My test E/deca/dbol progress


New member
So I tried to find my thread on my Pinnacle labs progress but its nowhere to be found. So anyways I'm on my 6th wk @ 600/wk test e, deca 400/wk, dbol was just finished. Started at 224 and now im 231. No loss of strength since coming off of the dbol I actually feel better since coming off but it was def potent shit. Running letro at .25 2x wk as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I seem to be very sensitive to dbol this time around so Im thinking from now on itll either be var or tbol for future cycles. Heres a pic....
Has your strength gone through the roof? I get strong as a damn ox on dbol but the sides are too much for me.

Bring those traps up They look like they're lagging. On a big dude like you swollen traps really stand out. I do high reps (15-25) for about 10 sets.
Has your strength gone through the roof? I get strong as a damn ox on dbol but the sides are too much for me.

Bring those traps up They look like they're lagging. On a big dude like you swollen traps really stand out. I do high reps (15-25) for about 10 sets.

Yea bro strength was insane with those lil bastards but I noticed my nips became really sensitive even with 25mg arom ED so I switched to a low dose of letro 2x a wk and it went away. Dbol is the only compound that I've tried to do this to me. I'm trying your trap routine. I like to do supersets with traps the past wk or so when i noticed they werent growing like i wanted them to. Had a broken collar bone that really messed me up for awhile but with high weight high weights and supersets im sure they will grow quite nicely now.
Yea a colar bone break will def keep you from getting big traps for a while lol. Mine use to lack bad and I would start with the 100's and do super sets of 20 all the way down the rack till I got to like 40.

I'll be following this so I wunna see them traps poppin by the end of this cycle! lol Good luck bro!
Bro any updates???

I've noticed that my strength is still climbing as of yesterday with my chest. I'm focused on doing reverse grips now and squeezing at the top for a full pump but its not as intense as when I was on the dbol. But I thinks its all in the head right now. My workout partner ditched me yesterday because of a cold or some shit so I was on the smith machine just to make sure I could spot myself. But I did noticed with flat bench dumbells my strength went up even though I did those as my last exercise as a failure.Warmed up wiith 80's and it seemed really light so i jumped to 100's 8x then 110 5x and went for 120 but barely got 3. I was really trying to hit the cable flys but some douchebag kid broke it.

Smith machine flat bench reverse grips
Incline bench
205x12/10 225x8
Db pullovers
DB flat bench
80x12(couldve been more) 100x8/110x5/120x3

Straight-bar pull-downs/Rope pull-downs
Close grip bench
I remember when i took dbol weighted 203 and was pressing 295 5x clean no spot, shits amazing. keep up the good work man.
Dude ur power is coming along nice! Those numbers on the DB is awesome!

I didnt know if I was gonna be able to get those 120's up but when I did it was amazing. A rather bigger old head was there doing 120's as well and dude had like 30/40 pounds over me and after I got them up, I stood up and he looked over at me and just said "Diet?", all I could do is say yes and laugh and walk away.

Looking good Brah!! Keep eating a ton.

Bro, I'm eating every 2hrs right now and it's boosted my metabolism through the roof, and some other things. Im taking a low dose of ghrp-6/mod-grf right now too so thats def a plus
As of today I can feel the compounds in full force. There was a time when I struggled benching 315, and today I pushed 315 4x. Most of you know the lab im running right now and these guys have the shit spot on. Ill be dead honest when I say in 9wks my strength has never blasted through the roof like this on any cycle I've done with test/deca. Blood work is next wk. Keep you all posted