2.1. Absorption and bioavailability
After oral administration, TUDCA appears to be more effective in raising bile concentrations of UDCA (and downstream effects, such as reducing liver enzyme levels) than UDCA itself; this is most likely due to the Taurine group enhancing bioavailability.[3] [4] The process of conjugating UDCA with taurine is a rate-limiting step, and this rate-limit is avoided with supplementation of TUDCA.[5]
2.2. Distribution
Orally administered TUDCA, at 750mg daily, was able to significantly change the UDCA content of serum, fecal, and urinary bile measurements after 2 months of supplementation; suggesting systemic distribution
Preliminary, but TUDCA appears to be able to protect cells from dysfunction associated with hyperglycemia and may reduce the effects of insulin resistance before they happen (beta-cells) and even therapeutically with the potency of some diabetic pharmaceuticals (in regards to the liver and skeletal muscle)
Might alleviate alcohol's adverse effects on the liver, but appears to be needed to be taken after drinking and may be damaging if taken before