My summer cycle cutting log with Pics

any tips on gettin thickness onto the chest.

You have to have your diet in check, you must eat, take your supps in order to grow..

Grab a pair of dumbells that you feel challaged high on the weight, and do incline dumbell presses, focus on negatives and contracting your chest. Then do dumbell flys, low reps, high on the weight, that should do the trick


Came back home from vacation, decided to rest. Thankfully the resort had a professional gym, so I took advantage of it.

Tuesday back to the gym full force.

AM cardio (30 min)

Felt good to be back at the gym after 3 days off.

Chest / calves SET/ REP / LBS

DumBell Bench Press: 4/ 25 / 100
Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes: 4/ 25 / 60
TricepsDips 4/ 10 /w/ weights
Dummbell tricep ext 1/60-80 / 60
Calf raises body weight 300 reps[/B]

Supps: 1 scoop N2KTS pre-workout
2 caps of gear pre-workout
3 caps of N2SlIN
6 scoops of Whey to Build Muscle protein
i like your watch :)


awesome pics, brah. wut's your routine for calves? just pure bodyweight? never use machines?

Thanks Brother !

It's a manly watch

Brother I'm gonna tell you a story, when I first started long time ago I had an upper body, but my lower body was lacking, my calves were stubborn, heavy weights machine reps did not cut it for me, so I saw one day a ballerina se had huge calves, and I had to stop her to ask her what her trick was, and she told me steroids !! J/k Lol !

She told me use your body weight & do reps 300-400 reps, So I started doing that religiously, I started with 100 & went up on the reps, everyday... and that's the story of my calves.
you just blew my funny head off. thanks :)

lol, no problem my man.

(Cardio 30 min )

Leg ext 4/20/200
hamstring 3/50/70
inner/outer thigh cablepull 4/20/20

Supps: 1 scoop N2KTS pre-workout
2 caps of gear pre-workout
3 caps of N2SlIN
6 scoops of Whey to Build Muscle protein ed

Weeks 1-10 Primo 400 mgs
Weeks 8-13 EQ 400 mgs
Weeks 8-13 Tren Ace 100 mgs every 3rd day.
Weeks 8-13 Masterone 100 mg every 3rd day.
Weeks 1-15 Test Deconate 500 mgs
Weeks 8-15 Anavar 50 mgs ED
Weeks 8-15 Clen 40 mgs ED
Weeks 8-14 T-3 50 mg ED
lol, no problem my man.

(Cardio 30 min )

Leg ext 4/20/200
hamstring 3/50/70
inner/outer thigh cablepull 4/20/20

Supps: 1 scoop N2KTS pre-workout
2 caps of gear pre-workout
3 caps of N2SlIN
6 scoops of Whey to Build Muscle protein ed

Weeks 1-10 Primo 400 mgs
Weeks 8-13 EQ 400 mgs
Weeks 8-13 Tren Ace 100 mgs every 3rd day.
Weeks 8-13 Masterone 100 mg every 3rd day.
Weeks 1-15 Test Deconate 500 mgs
Weeks 8-15 Anavar 50 mgs ED
Weeks 8-15 Clen 40 mgs ED
Weeks 8-14 T-3 50 mg ED

Looking good bro! Should be a fun ride, look forward to your results!
you bet jimbo I'm looking foward to progress,


AM Cardio (30 min)
Back /wings & Bicep

Pull Ups, Chin Ups, 3/5-7/w/weights
Lat Pulldowns reverse grip for bicep work out 4/ 25 / 140
seated rows 1/40/80

Seated Military Press dumbells
1 /60/50
Lateral Raises front & side dumbells
1 /40/40
Shrugs 2/ 50 /90

Supps: 1 scoop N2KTS pre-workout
2 caps of gear pre-workout
3 caps of N2SlIN
6 scoops of Whey to Build Muscle protein ed,
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AM cardio (30 min)

Chest / calves SET/ REP / LBS

DumBell Bench Press: 2/ 25 / 100
Flat Bench Dumbell Flyes: 4/ 25 / 60
TricepsDips 4/ 10 /w/ weights
Dummbell tricep ext 1/50 / 60
Calf raises body weight 300 reps[/b]

I'm getting Amazing results with these compounds the pump after working out is Amazing, lasting for hours,.

Supps: 1 scoop N2KTS pre-workout
2 caps of gear pre-workout
3 caps of N2SlIN
6 scoops of Whey to Build Muscle protein ed,
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Do you do your calf raises on a step or somewhere that allows a full range of motion or just on the floor?
I took the day off & spent some time with my Father, did some mechanical work for my pa's car changed radiator easy stuff, Definitely N2KTS had me sweating like a mofo, that and the high 90's degree weather here in Miami, I think I sweated more than when I do 30 of

Tomorrow back to Killing it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took the day off & spent some time with my Father, did some mechanical work for my pa's car changed radiator easy stuff, Definitely N2KTS had me sweating like a mofo, that and the high 90's degree weather here in Miami, I think I sweated more than when I do 30 of

Tomorrow back to Killing it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You kill it noob, you kill it:)
thxs jimbo I try my best, you're only going to live once, at least thats what they say,lol

AM Cardio (30 min)
Back /wings & Bicep
Pull Ups, Chin Ups, 3/7/w/weights of 45 lb
Lat Pulldowns reverse grip for bicep work out 4/ 25 / 140
seated rows 1/60/100

Seated Military Press dumbells
1 /60/50
Lateral Raises front & side dumbells
1 /40/40
Shrugs 2/ 50 /90

great work out today felt Awesome, T3 is working big time I'm eating a whole lot more than usual and Im loosing fat no matter what, I recommed T3 to anyone,. I'm looking like Stallone but bigger,lol..