
I am enjoying N2Amp pretty good. The best efficient way I use it personally is to use it in conjustion with a good preworkout like N2KTS. I lust use a half dose of N2Amp and then one scoop of N2KTS and then get ready for some huge pumps andgreat energy!

You get 40 servings out of the N2Amp that way and at one scoop your N2KTS will last 45 workouts too ;)

Helluva idea!!
It's like my routine now. When I get off nights, I pop 9.. I know I can get to the gym, have a great workout, then stay up all day w/ my kids! No time lost! I love it!!
Sweet bro...I have gone up to 6 at one workout, but yeah 9 is hell yeah! That is great that it keeps you going for your kids, really says something about its quality and effectiveness!
Ive never went higher than 6 caps of N2amp, but I always combine it with a scoop of N2KTS. Never used it solo yet...:flame: