my diet

OMG this is basically a 2 person thread. You guys should just get on AOL IM and get it over with HAHA.
what, ground beef for breakfast I did that awhile ago it worked for as gains but is there any kind of sausage sold in supermarket in frezzer isle that is good to buy can you recommend a brand, I read your links ok eat more cholesterol and body slows its down chol production eat less cholesterol and body produces more. whatever that means my doctor wants me to lower it because Im young 25 so I should listen to him. and the ratios I read it too reducing carbs or increasing by how you feel same with fat. but cant you tell me where I should be at % wise. your the diet guru cant you just tell me and I will follow it. what do you think about stove top stuffing, would you eat it, not nutrient dense I know but wont it put weight on 1 cup here and there. ? do you ever eat things that taste good and arent nutrient dense, or atleast did you used to before you found this side of life.
mass rookiee said:
what, ground beef for breakfast I did that awhile ago it worked for as gains but is there any kind of sausage sold in supermarket in frezzer isle that is good to buy can you recommend a brand...

I'm not up on sausage brands. Just look at the ingredients and don't get it if it has what I mentioned. See if the meat counter has fresh sausages.

mass rookiee said:
...I read your links ok eat more cholesterol and body slows its down chol production eat less cholesterol and body produces more. whatever that means my doctor wants me to lower it because Im young 25 so I should listen to him.

If you say so, but eating egg whites won't do much. Cardio will have a much larder impact.

mass rookiee said:
and the ratios I read it too reducing carbs or increasing by how you feel same with fat. but cant you tell me where I should be at % wise. your the diet guru cant you just tell me and I will follow it.

No, I can't. I explained this in my link. Figure it out for yourself because no one else can.

mass rookiee said:
what do you think about stove top stuffing, would you eat it, not nutrient dense I know but wont it put weight on 1 cup here and there. ? do you ever eat things that taste good and arent nutrient dense, or atleast did you used to before you found this side of life.

I wouldn't eat stove-top stuffing. You're worried about eating egg yolks because of your cholesterol but you want to eat stuff like stove top stuffing that will impact your blood numbers much more?

I try to eat as best as I can, but sometimes you end up either starving or eating not-so-good food.
here is my lipid panel, 7/13/04 now it was taken 2 months after a test/eq/dbol cycle, and I tried a fast food only diet for 1 week 2months before this test , saw that movie (supersize me) independent film stupid I know.

in range out of range refference range

triglycerides 207 high <150mg/dl
cholesterol, total 242 high <200mg/dl
hdl chol 34 low > = 40mg/dl
ldl chol 167 high <130mg/dl
chol/hdlc ratio 7.1 high < 5.0 (CALC)

now what ever was in my system when taking AS might reflect on ths test I know it takes 3 months for everything in the blood to clear out not talking about AS but other factors, so maybe next test will be better. oh and glucose 102 high <65-99mg/dl my gues would be from the high carb intake and the carb fuel I used to drink made my twinlab. in the morning and at dinner and after I lift would take 50grms. how should you cycle something like or carb fuel ?
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dude im eating egg whites for protein and 0 cholesterol, my chol is high you said in another thread its not bad till it hits 350, I would never let it get that high. not eating stuffing I asked you if you would ever eat it.
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mass rookiee said:
dude im eating egg whites for protein and 0 cholesterol, my chol is high you said in another thread its not bad till it hits 350, I would never let it get that high. not eating stuffing I asked you if you would ever eat it damm why are you so stern and then nice then stern etc. etc.

Look, eating whole eggs is fine. 240 cholesterol is NOT high. Only in the world where they sell Lipitor is 240 high. They keep lowering the "high" level all the time. First it was 220, then 200, then 180. Lowering your cholesterol in and of itself does nothing. In fact, it could be a sign that your body is being stressed since cholesterol is a repair mechanism. Eat the whole eggs and the whole fat cheese.

