My Experince with IGF-1 DES

PaiN iiS pLeasuRE

Test Subject
Whats going on fellas...

So this thread is for the people out there thinking of experimenting with IGF-1 DES and my thoughts on the product.

First off id like to state that ive run numerous test cycles and when it came time to come off always shrunk back down a bit with some loss of strength.

A fellow member told me that IGF-1 DES was great for pct as well as nolvas and clomid so i hit up Osta-Gain and ordered up 3 vials of the DES.

Long story short a month ago i came off cycle at 195 and began dosing igf at 100mcg 50/50 in each muscle about 15 mins before my workouts. Id have a shake 30 mins before gym time containing 10g Creatine Glycerol Phosphate 5g L-Arginine 10g Glutamine 5.55g of Jack3d and 10g of Bcaas as well as a protein shake.

I must say i had my doubts but the pumps and swole feeling i got during my workouts from the IGF-DES were priceless. My chest gets swole as hell veins coming out of it through my shoulders, when i shoot in my biceps by time im done doing arms i cant answer my phone like a normal person lool...when i shoot in my traps by time im done my head doesnt turn very far they swell upp nice and i must say it feels great. Same when i shoot in my lats the stuff really makes a difference!!!

I see a lot of people saying they cant credit igf1 to any size or strength gains....i was 195 a month ago and im 205 solid now and havent lost a pound while being off my test which is unheard of for me....i always stack supps post cycle and still loose my gains as well as some strength...

i recently bumped the dose up to 100mcg each muscle starting today...went in my pecs i didnt consult with anyone before doing so but o man what a fckn pump i had today...315 on incline barbell was not a problem to throw up 7 times and i wasnt fatigued at all after 4 sets jumped to incline dumbell and made it up to 120 dumbells 8X.

So since ive been off cycle ive put on more weight more strength never fatigued and i can say that IGF-1 DES gets the credit for this im sure the shakes help too but like i said ive done shakes post cycle every other time and didnt get these results IGF is the only new thing i added this time around and the proof is in the pudding....

Osta-Gain IGF-1 DES is some damn good stuff and if your on the fence as far as weather or not to give it a shot....GO FOR IT i highly doubt you will be disappointed it will be a part of my supps from here on out.
Thanks for the post bro..

I researched DES 100 mcg/day a month ago..I loved the pumps and vascularity and the leaning effect i got from it..For my next DES cycle, I'm planning to go as high as 200 mcg/day.

I think a high dose DES/PEG MGF combo would provide excellent results.
Good post. It seems like everyone who take DES loves it! I too am taking it and suggest it to anyone with enough balls to put an insulin pin in them twice a day. Which for me is no big deal they're tiny!
Thanks for sharing man. Another DES fan here. Incorporated it into PCT for an Epi Strong cycle I ran at the end of last year and didn't lose an ounce of weight (or any strength for that matter). DES is a great first peptide for people wanting to give them a shot IMO because one of the benefits is almost immediate (the PUMP!), which facilitates continued use. I'll not only be incorporating (and LR3 this time) into the PCT for my current cycle, but also during cycle as well, and can't wait!
as far as pinning twice a day i dont mind at all i use 28g .5 inch and its completely painless, biceps have a little pinch but no big being off cycle and not shooting test n e more always sucks so the DES shots still kind of give me that edge mentally yanno...

and DA Hurt im well aware of your cycle looll that log is flawless with detail and im looking forward to what you have to say about the mixture of IGF DES and also anxious to see how that GHRP-6 works for your appetite increase...
and DA Hurt im well aware of your cycle looll that log is flawless with detail and im looking forward to what you have to say about the mixture of IGF DES and also anxious to see how that GHRP-6 works for your appetite increase...

appreciate it bro! Mod GRF came in yesterday, and hopefully the GHRP6 will be here tomorrow, then I'll start them.
The only thing I don't like is the damn insulin pins always leave a mark on my biceps. It goes away before the next week but it bugs the piss out of me having a little dot there. I'm nervous someone might notice it.
Very nice results. I have used igf lr3 and DES pretty much non stop for the past two years. Well I took 3-4 week breaks between each cycle.

I have been trying to tell people that entire time that igf should be part of every post cycle therapy (pct). Yes you get pumps, maybe strength, which really helps mentally when in post cycle therapy (pct). Pinning something while in pct helps mentally as well. Sounds stupid but its important. So many guys get depressed or just lose the excitement knowing they are coming off an instantly start slacking in the gym because they are thinking they no longer have that supplement that made the grow.

Also igf helps to shuttle nutrients similar to insulin, But much safer although not as effective, and during pct, you need all the help you can get. Prior to this you had increased protien synth, and now you don't have that luxury so add a shake with the igf and load up on the nutrients needed.

Osta gain has great products and American made peptides so potency should be very good. Take advantage of what's availiable to us.
Great to hear you got some good results, PiP. Just a quick one - I'm planning on running IGF-1 LR3 very soon but I've got no idea what to mix the powder with. I've heard all sorts of combinations. I take it you can't just ad Bac water? Any assistance would be most appreciated.
Great to hear you got some good results, PiP. Just a quick one - I'm planning on running IGF-1 LR3 very soon but I've got no idea what to mix the powder with. I've heard all sorts of combinations. I take it you can't just ad Bac water? Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Generally you use either acetic acid or BAC water. The peptide is more stable in aa over a longer period of time because of the pH, but depending on your dosage and the amt of time it will take to work through 1mg, you can use BAC water (some say the aa stings but I think it's negligible).
I had missed this post!

Awesome results from DES! everyone who tries the des from Osta and GWP loves it. I think the guys who complain about it are buying from the wrong companies. I'm a big fan of DES as you already know :)

Now that you used it and had great results off cycle try adding it in with a cycle next time!
What are the advantages of DES over L3? There seems to be a pretty significant price difference at times.
What are the advantages of DES over L3? There seems to be a pretty significant price difference at times.

DES has a very short half-life compared to LR3, thus has more localized effects than LR3 which has a longer term systemic effect.

Because of it's amino acid sequence, DES cannot be modulated by IGF binding proteins, so you have more IGF binding to receptors in the area where you injected. Also, DES can bind receptors that have had their structure altered by reduced pH due to lactic acid.
thanks DA!! So clearly spot inject DES. LR3 does not to be spot injected into worked muscle groups then? Is that what I'm undestanding?
Slin and DES are at the top of my list for things I would like to try in the near future have heard nothing but good things about them
Slin and DES are at the top of my list for things I would like to try in the near future have heard nothing but good things about them

Hey D, do you plan to compete in bodybuilding and work toward obtaining a pro card?
I would like to compete but for now I just need to work on my physique as it isn't the greatest, I'm a small guy as you can tell in the picture I have in my profile 5'10 190lbs a lot of it has to do with the life style I have been living since I was in my early teens, was hard to put on weight and train proper with what I was doing, things are going a lot better though I'm young only 21 and I'm finally on track again so maybe in the future
Unless you truly are committed to progressing in the sport as a competitor and you require every edge you can get, I would avoid slin otherwise.

Yes it works and goes nicely with HGH but it is a high risk move IMO