dramatic.

Also, your at week 3. I really didn't notice an crazy increase until week 5. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for it a long ester test to kick in, but for me, at week 5 i was like "now I know I'm really on".

In all honesty, if you putting on 2lbs a week your doing great. Think about it, 2lbs x 12 weeks = 24lbs - that's a lot of weight man. You couldn't do that naturally without being a complete fat ass.

As for the cycle i'm on right now, I am just in week four and have seen really good results so far. For strength and size. the absolute best advice I can give you is to keep your diet in check. IMO, at the level we are at now, diet means a lot more than training. Once you get bigger the way you train will effect how proportionate you are, how defined you are, etc etc - but for putting on mass all that matters is how much you eat (the right stuff). Obviously, lift heavy too.

ok cool, my diet and all is in check, and I've been pretty much maxed out for natty for about a year, so I'm real excited to finally pass my current lifts. I know I'm not going to start lifting crazy more weight right away, but I'd still like to see a significant increase. I think I'm just getting ahead of myself, I start week 4 sunday and I'm looking forward to increasing some weights this week. Thanks
Day 26 - Weigh in

Well I didn't reach my goal of 4lbs this week - I slaughtered it! I dunno if it they Cyp just kicked in, or if it was the cheating at Mcdonalds but I put on 8lbs this week. I'm sitting at 215 on the dot. I've kept my liquidex @ .5mg a ED, so I shouldn't be holding too much water (I don't see any noticable bloat).

Great workout today too (Legs and shoulders). I was supposed to go for 395 on the squat, but said fuck it and went for 405. I managed to squeeze out only 1.5 then I failed. Luckily I was in the squat rack so I was able to drop the bar on the rack and get out from under it - definately a little embarrassing but felt great nonetheless. I had a spot, but he didn't really have a clue how to spot so...hopefully i'll pump out a few more next week. I'll get a big guy (hopefully more than 140lbs) to spot me next time.

Diet went great today, inject went well last night. I shot in my left glute, which seemed to always be a challenge for me since i'm right handed. I'm pretty shakey with my left but it turned out okay. This is the fourth injection in a row where I think I passed through a vein! I always aspirate, so I have never shot in one. In my entire first cycle I never had one drop of blood, but this one is different. Any reason you think or just dumb luck? Doesn't really matter.

It was the first time in a long time I was able to go full out with my shoulder workout. Man I missed that! What a pump, it really makes you feel friggin wide. Loved it.

No acne, no test. atrophy, no "roid rage". Man I love gear! hahaha. Sex drive is out of control.

Oh yeah, should I be worried about my knees at all? I don't have any pain or anything like that, so... do I need to use wraps or anything? Gimmie some opinions.
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LiftTillIDie said:
Last cycle I had a drop of blood or more come out after at least half my injections.

there was only once where I had a significant amount of blood, plus if you always aspirate you really have nothing to worry about.
isotop said:
what is the purpose of the test prop in the end ?

Because in order for me to do a 12 week cycle, I would have take my last injection 2 weeks before I start PCT. After my last shot the testosterone (cypionate) would slowly be fading out of my system day by day (because it is a long ester). The Test Prop is a short ester and can be taken up to 3 days before beggining PCT. So I start taking this during week 10 so that I keep a constant level of testosterone in my system almost right up until I start PCT.

In other words, it's just a way to maximize your gains during the last phase of your cycle.
Day 27

Day off. Diet/supps in check. The recent weight gain is a good confidence booster (even though I know it's not possible to put on 8lbs of muscle in 1 week). My ass is pretty sore from the injection, I was wiggling around in there a bit, so it's little more sore than usual.

I guess the cyp is kicked in cuz I'm starting to break out on my back. nothing crazy though and no facial acne. It kinda makes me wonder about my Drol and how effective it really was for me, I'll watch how I respond once I'm off the Drol and see how my strength and size gains are going. Maybe I didn't even need the drol, well, scratch that - definately didn't need it, but I'll see how much it really did for me once I stop it and am just on test again.
Day 29

Weird day...sleep has been off lately. Diet was good though, and workout was good as well. No PR's on the bench this time (same weight but more reps than last time), but PR on incline dumbell presses. Shoulder was actin up a little, but now that the workout is over it's good. Killed triceps.

Injection went well, right in the right glute. The injections are getting better in my glute, I was uncomfortable with these before due to the awkwardness. Acne has remained constant on my back, no new breakouts and old ones are fading...I'm sure some more will pop up as happened on my first cycle. It was nothing horrible. I heard Anadrol was bad for acne, I have none from that. Lucky I guess.
Day 30

Good day. I used a generic sleeping aid I picked up last night at the drugstore...worked pretty good. It fucked me up a little bit and I remember having a couple really serious dream...One really freaky one where there was someone getting murdered on the televesion and I couldn't turn it off and some other weird stuff. Only reason I share is cuz I hardly ever remember any of my dreams.

Injection in my glute is pretty sore today but nothing out of the ordinary. Feeling good. Eating like an animal today. Sex drive is great, though I need more mediums in which to express it through lol. My chest is sore from yesterdays workout, but not too sore.

I'm aiming for 450 x 1 on my DL tomorrow...wish me luck.
outlawtas2 said:
Day 29

Weird day...sleep has been off lately. Diet was good though, and workout was good as well. No PR's on the bench this time (same weight but more reps than last time)

More reps of a given weight than you have done before is a pr dude :)

When are you gonna post some weights besides deads?
LiftTillIDie said:
When are you gonna post some weights besides deads?

here ya go:

Bench Start: 275*5
Bench Current: 295*4

DL Start - 405 x 1
DL Current - 450x1 (405x8)

Squat start: 365*6
Squat current: 405*1.5 (lol)

Not really that interesting but here are some other ones:

Baseball curls: 70lbs, dropset w/ 50, then 60 dropset w/ 40, then 50 dropset w/30 (3 different sets, but it really pumps me up)

Leg extensions: 295x10 (thats all it goes up to)
Leg curls: 210*8
Seated calf raises - 4 plates * 10-12
Shrugs - 120lbs (that's all we got for freeweights)
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Day 31

Back and Bi's today. I went for 450 DL and pulled off 1 hard earned rep lol. It was definately a struggle but I did it. I was a little concerned because last night I started to notice a pain in my lower-left abdomnen, thinking I might be gettign a hernia (I've never had one so I dunno) but it didn't give my any problems during the workout.

The freakin gym was packed today, so I had to alter my workout slightly in order to keep it moving. It was a pretty good workout though. My ass is fuckin sore man...these injects are killin me in the glute. I'm still really sore from last thursdays injection, it's got me a little spooked. I'm keeping close tabs on it.

I've been cheatin in my diet a bit, junk food mostly. I haven't noticed any significant fat gains though - I think steroids do help prevent you from gaining fat a little bit. I dunno if there's any evidence to support this though.

I dunno if I'm gonna gain 8lbs this week again, but it's gonna suck to go from 8lbs back down to 2 or 3 a week lol. I've become accostomed to those gains! I can accept the fact that it's not susainable though. It's really tempting for me to run Adrol for another week, but I'm saying no. I'm really trying to keep my head on right. Mature and responsible cycling is the key to long-term gains IMO...

Sides have remained constant. Acne is going away. face is good.

The only change is that i'm concerned about my hairline, I dunno if it's receeding or if 'im just tripping out about it. They do say though, that if you think it's receeding - it probably is so...kinda sucks but o well. I haven't been taking pictures of it like I said I would, I think I'm going to start now. It's hard to tell though because my heads not shaved right now.

anyways, on with life.