My First Cycle log

upper body at home
chest dips Bw-8,+20-8,+30-8,8,8,8
Supinated bar row 85-8,105-8,8,8
chins bw-10,6,4
tri dips BW+15-10,10,10
front raise 15-15, 20-10
side raise 10-15,15-7
hammer curls 40-10

lower body home
squats bar-5,115-5,185-5, 250-5,5,5
DL 185-8,250-6,305-8
LP 450-16,15
bar shrug 205-10,12

upper body home
dips BW-8,+40-8,8,8,8
rows 115-8,8,8
tri dip +25-10,10,10
chins bw-11,+10-4,3
front raise 20-15,25-7,20-7,20-14
side raise 15-10
ham curl 40-14

school lower body
swuat bar-5,135-5,205-5,260-5,5,5
DL 185-8,265-5,315-8
LP 400-21,16
bar shrug 205-13,13 better ROM

upper body school(today)
dips BW-8,+50-8,8,8,8
rows 125-8,8,8
tri dips +30-10,10,10
chins BW-8,5,4 not good
front raise 25-12,8,20-6
side raise 15-15,14
ham curl 45-8

still waitng on gear, z said he reshipped so hopefully it shows up soon
lower body
squats bar-5,145-5,215-5,270-5,5,5
DL 195-8,265-5,325-8
LP 200-25,20
bar shrugs 215-11,11

upper body(today) decided to switch from dips to benchs to see how shoulder liked it
bench bar-8,115-8,155-8,8,8,8
supinated bar row 130-8,8,8
close grip bench 120-8,125-8,8
chins BW-11,8,6
front raise 25-15,11
side raise 20-11,11
hammer curl 45-10

still waiting on gear
lower body today
squats bar-5,155-5,225-5,275-4,5,4 fuck missed two reps, form was a little weak too, will do better next time
DL 185-8,265-5,335-8
LP 410-21,17 better rom
bar shrugs 225-11,12

conditioning box jumps, abs sprints, stairs
still no gear, what the fuck. source says he reshipped on 3/26, i ordered 2/2, today is 4/10, did he stiff me?

upper body
bench bar-8,120-8,160-8,8,8,8
bar row 138-8,8,8
chins Bw-12,9,6
close grip bench 130-8,8,8
front raise 30-7,25-10
side raise 20-13,13
hammer curl 45-11

squat bar-5,155-5,225-5,275-5,5,5
DL 185-8,275-5,345-6
LP 420-22,17
shrugs 235-12,12
jumps, abs, 60lb farmer walks

bench bar-8,125-8,165-8,8,8,8
row 140-8,8,8
chins BW-12,8,6
close bench 135-8,8,8
sit db shoulder press(light b/c bad shoulders)10-15,15,15-12
hammer curl 45-12

squat bar-5,160-5,225-5,280-5,5,5
DL 185-8,275-5,345-1,225-12 decided to stop heavy deads 2x per week and have one heavy and 1 light day for deads
LP 450-16,17
shrugs 245-11,11
box jumps abs,65lb farmer walks

bench bar-8,130-8,170-8,8,8,8
bar row 145-8,8,8
pullups bw-9,9,8
close bench 140-8,8,8
sit db shoulder press 15-15,15
side raise 15-15,10
hammer curl 45-13
Still fuckin waiting, think I am going ot have to do 300 mg's per week now incase my doctor randomly decides to test, cause then theres only a 10 day wiat before my levels are back to normal.

squat bar-5,165-5,230-5,285-5,5,5
DL 185-8,275-5,345-8
LP 430-18,17
shrugs 250-11,12

bench bar-8,135-8,175-8,8,8,8
row 150-8,8,8
pullups BW+5-9,8,8
close bench 145-8,8,7
seated db shoulder press 20-15,15
side raise 15-17,13
hammer curls 45-14

squat bar-5,170-5,235-5,290-5,5,5
DL 185-8275-5,225-15
LP 430-22,20
shrug 255-12,12
box jumps, abs

bench bar-8,135-8,180-8,8,8,7
bar row 155-8,8,8
pullups bw+10-9,8,8
close bench 145-8,8,8
db shoulder press 25-9,20-12
seated db curl 35-10
That would have been smart, I had already ordered cypionate though. So the gear showed up today 4/20 how ironic, so first inject today 150 mgs, went fine of course. ill keep you updated
Bro finally!!!!! so gear on hand and ready to start..have a nice cycle

I know man right, but it got here. Like the 300 mg idea? That way if dr decides he wants to test, only takes 10 days to get back to baseline vs like 3 weeks at 500 mg
squat bar-5,175-5,240-5,295-5,4,3 lost my concentration, will hit this next time
DL 185-8,275-5,355-6 too big of a jump will hit next time
LP 440-23,20
shrug 260-12,12
farmer walks 75s, abs, box jumps

upper body(today 1 day after first pin)
bench bar-8,135-8,180-8,8,8,8
bar row 160-8,8,8
pullups BW+15-9,7,8
close grip bench 150-8,8,8
DB shoulder press 25-12,20-14
ya, when i run another cycle, ill time it better so i can do 500mg/ week. I had this one setup great but then source took 2.5 months to get it to me.

did second inject today 150 mg in left quad, felt good.

only thing im worried about, my left pec/nipple feels weird, and has a little pea lump in it after the second day. does that mean i had gyno as a kid? im taking .5mg anastrole eod since start.
Good luck-I am watching because I am contemplating a similar cycle. Hope you're not having gyno problems.
decided to up to 400mg/wk. was under the impression half life of test cyp was 12 days, found out its actually somewhere 6-8 days, so the time to reach normal isnt too bad. did 3rd pin yesterday 250mg in right quad, then from now on will do 200 per. feeling good, gyno scare was in my head i think, nips feel normal now Aromatase inhibitor (AI) .5 eod.

squat bar-5,175-5,240-5,295-5,5,5
DL 185-8,275-5,235-15
LP 450-22,16
shrug 265-12,13

bench bar-8,135-8, 185-8,8,8,7
bar row 165-8,8,6
pullups BW+20-8.5,6,5.5
close bench 155-8,8,7
db shoulder press 25-15,15
sit db curl 40-10

squat bar-5,180-5,245-5,300-5,3,3
DL 185-8,275-5,355-8
LP 450-23,20
shrug 275-12,12

bench bar-8,140-8,190-8,8,8,6
bar row 165-8,8,8
pullups bw+20-9,6,6
close bench( hand were closer together, ROM better) 95-8,105-8,115-8,135-8
shoulder press 30-8,25-12
sit db curl 40-13

weight 3 days before cycle =198.5
weight 4 days into cycle =202
squat bar-5,180-5,245-5,300-5,5,5 PR
DL 185-8,275-5,245-15
LP 460-22,20
shrug 280-10,11

so guys i decided to weigh myself today b/c i will be going home for summer and will have a diff scale. weight =208 thats 9.5lbs in 9 days, is that too much? I have been eating like crazy, super hungry and going hardcore. Can i eat too much on cycle? i eat very clean, wheat bread, oatmeal, eggs, turkey, ham, chicken, veggies, PB, lots of fruit, cottage cheese, etc