Need Some Advice about my cycle cause some ppl made me got afraid from it


New member
i need some advice about my cycle i started it at 26 febrayer 2010 it my second cycle my first cycle was at novamber 2010 used in my first cycle cypionate-deca-primobolan depot

and my new cycle is

from week 1-4 (250 mg at Saturday and 250 mg Tuesday of cidotestone - 250 mg Deca thaiger at Sunday and 250 mg at Wednesday - 75 mg every day from perpionate testorone testolic - 20 mg nolvadex every day- legalon everyday ) (per week )

from week 5-10 ( 250 mg 1 ml at Saturday and 250 mg 1ml at Tuesday of cidotestone - 250 mg 1ml at Sunday and 250 mg 1ml at Wednesday of deca thaiger - 20 mg nolvadex everyday - legalon everyday) (per week )

from week 11-12 (250 mg 1ml at Saturday and 250 mg 1ml at Tuesday of cidotestone - 20 mg nolvadex everyday- legalon everyday)(per week )

from week 13-15 (5000 iu of perganyl per week - 20 mg of nolvadex everyday- legalon everyday)

from week 16-18 (clomid everyday - nolvadex 20 mg per day - legalon)

i measure my weight at Friday was 66 kg and measure it at Monday become 70,5 kg so it as 4,5 kg in 3 days and my high 180 CM i use too much supplements and eating protein& carbohydrate meal every 2-3 hours

it best gain i ever made and hope keep grow until become 85 kg but some of ppl i asked them made me very afraid they told me it too much gear and made me disappointed :( and some told me it good cycle and keep do it so i confused i dont know what i do to keep continue my cycle or off it

my food and supplements cycle this is it (first meal at 7am 125 gram of oats plus on it 3 cuts banana and whey protein 30 gram and milk and glutamine - second meal at 10am 3 boiled potato and bread (not white bread ) and egyptian food call fol - third meal at 12 pm 10 boiled eggs 7 of them only eat from it white part and 3 of them eat the whole egg and boiled potato and bread - at 1:30 pm taking No Xplode and Animal pak - 2pm go to gym - at 4 pm taking 5 gram creatine and 60 gram whey protein - four meal at 5 pm eating 1/4 KG of chicken chest and pasta - five meal at 8 pm eating 180 gram of tuna meat with bread and green salad - six meal at 10 pm eating bread with cheese and milk and some fruits- at 11:30 pm drink 30 gram of whey protein - at 12 am go to bed ) plus drink per day plenty of water maybe 6 liter or 8 liter of water per day

and here is my photos and my video links

and this my video
sorry about my messy :( and but the way great photo on your profile photo hahaha hope any soon can helping me
Yeah I'm not sure what's going on here list the compounds and length of time

Test 1-12
Deca 1-12
Dbol 1-4

Just make this easier to understand please
Test cidotestone (enthanate) from week 1-12 500mg per week (250 mg at saturday and 250mg at tuesday )

deca from week 1-10 500mg per week (250mg at sunday and 250mg at wednesday)

test perpionate testolic from week 1-4 (75 mg everyday day )

Nolvadex from week 1-18 (20mg every day )

legalon from week 1-18 (every day )

Perganyl from week 13-14 (5000 iu per week)

clomid from week 16-18 (every day )

i was at Saturday 66 kg and today Tuesday iam 71 kg so 5 kg gain in 4 days i hope it good result so far
most of my weight on my upper body i was no workout my legs just started workout it from 2 weeks ago here is my upper body photos and sorry about my bad English i am from Egypt and i learned my English from chat to people on net

and here is my photos and my video links

and this my video
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haha and i know my legs look funny on my upper part :p i hope it make my body weight jump too fast when workout it
Yes my friend your legs need some work. You seem to have a solid muscle base. I believe the test will work fine and you couldsave deca for later. How many cycles have you done?
I love the pictures man, thats fuckin great. I'm not gay.

I would be eating the shit out of some hummos over there man, you are lean as hell.

Very nice work on the english, most impressive.

You must score lots of egyptian pussy with those abs!!!!:dance2:

I agree with above on cycle, I would just use some good ol testosterone at this point. Get all fuckin pumped up!!
Yea lord your ripped as fuck. I'd say go balls to the wall and mass up and eat twice what u r and add some deca. Your very very lean and now it's time to add the mass. Good shit so far man.
thanks soo much all :) for this push it helped me to go gym and lift more weight i think it time for get bulking :) then rest after this cycle from steroid for 3 monthes then make other cycle equapoise and cidotestone then resting 3 monthes from steroid and do cut cycle and try to competition small compete
thanks soo much all :) for this push it helped me to go gym and lift more weight i think it time for get bulking :) then rest after this cycle from steroid for 3 monthes then make other cycle equapoise and cidotestone then resting 3 monthes from steroid and do cut cycle and try to competition small compete

Nice, your lean as hell. You eat everything in sight with that base to work off of and that test and deca will blow you up big time.