If you want to improve your numbers, quit eating junk food, sugar, and taking AAS! Just eat a natural, whole foods diet and'll be fine.
so if I use carb fuel and mix it with just creatine mono after training how much of each (g) should I do natural. and how much when on AS ? and how do you know if you are a non-responder to creatine and have to take creatine with a transporter ? my triglcer are gonna go up with this stuff too right ? how do high triglcer hurt you in what way, and what about my glucose if it keeps going up will I become a diabetic ? its already at 102 and should be between 65-99 acording to the lab. just to let ya know Im drinking almost 2 gallons of water a day now since monday.
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mass rookiee said:
so if I use carb fuel and mix it with just creatine mono after training how much of each (g) should I do natural. and how much when on AS ? and how do you know if you are a non-responder to creatine and have to take creatine with a transporter ? my triglcer are gonna go up with this stuff too right ? how do high triglcer hurt you in what way, and what about my glucose if it keeps going up will I become a diabetic ? its already at 102 and should be between 65-99 acording to the lab. just to let ya know Im drinking almost 2 gallons of water a day now since monday.

The amount of carbs, protein, and creatine is all given in the diet planning link.

Have you taken creatine before? Did you respond to it?

It's possible that your triglycerides MIGHT go up, but it's much less likely since you're taking this in immediately after training.

Triglycerides don't really hurt you so much as they're an indicator of a problem.

If you keep your sugar intake to ONLY after training, your blood glucose levels shouldn't get much worse. Really, you should be under 80 for blood glucose. You can improve that when you lean up after bulking.

Just keep the carbs on the lower GI for your diet, and you can take in some simple carbs during and after training if you want.
is it better to just follow diet for a month to just bulk and then train to turn bulk into muscle or should I just keep lifting while bulking.
mass rookiee said:
is it better to just follow diet for a month to just bulk and then train to turn bulk into muscle or should I just keep lifting while bulking.

What?? Are you asking if you should lift while on a bulking cycle?

Maybe you should find another hobby.
Im training and always trained while on bulking cycle and right now Im not on a cycle just bulking natural, was curious if you could power eat for a month with a clean diet and then go back to training didnt have an intention of doing it, just knew someone who stopped training for a month and just ate then had 6lbs more mass to work with while training, and dont tell me to find another hobby.
mass rookiee said:
Im training and always trained while on bulking cycle and right now Im not on a cycle just bulking natural, was curious if you could power eat for a month with a clean diet and then go back to training didnt have an intention of doing it, just knew someone who stopped training for a month and just ate then had 6lbs more mass to work with while training, and dont tell me to find another hobby.

That person was dumb and probably added at least 5 lbs of fat. You need a stimulous to gain muscle. Sitting around on your butt and just eating is not one of them. If that were true, there would be a lot of people with a lot of muscle.

Lift while you bulk. A program like I gave you on the training forum should be good for you for 4-6 weeks.
I don't know why but your pM doesn't work - sorry.

Don't look at your diet as bulking or cutting. All you should be worried about is sticking with a consistent diet and slowly gaining the weight. Don't go and try and put on huge amounts of weight.

Consistency is the key. just keep listening to frosty.
frost how long do you stay on calories before bumping up another 250-500cals ? 2weeks then go up another 250-500 for 2 weeks then up again ?
mass rookiee said:
frost how long do you stay on calories before bumping up another 250-500cals ? 2weeks then go up another 250-500 for 2 weeks then up again ?

I'd bump it up 250 calories per week at least. That should be safe. You could go for 500 if you need to increase a lot.
frost do you know a good brand of chicken pot pie that doesnt have nitrites or nitrates or preservatives and can get anywhere. thats pretty healthy meal maybe even throw a bowl of rice in with it. right?
mass rookiee said:
frost do you know a good brand of chicken pot pie that doesnt have nitrites or nitrates or preservatives and can get anywhere. thats pretty healthy meal maybe even throw a bowl of rice in with it. right?

I am not aware of such a thing.