my diet

how many meals a day should I be eating to bulk natural, how much protein,carbs,fats tell me because I thought my meals were pretty good yeah I can add more meat but WHERE tell me. meal1,2 and 4 I would guess, am I right? but what meat for what meals. gonna ditch the taco bell I told you in meal 4 so whats a super frosty meal for meal 4 (lol) need to know.
weighed myself yesterday at 5:00pm and was 160lbs today at 5:00pm 163lbs. and went to the bathroom twice today and pissed 3 times so far. frost I hope you dont think im being rude because Im not trying to be honestly.
mass rookiee said:
tell me how there not clean meals. none of my meals listed 1 through 15 are any good ? I dont have every thing listed in your link in meals but got most of it meats,eggs,dairy,veggy,some grains and fruits. water 1 1/2 gallon how many liters is that? eat protein with every meal check. eating every 2-3 hours check. Im want to gain maxium muscle mass I dont want abbs just big pecs,arms,delts,and back. doing this wit and without drugs. also getting excess protein for my weight 160lbs should be about 190grms and Im getting 230 natural when I go on cycle it will be 300+grms. Im not carb sensitve or I wouldnt be skinny. I read the link the part that pertains to my situation.

Increase fat intake from animal sources like I mentioned. Steaks, non-lean ground beef, chicken wings, whole eggs, butter, cream, whole milk, etc. Get carbs from UNPROCESSED grains, such as oats or rice. Yams are also good sources, as are veggies and lower GI fruits. Eat nutrient dense foods. Lean Cousine lasagna is not nutrient dense, is low fat, and has processed carbs, and that's not mentioning the problems with preservatives in it and high sodium. Hot dog buns are processed grains with no nutrient content. Jam is just sugar.

Eat whole, natural foods.
what about cholesterol do you care about that? mine is a little high from my last blood test a few weeks ago. and my tryglecerides so I dont want to load up on chlolesterol I though this would be a health issue in a diet. what meat do you want me to add to meal 1 can I use a regular fatty sausage patty like Jimmy Dean or something ?

the lean cuisuine will be replaced by a 5oz chicken breast in a fajita bread with hot sauce (made by me not taco bell) and rice sometimes and the other times it will be lean cuisuine, when I dont have chicken prepared. are grapes or peaches low GI fruits , I drink tropicana apple juice with meal 1 for breakfast and I also eat alot of wheat bread and some rye for carbs too.

cream and whole milk I get in my MRP. 4oz and 8oz . and I also get a 1/2 cup of old fashoined oats in there too with flax seed oil.
Don't worry about cholesterol.

Check this link out:

Your triglycerides are more related to carbs, and they're not going to be helped by bulking. If you dieted and cut back on the carbs a lot, then that would help them. But don't expect your numbers to get better while bulking.

I wouldn't eat sausage unless you get good fresh stuff. Not the normal junk that is full of preservatives and even has stuff like fructose in it and other sugars.

Low GI fruits are fruits grown in the northern US, except grapes. Oranges and grapefruits are also low GI. Eat the fruit, not the juice. Ever wonder why apple juice tastes very little like actual apples? Or why concord grape juice tastes hardly anything like concord grapes? That's because they process it so much and pasturize so there's not much nutritional content left along with no fiber.

Again, unprocessed carbs. This means no breads unless you're willing to go to a health food store and buy sprouted breads. This also means no hotdog buns, no tortillas, etc.

Get some cod liver oil in your diet, too.

mass rookiee said:
what about cholesterol do you care about that? mine is a little high from my last blood test a few weeks ago. and my tryglecerides so I dont want to load up on chlolesterol I though this would be a health issue in a diet. what meat do you want me to add to meal 1 can I use a regular fatty sausage patty like Jimmy Dean or something ?

the lean cuisuine will be replaced by a 5oz chicken breast in a fajita bread with hot sauce (made by me not taco bell) and rice sometimes and the other times it will be lean cuisuine, when I dont have chicken prepared. are grapes or peaches low GI fruits , I drink tropicana apple juice with meal 1 for breakfast and I also eat alot of wheat bread and some rye for carbs too.

