Isn't that A SHIT TON too much CJC-1295??!! That stuff will cause the steady all day bleed that is actually made to last more like 3-5days! I use THAT shit EOD bro! LOL
Well, as far as I have researched & asked around with experienced users, jusk like yourself this is what they have recommend it, and it has worked well for me.
Well I am finalizing this log, I have really nejoyed making this log & posting it here.
I can say I have had great gains with this cycle.
Bodyfat has definitely dropped & haved gained about 15 lbs of mass.
primo was awesome, I had a good steady mass gain... I have maintained those gains very well.
anavar did get me a bit bloated for the first week, but afterwards hard look on muscles & a fuller look.
Masterone is the master as well as tren, although I have gained weight it has kept my bodyfat low.
T3 & Clen helped me in lowering bodyfat for sure, I didn't really get any neg sides from clen, just massive sweating.
Overall, I'm very happy with this cycle adn the gains I've made.