My Puffy nipples. Is it BF or Gyno?


New member
Age:21 - 5'11ft - 195.8 lbs

Been training off and on for many years but 5 months hard out now.

Currently on a test e and deca cycle. (4th week)

Ive had puffy nipples for a few years now because i had put on fat. I don't know if i still have alot of BF causing it to still be puffy or if its gyno or if i need surgery?

(got a singlet tan, had the roof down the other day.)
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It looks like gyno to me from the pic but I wouldn't bet my house on it. Are you currently on a a cycle? is there any itchiness or are they sore at all if you are?
Theres no lump, no pain and no itchiness.

i use to be able to pinch my nipples and they will go hard. Ive notice now that they dont go hard anymore lol.

yes im on a test e and deca cycle. currently on my 4th week
As long as thye don't itch or hurt any possible gyno won't be getting worse. The more I look at it the more it does indeed appear to be more a fatty deposit.
Yo bro just pick up some nolvadex and take it throughout your might cut back on your gains a bit but its better than having bitch tits...bro cycles need to be thought out fully and everything purchased BEFORE you start a cycle especially if youve known you might be succeptable to gyno ..Better planning next go round brother..Not being a dick just giving ya a heads up..
i have my nova and clomid.. it was just the arimidex i never had. i have it now and ive started taking half a tablet aday (.5mg)
No offense but you do not look 195lbs

I'm the same height and at 195lbs I'm a lot bigger. Even when I'm holding fat
jmeals has the best answer - look into research chems to get the nolva fast. You might also get a blood test and check your estrodiol. I dont think you have a wierd shape chest - nice taper imo, you just need more mass and do incline db bench.