new cycle for 2017 log tren ace test p

Well about a week into it when that tren smacks ya, you'll have an update for us:-). Hold on!!
Lol well you're timing was pretty good i definitely felt some sides today all afternoon i was walking around with the shits at work lol and my breathing seems shallower like my chest is tight all day mmmm nothing too bad though
Any of you guys have trouble when drinking milk whey shakes im fine but ive been trying to drink milk today and yesterday just for some slow release protein extra cals ect and ive been feeling like shit energy is down my stomach is all over the place and when i take a shit it feels like my ass is on fire wtf is going on ????
You sound sick, maybe. IDK bro. I can relate with the shortness of breath tho, that sounds like tren for sure. It will feel like your running a marathon on squat day. Couple times thought I was gonna hyperventilate, lol.
Shortness of breath is definitely something that is a side of Tren, but it's usually something I notice during my workout, and not throughout the day. High BP is also worth watching right now. When I go over 350, the cardio sides of Tren multiply significantly.
Shortness of breath is definitely something that is a side of Tren, but it's usually something I notice during my workout, and not throughout the day. High BP is also worth watching right now. When I go over 350, the cardio sides of Tren multiply significantly.

This is a good point^^
I always feel lazy and tired on tren pretty sure it suppresses thyroid. Some people use stims to get through the day i was a coffee guy but lately slowed down on the caffeine
I always feel lazy and tired on tren pretty sure it suppresses thyroid. Some people use stims to get through the day i was a coffee guy but lately slowed down on the caffeine

Good for u bro. I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that one day i reckon. Pot a day here:-)
Righto well to re cap my work is pretty physical lifting steel all day lol plenty of high rep low weight work walking around alot so it is sort of like a work out i can definitely feel my breathing getting shorter and my temper even threw a few tools around this morning not my finest moment not raging but not in a good mood eight
Didn't drink any milk today felt fine so ill cut the milk out all together didn't get a workout in last night spent an hour on the toilet and went to bed hit about 5000 cals today so not a bad effort there

Definitely seeing a little change looking harder and filled out a little and strength isn't too bad not the strongest ive ever been but after taking 2 months off from an injury i don't expect to be back to 100 percent after only a week even if i am on the tren train I'll update workout tomorrow cant wait too see how im feeling after a couple of weeks on this stuff liking it so far
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A few weeks in is best imo. Your system should be fully saturated in the nectar of the gods by then.
Nice im looking forward to it ill leave my dosages at 100eod for another week see how that goes and if everything is cool ill start to up the dosage after that
blakey, did you take a any pics before starting? would be great to see pre cycle and post cycle pics.

Yeah brother i took a few pictures but im not posting them up until after the cycle so i can put em all together start mid end sort of thing
Well guys feeling great loving the tren this far
Hit the iron tonight and felt like an absolute beast all of my lifts are nearly at max weight after a week back on after 2 months off hit a bit of back i love hitting back its always been one of my strong suits
All lifts were a standard 8 reps 5 sets ill start swapping it up over the next few weeks with super sets pyramid sets ect but for now ill just stick with tried and true 8x5
Started out
Bent over rows
Military press standing easy curl bar
Haney shrugs
And just did some preacher curls at the end just for the fun of it
The only thing thats annoying me is my elbow is a bit sore feels like im dried out sort of if it continues to trouble me ill start popping some d bol lube up those joints some other than that beautiful now i no why 9er and solider love this stuff
Thanks brother but maybe i spoke too soon haha damm trensomnia has got me 20 past 1 in the morning and im wide awake and have to get up at 5 to start work
Thanks brother but maybe i spoke too soon haha damm trensomnia has got me 20 past 1 in the morning and im wide awake and have to get up at 5 to start work

iv read somewhere, maybe its wrong info since iv never tried tren but maybe it will be of some use to you, if you have a steady sleeping cycle before you started tren and add a little bit of melatonin (3-5mg) it actually helps with the insomnia. some guys have reported that they end up falling asleep after 30-45 mins of taking melatonin but like i said just something i read last year when i was planning to do a tren cycle and i will try it when i do start lol.
3-5 hours(not in a row) of sleep a nite is standard for me on a tren run. Ahh, who needs sleep anyways?! Rest is enough to let muscles grow. ::-)