My next run! Starke Tren A and Test E

well atleast im not the only one with oily freaking skin! My back workout was balls to the wall! I trained hard and heavy. I was a little tired at first because I dropped my carbs down today just because I didnt want to be full all day. Here is how it went!

Hammer Strength Iso Lat. PD: 60x12,80x12,100x10,110x8,120x8

Hammer Strength Row: 2Px12,3Px10,4Px8,3Px10,3Px12

Rope Extension: 60x12,80x12,90x12,100x10,115x8

V Bar Row: 100x12, 140x12,180x10,220x8,220x8

Deadlifts (fst-7 style): 135x12,225x12,315x10,405x6,315x8,225x10,225x12

Doing deads made my back so pumped it was insane! I took my preworkout with 3 aspirin so that with the pumps from the dbol made it damn near impossible to keep going! But I made it through and then finished with 20 minutes on the stairmaster! Each step I took was agonizing due to the quad workout I had on Saturday... if hot ass girls werent around me I probably wouldve cried on those stairs lol

Hey bro what is these fst-7 style deadlifts? I use fst-7's but haven't on deads. What is your rest periods in between sets?
I tried limiting time between sets for a real fst-7 style but after the 405 i had to wait for my back pump to go down!! After the 405 I couldnt bend over to pick up the weight so I had to wait more like a minute and a half to two minutes for each set after the 405!
This was only my second time doing deads in over a year so I was pretty happy getting the weight I did!... time to grow!
You ever try Melotonan for a natural sleep aid?? I take it 30 min before I want to go to bed, and I pass right out, they also have slow release to help keep you asleep. Idk if it has any negatives while on cycle, but I've been using it for 6 months now, no problems!
hurt you have no idea!! lol my back, biceps, traps, glutes, all hurt! deads work your whole freaking body!

playa i used to take that a while back but i totally forgot about it! i will have to go snag some from the store!
well guy I trained chest and calves today! I got a good 8 hours of sleep last night (what a shock!) and got a nice 4 hour nap before the workout today. I really focused more on getting the most out of both the concentric and eccentric contraction rather than the weight today. Here is how it went..

Decline BB Press: 135x15,225x12,245x10,275x8,135x25

Incline DB Press: 55x15,75x12,85x12,95x8
supersetted w/ incline flyes: 30x12

Cable Cross: 50x12, 60x12, 80x10, 95x10, 30x30

Hammer Strength Wide Chest (fst-7): 2Px10-12

Standing Calve Raises: 150x12, 230x12, 270x10, 290x10

Seated Calves Raises: 2Px20, 3Px15, 4Px12

I finished with 20 minutes on the stationary bike and I feel like Im looking bigger and leaner everyday! Love me some tren!
your dbol is starke too right?! man that stuff is way better than what i was expecting!! ive used other ug dbol before and all of them were misses.

yeah it is, I was a little skeptical about them. But already holding a lot of water and those back pumps....damn. Starke so far gets two thumbs up.
Alright brothers I trained arms today and blasted the hell out of them! Last night I literally didnt get any sleep..i was up every hour on the hour and was sweating so bad it was like i had just gotten out of the shower. However, I did get in some pretty good naps in today so the lack of sleep last night didnt affect my workout at all. I really just tried to stick in the 10-12 range for arms today and bis and tris were supersetted today.

Ez Bar Curls (21s): 5 sets
w/ straight bar PD: 60x12,70x12,90x12,110x12,130x10

Rope PD:40x12,50x12,60x12,80x10,90x10
w/ Preacher Curls: 50x15,70x12,90x12,110x8,70x15

Ez Bar Preachers (90 degree): 60x12,70x12,80x10,80x10,70x12
w/ overhead DB ext: 30x10-12 (5 sets)

V Bar Overhead Ext (fst-7): 100x10-12
w/ ez bar curls (fst-7): 85x10-12

Finished with the same 20 minutes on the stairmaster. Sitting here typing me arms are already cramping up and i cant even stretch these things out!! The weight is still sitting at 225 but I am only in week 3 so I still have 11 weeks left. Im just taking it one day at a time and getting stronger by the day! Thanks for all of you guys that give me motivation to better myself.
I destroyed the hell out of my hams and calves today! Felt strong throughout the entire workout and finished with 20 minutes on the stairmaster. Nothing to write home about on my weight. I am just freaking stuck at 225 and dont know if I should bump my carbs up or eating like a horse. Its getting harder and harder to get some decent sleep at night but im making it through. The workout went like this...

Seated Leg Curls: 50x20,70x15,90x15,110x12,130x8

Lying Leg Curls: 50x12,70x12,90x10,110x10,110x10

Single Leg Curls: 70x8,60x8,50x10,40x12,30x15

Stiff Deads (fst-7): 135x10-12

Seated Calve Raises( 5 sets with each set having 3 different foot positions): 1P+25x10(feet out) x10(feet straight) x10 (feet in)
havent logged in a few day.. ive been so tired brothers and ive been training so hard i cant wait to get in bed. today i destroyed quads and finished with 20 minutes on the eliptical. the workout was pretty amazing.

Leg Ext: 50x20,90x20,130x20,220x10,110x20

Leg Press: 3Px20,4Px20,5Px15,8Px10,5Px15,4Px15,3px15

Squats (close stance): 135x20,225x12,315x10,225x15,135x20

Leg Press Machine: 150x20, 210x15, 270x12, 290x12

Leg Ext (fst-7): 110x10-12

Im so tired brothers im going to go take a nap real quick then go get another meal in.
Just a quick update guys. The weight is still stuck at 225 and its driving me nuts! The taurine really helped with the back pumps but deads still killed me today! I trained back and it was pretty intense today.

PD: 100x15,120x12,140x12,160x10,180x10

Pullovers: 60x12,80x12,100x10,110x10,120x10

Seated Machine Rows (w/ pulldown bar): 100x12,140x12,160x10,200x10,220x8

Hammer Strength Rows: 2Px12,3Px12,4Px10,3Px12,3Px12

Deads (fst-7):135x12, 225x12,315x12, 405x8, 315x10, 315x10, 225x12

I still did my 20 minutes on the stairmaster after my workout but I backed off of the intensity quite a bit just because I could barely walk. What methods would you guys take in getting your weight up?? I dont want to start adding in cheat meals yet