My next run! Starke Tren A and Test E

sorry i havent been on in a while brothers. im sitting at a good ass 225 right now and i just got back on friday from my trip to Massachusetts...i had a 3 day break while i was up there and i came back and destroyed all of my legs today since i missed hams earlier this week.

Leg Ext: 70x12, 100x12, 140x12, 170x10, 170x10

Lying Leg Curls: 50x12, 70x12, 90x12,110 x10, 110x10

Squats: 225x12, 275x10, 315x10, 315x10, 225x12

Stiffdeads: 5 sets w/ 135x10-12

Hacks: 2Px12, 3Px12, 3P+25x12, 4P+25x10, 3Px15

Seated Leg Curls: 60x12, 80x12, 100x12, 120x10, 80x12

Leg Ext (fst-7): 100x10-12

Stiff Deads (fst-7): 135x10-12

it was a long and crazy workout but it felt great after a few days off. i havent had any time off in over 3 years so yea!
i killed back today brothers. im 8 weeks in and i feel untouchable!!!

Hammer Rows: 2Px12, 3Px12,4Px12, 5Px8, 3Px15

Seated Rows: 100x12, 140x12, 180x12, 200x10, 220x10

Pullovers: 80x12, 100x12, 120x10, 120x10, 140x8

Deads: 225x12, 315x12, 425x8

Hammer Pulldowns (fst-7): 70x10-12

Im hoping i really put up some numbers this week. Man I feel so good I cant even explain it and i have 6 weeks left!!
i killed back today brothers. Im 8 weeks in and i feel untouchable!!!

hammer rows: 2px12, 3px12,4px12, 5px8, 3px15

seated rows: 100x12, 140x12, 180x12, 200x10, 220x10

pullovers: 80x12, 100x12, 120x10, 120x10, 140x8

deads: 225x12, 315x12, 425x8

hammer pulldowns (fst-7): 70x10-12

im hoping i really put up some numbers this week. Man i feel so good i cant even explain it and i have 6 weeks left!!

very nice!!
great week for me!! literally went heavier than ever on every body part this week. my weight is still at 220 and ive been doing cardio 7 times a week for 20 minute sessions. I dont think I will be able to prep for the branch warren because i dont have a coach and school is really in the way. the cardio has been very tough for some reason and just walking around is very hard for me. I dont have night sweats too bad anymore and my body heals up nicely! gotta love starke
sorry brother about not being on too much anymore...all i do is eat, work, eat, train, eat, sleep, then repeat. everything has been amazing!! my weight is up to 245 but that didnt happen until after i got off of the tren. i stopped the tren after week 11 because i could take it anymore. honestly i dont think tren is for me. i love training very intense and then doing cardio after my workout and my intensity really suffered while on tren.
i felt like my heart was going to explode with the tren...and that was only at 300mg a week!! i loved the results im not gonna lie...i just hated the sides. i keep getting stronger and stronger its a shame this is my last week on...thursday is my last shot and i will start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after that with nolva@40/40/20/20 and i will see how that goes...i might have to throw in clomid.
i think next go around im gonna use test and deca because tren made me feel like total garbage! i want to thank you guys for helping me with everything and being there to give me a swift kick in the ass when I need it...especially my boys hurt and bullseye!!
I will show yall the back workout that went down today!! high volume with around the 6-12 rep range.

Hammer Strength Row: (each side): 2Px15, 3Px12, 4Px12, 5Px12, 3Px12

Seated V-Bar Row: 140x12, 180x12, 200x10, 240x8, 260x6

Rope Pullovers: 60x12, 80x12, 90x12, 120x10, 80x12

Deads: 225x12, 315x10, 405x8, 495x5, 515x2

Pulldowns (behind the neck w/ fst-7): 120x10-12

I finished with 40 minutes on the stairmaster and it felt great minus the tren lol