My Osta Gain SARMS Journal


Senior Member
I recently received my Osta-Gain SARMS. I received one OSTARINE (OSTA-GAIN MAX 30mg/ml 30ml) and one GW-501516(10mg/ml 30ml). These come in a sealed glass bottle with a dropper. The products look very good. Shipping was very fast. It's really not possible to receive faster than I did. We all appreciate a fast turn around. Packaging is discrete and you don't have to worry about your research products making it to you safely, they know what they are doing and take the time to package products safely. I mention this because I have received peptides and research chems that were basically thrown into a box and some were broken when I received from other companies.

Now down to the business. This will be standard research using mice.


I'm still trying to decide on dosing for both of these. I have a very experienced research mouse (Juanito) who should tolerate this very well. I'm looking at two dosing options.

1. 25mg/day for 36 days
2. 30mg day for 30days.

Juanito will be adding this to his current test/primo (tren ace is currently being used but will likely be dropped and npp may be added)protocol and looking to add lean mass. Juanito has a lot of experience and the addition of osatarine will be new to him.

Juanito was chosen because of his extensive experience with AAS and recorded results, so the addition of ostarine should produce observable results. Juanito has been used for years, testing AAS in combinations, so we know what to expect from the AAS.

At a later time, osta-gain will be added to this mouse during pct as well to look at, as a possible bridge, and evaluate any hpta suppression, but from my research there should be very little to none. (Doses may be different at that time).

The next SARM will be GW501516.

I'm currently looking into two options.
1. Adding this to Juanitos program
2. Testing separate at a later date.

Juanito recently got out of his cage and into a few vials of tren. His diet consisted of fatty meats, pizza, and other high fat foods. HDL was low and LDL on the rise. So I'm thinking this would be a good time to add this and see what type of effects it has on increasing HDL and reducing bf. Training will likely remain high intensity, heavy weight, low volume. There is already plenty of research on this SARM and endurance which is great but we may look at continuing with his current training and record the effects. Right now I'm looking at 5mg a day.

This will be an ongoing journal as I am currently figuring out dosing and length of time for each. I am open to suggestions or ideas. These will be added to a current AAS program the mice had already started on but will most likely be researched again without the AAS program to see if there is any synergy and to record the effects of each without.
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Looking forward to Juanito's feedback!!

You have him lifting weights and boxing?

I'll be following this research. I'm looking forward to research these SARMs, so your research will be a guide to me. I wonder if GW501516 is as effective as advertised and also if Ostagain supresses HTPA and can be used safely in PCT.

Good luck to Juanito!!!
Lol. ZEEK we may take him out of the ring during this experiment but that's only if we can get his boxing gloves away from him. He has a bit of a temper right now.
Thank you OM. I'm hoping this will be a learning experience for myself and everyone else and thank you for this opportunity. Osta has been a pleasure to deal with. And I plan to get these started very soon. Ostarine has been something I recommend to guys that have research animals who weren't ready to cycle yet, and each of them has been very happy with their results so I'm thinking it's effective as a standalone but also a good addition to a lean mass cycle.
Unfortunately Juanito was unable to get in the gym tonight(leg day). His little mouse was sick so we allowed him to stay home instead of training but will pick up tomorrow.

As of today calories are going to be at 4500/day for the next week to see how he responds. If I begin to notice an increase in bf I will back it down a little but should be fine with heavy training.

Tonight I will give Juanito his first 25mg dose of osta. This won't happen until around 10-10:30pm. After the initial dose, dosing will take place in the morning from now on.

So nothing much to report as of today, first dose of osta tonight 4500 cals, and working on the GW protocol.
12-5 Juanito took his first dose of osta at 25mg. Nothing to report.

12-6 Juanito will take a dose of 25mg Osta. Training today will be Chest and possibly tri's.

Calories will remain at 4500. I will update later in the day after training.
12-5 Juanito took his first dose of osta at 25mg. Nothing to report.

12-6 Juanito will take a dose of 25mg Osta. Training today will be Chest and possibly tri's.

Calories will remain at 4500. I will update later in the day after training.

Update: Today was second dose of osta. Nothing noticed at this point. Juanito trained chest/Tri's today. Strength was good. Juanitos AAS program is hitting pretty good right now and can't wait to see what the osta adds. I will work the GW in soon. Juanito was a little tired at the end but I forgot to give him all his meals so playing catch up now and we were in a hurry so less time between sets so assuming this may have caused him to burn out fast today.
Excellent and highly detailed log! I really enjoy following them when they are set up like this.

Thank you User!
Day 3, third dose of 25mg osta. This stuff has a funny taste and is very warm when it hits juanitos tounge. He likes to wait just a couple seconds before swallowing it but he's looking for lean mass not great taste.

Trained back and bi's tonight. I want Juanito to be on a different schedule of Sunday(legs), Monday(chest/Tri's), wed(Back/bi's) Friday(shoulders) but it hasn't been working out so we will fit in all of his days when we can for now. Training went well tonight. In and out in about 45 minutes. Cals are a little high today (closer to 5K) but energy is up. Juanito did have a slight headache about an hour after his osta dose but this could be dehydration or a number of things but it was gone by the time he hit the gym.

Pull up - 3 sets
Rack pulls- 2 warm up 3 working
Tbar- 3 set
Cable rows- 2 sets

BB curls - 3x10
Preacher - 2 sets to failure

Strength is good, no changes in appearance and no overall changes at this point. I'm guessing based on others experience that Juanito will start seeing the effects after the first week. While it would be best to test osta on it's own, I'm confident we will observe it's effects in combination with juanitos current anabolic program and hopefully see some synergistic effect. I don't like to make comparisons but we are looking at this as an alternative to an oral like anavar but this is just what I hope.

Also want to add, Juanito had a ridiculous pump right from the start. Preachers to failure had skin stretched tight and felt like it was ready to tear.
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Great log user! This should be like a template for people to put their journal together. Good luck bro.
Thank you hard2gain. Hopefully it won't be to boring. Lol.

12-8 25mg osta, plus anabolics. No training today because I had to send Juanito to work so he will hit it hard tomorrow. So far no changes from the start but Juanito is feeling great, a bit sore in chest and tri's, appetite is good and it's getting tough to limit cals to 4500.
User, what do you expect from Osta while you're on anabolics? I mean, is it really necessary to run them together? Won't it be better to run Osta without anabolics -as a bridge between cycles perhaps- to fully benefit from it?
User, what do you expect from Osta while you're on anabolics? I mean, is it really necessary to run them together? Won't it be better to run Osta without anabolics -as a bridge between cycles perhaps- to fully benefit from it?

This is explained in my first post as well as others. Necessary no, but what is? Primo and ostarine are the only things new to this program, but based on the research behind it, it's not much different then adding any anabolic/non androgenic. If you are looking for specifics on osta standalone this won't be the log for it but we are looking to eliminate heavy androgens from Juanitos future cycles and replace those with other less harmful options.

The goal is simple, lean mass gains using low amounts of androgens. It's no different then adding Anavar (var), or mast, or any other thing to a cycle.

Yes it would be best to test this on it's own to specifically record the effects, as noted in the first post I'm also planning to possibly use osta again in Juanitos pct, but even then it's not a true record of it's effects because hormone levels will be fluctuating, hpta is in the process of restarting, and serms will effect all of this.

There are plenty of logs of guys using ostarine as a standalone, but that's not what I'm doing at this time. I'm looking for a synergy to Juanitos cycle, which he has ran many times.