NCAA drug testing program, how effective is it?


Here's a link to the NCAA drug testing program:

I'm looking for feedback on the effectiveness of the program. Are college football players able use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and beat the test?

With the amount of money to be made by going pro after college, it seems the motive to use juice would be quite high.

The NCAA gives a 48 hour notice before administering the test. It seems that using Test Suspension would allow the high level of Testosterone to clear the system before the drug test is administered. Obviously the test would show a very low Testosterone level once the Test Sup. clears the system. Would this be a "red flag"?
It's completely randomized by a computer, date, players, everything. The notification time is actually up to 48 hours, but usually about 24 hours when the trainers get the email. And the trainers usually don't tell players until about 12 hours before hand (since they usually test around 6AM).

That being said, in an old thread on here, somebody was telling one strategy people used on his team. You'd know by thurs night if you're gonna be tested on friday morning.. rarely (if ever) do they test on the weekends (in my experience at least). So, if they didn't hear anything by thursday night, they would inject suspension that night, fri-sunday, and then allow to clear monday so they would be clean by tuesday morning. This would cause your hormone levels to go crazy but I guess it has some benefits.

Also, there is no way to mask/cheat on this test. You have to pull your pants down to your knees and your shirt up to your chest before you piss, and they watch you while you piss in the cup, from the front. After that, you take your sample out to the table, and they test the sample for pH (incase you try to dip your bleach-coated finger into it), and specific gravity (to see if it's too diluted). After those tests are passed, they put most of it into one cup, and put the rest into a smaller cup. The smaller one will be frozen and kept in a vault (I guess), incase they need it in the future. The larger one will be tested.

Also, once you're there, you can't leave until you provide a large enough sample. If you don't show up for the test it's an automatic positive test.

Most people would just start their cycle right when the semester was over in the spring and quit early enough so they would be clean for a fall test. That is, until they started the summer testing program this past summer.
Oh and the actual test for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is a test/epitest ratio test. If that is way off, they will then put the urine through a full anabolic panel test.
I agree since that was my post on using test suspension. Also the change in Test / Epil from 6 to 4 hurts big time. With 6 to 1 you could get away with a LOT more.
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