Preface: Yes, I know this will be an unpopular thread on this forum. Many members have had great experiences with Pinn's gear, and, in addition, Pinn is a major sponsor on this board. Never the less, I feel that this forum should remain unbiased and impartial. I have nothing to gain or lose from praising Pinnacle, or otherwise.
This is just my personal experience with their gear; I'm not discounting anyone else's experiences, nor am I bashing Pinnacle. i'm sure they have or had good gear. I personally, however, would not recommend their NPP.
After a disappointing venture with Geneza's test cyp, I decided to try Pinnacle. Since joining, I've been very active on this forum, and Pinnacle's name is never shed in a negative light, so I gave it a go. After 2.5 weeks on their test prop, and really not experiencing any effects characteristic of prop dosed @ 150mg EOD, I decided to add in the NPP, also dosed at 150mg EOD. After 14 days, I've experienced no effects characteristic of nandralone, and I mean nothing. I'm gaining weight, but only the amount I was gaining natty on my bulk (4,000 cals/day...about 1/2 pound a week). My strength has not increased, nor have my pumps, vascularity, lubrication of joints, no impressive recovery.
I waited 14 days to make the thread because it's about 3 half lives which is when I should be in full swing.
Personally I will not be returning to Pinnacle, and I don't recommend any Pinn customers order their NPP. If something changes in my cycle, and something changes, I'll make another thread and amend this one.
Let the flaming begin...