cream and whole milk I get in my MRP. 4oz and 8oz . and I also get a 1/2 cup of old fashoined oats in there too with flax seed oil.
some things you require for a diet arent even sold in stores near me and im uptown in a city. what the hell are sprouted breads, some of my friends are big but dont watch everything they eat but they use wheat bread like me, I like whats wrong with wheat or rye? the only sausage I ever ate in my life was sweet or hot with my sunday pasta. or breakfast sausage which is what I meant to go with my meal1 its not lean and about 4oz with good fats and bad fats. and peaches and grapes are good then.

reading link.
yeah he says high cholesterol is nothing to worry about and fights infections but the world spends millions of dollars promoting low cholestrol foods and drugs to lower it ? I would listen to my personal doctor about chol then beleiving somthing someone I dont know said. and I have psychological problems castrating me. nahh. you really think high chol is not a problem and that their is no good or bad chol in the body ? cause thats what he's saying.
mass rookiee said:
some things you require for a diet arent even sold in stores near me and im uptown in a city. what the hell are sprouted breads, some of my friends are big but dont watch everything they eat but they use wheat bread like me, I like whats wrong with wheat or rye? the only sausage I ever ate in my life was sweet or hot with my sunday pasta. or breakfast sausage which is what I meant to go with my meal1 its not lean and about 4oz with good fats and bad fats. and peaches and grapes are good then.

reading link.

Part of training, getting big, and all that is being healthy. Trust me getting sick can mess up gains, and so does a degenerative or auto-immune disease when you're 40. There are lots of guys that are in great shape and eat junk food, but that does not make it a good idea. Eat healthy, be healthy, and live a long life where you can keep your gains and enjoy what goes with it.

Normal wheat bread is not processed properly. Wheat is a seed, and it's not intended to be digested by animals. It's intended to make the plant spread its seed through the animal's feces. Seeds contain phytic acid which inhibit it's growth until proper condition arise, i.e. water. Soaking and sprouting (which is soaking until sprouted) gets rid of the phytic acid content. Phytic acid inhibits enzymes and the uptake of vital nutrients (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron). Sprouting increases the nutrient content.

Sprouted breads aren't needed. Just eat rice, oats, yams, potatoes, low GI fruits, etc. instead.
mass rookiee said:
yeah he says high cholesterol is nothing to worry about and fights infections but the world spends millions of dollars promoting low cholestrol foods and drugs to lower it ? I would listen to my personal doctor about chol then beleiving somthing someone I dont know said. and I have psychological problems castrating me. nahh. you really think high chol is not a problem and that their is no good or bad chol in the body ? cause thats what he's saying.

I've read his book. The evidence supporting the cholesterol theory doesn't actually support it. They used selected groups to support their theories, while they selectively OMITTED groups such as the Masai and Inuit which consumed very large amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol yet were very healthy with low cholesterol.

Studies showing that saturated fat increases cholesterol actually used HYDROGENATED vegetable fats. That's quite different from fat you find in butter.
nah would never use lipitor just alot of oatmeal cause it lowers cholesterol, your a smart mofo when it comes to body and diet do you read alot or did you study this in school.

but getting off topic here how would my diet look since taken away the bad meal and the other so so meal will sometimes be replaced with 5oz chicken in a fajita and a cup of rice. and Im getting egg whites,whole milk,cream,fruits,lettuce,chicken,lean roast beef,wheat bread,low fat cheese,oats,and still would like for you to tell me what meat to put in my sandwhich for meal 1 please. it sounds pretty healthy to me and the calories and protein add up really high too.
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I was told to do some cardio for my cholesterol to lower it now I chose running 2 laps around track (whats that 2 miles) but is it gonna combat with me bulking up or is it enough to lower chol and not to much that it would hurt my bulking era.
mass rookiee said:
nah would never use lipitor just alot of oatmeal cause it lowers cholesterol, your a smart mofo when it comes to body and diet do you read alot or did you study this in school.

but getting off topic here how would my diet look since taken away the bad meal and the other so so meal will sometimes be replaced with 5oz chicken in a fajita and a cup of rice. and Im getting egg whites,whole milk,cream,fruits,lettuce,chicken,lean roast beef,wheat bread,low fat cheese,oats,and still would like for you to tell me what meat to put in my sandwhich for meal 1 please. it sounds pretty healthy to me and the calories and protein add up really high too.

