Natural strength vs juice strength.....


New member
I was just wondering if and how much of your natural strength you may retain after comming off the juice.
A good post cycle therapy (pct) will obviously help, but worst case senerio - If I was benching 300+ lbs naturally and went up to 400 with steroids how much of this strength can i expect to keep. I am progressing well in the strength department and am wondering if it will kill my strength if I was to crash or not respond well to post cycle therapy (pct).
Man strenght loss is dependant on quite a few factors but you shouldnt dramatically lose strenght, also depends on the steroid, losing 15 pounds of waterweight from drol doesnt do anything good for your strenght but with some other steroids theres less water retention so you lose less strenght.
you doubt anyone would actually get weaker than before they cycled... for ex: if you benched 300, and got to 350, you should still be able to stay above 300, pobly end up somewhere around 335 or something... but lets say worse case scenerio, i still don't think you would go under 300, because you could lift that before doing a cycle...
I think a fucked up post cycle therapy (pct) and a hard crash could really knock you off and put you way under what you could bench before the cycle though but under normal circumstances you should be able to retain a lot of the strenght.
Makaveli_786 said:
I think a fucked up post cycle therapy (pct) and a hard crash could really knock you off and put you way under what you could bench before the cycle though but under normal circumstances you should be able to retain a lot of the strenght.
i agree:)
clubbench9999 said:
I was just wondering if and how much of your natural strength you may retain after comming off the juice.
A good post cycle therapy (pct) will obviously help, but worst case senerio - If I was benching 300+ lbs naturally and went up to 400 with steroids how much of this strength can i expect to keep. I am progressing well in the strength department and am wondering if it will kill my strength if I was to crash or not respond well to post cycle therapy (pct).

This is what i did with my last cycle and right now 6wks off i am just as strong as when i was on, for a 12 wk cycle i ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500mg every 5 days from wk 7 to 11 ( total 5000iu). Ran clomid for 20 days along with 10mg of dbol in AM as a supplement ( and i am still on the 10mg dbol) , i didnt feel any sort of crash whatso ever, and balls are back to normal size ( they only got a bit smaller)

now if i go off my dbol bridge i may loss some strength ( i know it) but u can easily keep 90% of the strength gains off cycle... also i think u can keep the strength gains easier if u stay on longer since ur body gets used to the weight
LOL cos you lose a ton of weight(water weight) on A-bombs so strenght really does give a dip but man strenght really does blow up on the A-bombs too.
i don't know, but I would think there is a huge mental impact on most people.

Your mind can make you do things you never thought you could .. ever heard of dudes lifting dumptrucks off little girls. A lot is adrenalin and a lot is mental. Crazy example I know.
thanks you guys have been a great deal of help. I was going on but started to realize good size and fast strength. I may wait until I hit a plataue. My bench routine looks a little like this:
135x23, 185x15, 205x11, 225x10, 280x10, 300x7.
Felling strong and expect alot mor increase in strength to come. first two sets ar warm-ups.
tabascojoe said:
i don't know, but I would think there is a huge mental impact on most people.

Your mind can make you do things you never thought you could .. ever heard of dudes lifting dumptrucks off little girls. A lot is adrenalin and a lot is mental. Crazy example I know.

Yeah I totally agree.. like the shy people who take a couple of grams of GHB and theyr runnin around butt naked in the club gettin numbers left right and centre and knockin the bouncers on theyr asses... I would take GHB but im a cocky bastard as it is I might blow a gasket or something.
clubbench9999 said:
thanks you guys have been a great deal of help. I was going on but started to realize good size and fast strength. I may wait until I hit a plataue. My bench routine looks a little like this:
135x23, 185x15, 205x11, 225x10, 280x10, 300x7.
Felling strong and expect alot mor increase in strength to come. first two sets ar warm-ups.
seems like you'd be worn out if you worked every different excersise like this. 6 sets and all those reps would be a pretty dumg work-out for me personally.