I never told you to take Lipitor, so why would you say that? I was offering further proof of the lack of science behind the cholesterol-heart disease link.

No egg whites. Eat the whole egg only. Why lean roast beef? Why wheat bread? Why low fat cheese? Have you ignored this entire thread?

Meat to put in a sandwhich? Roast beef is good.
mass rookiee said:
I was told to do some cardio for my cholesterol to lower it now I chose running 2 laps around track (whats that 2 miles) but is it gonna combat with me bulking up or is it enough to lower chol and not to much that it would hurt my bulking era.

2 laps around a track is HALF a mile, not two miles. If it's an indoor track that's a quarter mile.

Any extra activity takes away from the calories that could be used for anabolism. If you're running two laps a day, that's not going to kill your efforts. If you're concerned about your numbers, then why are you bulking? If you want to improve your blood numbers, do the diet I said a long time ago - meat, eggs, veggies, and lots of water. If you want to bulk, cut out the cardio. Maybe one day is fine to keep the fat gains down and do active recovery.
mass rookiee said:

yeah was going to do cardio on wednesdays run 2 laps, and mon,tues,thurs,fri free weights. why is everything high in fats with you, you dont agree with low fat foods. you say whats wrong with roast beef well whats wrong is lean roast beef is better for you in my eyes how could you say fat is better than lean? back and forth back and forth.

Are you bulking or not? Make up your mind. High fat is good for bulking. Think about this. Even in untrained individuals, about 50% of resting metabolic rate come from fat. So if your RMR is 2500 calories, then that's 1250 calories from fat that your body would consume. That's 138g of fat. Now when you eat more, your metabolism increases, so your fat utilization increases as well. Now if you're well trained, you can burn up to 70% of your RMR as fat. That would be almost 200g of fat right there.

Also, you need to eat as much as you want to weigh, which means increased fat intake again. Can you see why fat is important for a bulker? It's a concentrated source of calories.

And if saturated fat is bad for you, then why does it increase your testosterone levels? When was the last time you heard about something that was bad for you that increased testosterone levels? Why does your heart use saturated fat as an energy source? Why does saturated fat protect EFAs and improve their utilization?
Im bulking, want to be 190lbs lean mass. stats 160lbs 5'8'' what should my cal/pro/carb/fats ratio be ? what type of meat should I add to sandwhich for meal one, want it to taste like a breakfast sandwhich a tasty one. 4 egg whites,2 slices low fat cheese,2 slice of wheat bread and ? what do you recommend for meat ? whites and cheese are to keep my cholesterol from getting higher thats why not whole eggs and reg. cheese. can I use some sort of breakfast sausage a tasty one if I get jimmy dean or something doesnt that have the fats your talking about that are good + sodium and preservatives are in it but its only gonna be in one meal. thanks.
mass rookiee said:
Im bulking, want to be 190lbs lean mass. stats 160lbs 5'8'' what should my cal/pro/carb/fats ratio be ? what type of meat should I add to sandwhich for meal one, want it to taste like a breakfast sandwhich a tasty one. 4 egg whites,2 slices low fat cheese,2 slice of wheat bread and ? what do you recommend for meat ? whites and cheese are to keep my cholesterol from getting higher thats why not whole eggs and reg. cheese. can I use some sort of breakfast sausage a tasty one if I get jimmy dean or something doesnt that have the fats your talking about that are good + sodium and preservatives are in it but its only gonna be in one meal. thanks.

Did you even read the link I gave you for planning your diet? Read it again, the part about ratios is right at the beginning.

I already told you what meat to use.

You obviously didn't read the link on cholesterol I gave. Eating whole eggs and cheese isn't going to increase cholesterol levels. And if you read the link, you wouldn't be worried about your cholesterol.

If the sausage doesn't have fructose, preservatives, MSG, nitrates, nitrites, etc, then sure, you can eat it.

Summary on fats: again, did you even read the diet planning link? I covered that.