new cycle for 2017 log tren ace test p

Thanks brother but maybe i spoke too soon haha damm trensomnia has got me 20 past 1 in the morning and im wide awake and have to get up at 5 to start work

Oh ya tgis will be the testing time this is where alot of guys get moody on edge snappy. Nothing worse than not getting enough sleep and having to function in life. Thats why i think alot of us act like jerks besides it changing your personality lack of sleep is a bitch
ao u think takin prami before bed minimizes its other sides that a lot of people b*tch about?

I used to take prami 1 hr before bed and i would always wake up at least 3 times/night, switched to taking it in the morning and sleep like a baby now. Just my experience with it.
I used to take prami 1 hr before bed and i would always wake up at least 3 times/night, switched to taking it in the morning and sleep like a baby now. Just my experience with it.

I'll have to try this next ride, but my not sleeping was two fold. Not just being wide awake but waking up from a deep sleep drenched in sweat!
I'll have to try this next ride, but my not sleeping was two fold. Not just being wide awake but waking up from a deep sleep drenched in sweat!

I heard that it's best to take it 1 hr before bed to avoid negative side effects, so i did that and chalked it up to waking up a couple times a night is better than feeling like shit and having negative side effects. Well after 2 months of that i decided to give it a try in the a.m. and i have never had a single negative side effect of any kind. Thanks dylan gemili you smelly skinny bitch
Yeah true guys we'll truth be told i haven't ran any da yet the caber is still sitting in the cupboard just reading all the negative shit about them put me off so if any prolactin issues arise ill take it but until then ill just keep my e2 under control
With some adex and see how it all goes

And i work for myself so the boss wont be shitty if im late lol best thing i ever did . Other than that my appetite is way up no problem smashing down 5 to 6 thou cals a day even if i thow a few double cheeseburgers and shakes in to make it up still eating clean as well i like a mix of shit and good food haha

Next week ill be upping the tren not sure by how much but this is going to be a long cycle so slow and steady wins the race in this case i think dont want to go too high too soon anyway just got home had something to eat ill update tonight after my workout
iv read somewhere, maybe its wrong info since iv never tried tren but maybe it will be of some use to you, if you have a steady sleeping cycle before you started tren and add a little bit of melatonin (3-5mg) it actually helps with the insomnia. some guys have reported that they end up falling asleep after 30-45 mins of taking melatonin but like i said just something i read last year when i was planning to do a tren cycle and i will try it when i do start lol.
Thanks brother worth looking into when i was running sarmsearch mk 677 not longago i was having the best sleep ive ever had i got another bottle for this cycle but my brother kept hounding me for it so i gave it to him to try lol should of kept that shit for myself dammm
Had an excellent arm session tonight just at home this tren has got me feeling good and the drive in the gym is amazing just punished arms for an hour 45 nearly all lifts are at my old max from before i re hurt my shoulder added in some pyramid and super sets tonight just to start bringing the guns back to were they were so reps and weight were a bit all over the shop but not bad for my second week back to it
Over head dumbells press
Curls easy curl bar standing
Close grip bench
Preacher curls
Standing reverse dumbell tricep curl
Over head tricep extension easy curl bar
Clean and press kettle bells
And thats her i love the feeling free weights gives your muscles but ill be back to the gym next week get onto some cable machines ect

I love tren
Blakey out
Righto after knocking the tren up by half i definitely felt it the next day (today ) and it felt better ill keep it at this dosage for a little while and see how that goes
Hit chest last night bit of bench and some other stuff nothing out of the usual ill start posting weight and reps next week
Just getting all lifts back to old maxs nearly there
And couldn't really be fucked working 10 hour days 12 if you count the hour it takes to get there and home again then working out for an hour or 2 is taking it out of me especially with 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night
Hopefully my body gets used to the tren and i can start sleeping a bit better other than that and feeling like a beast oh and my temper being a bit shorter no other sides just yet
Going to bang out some shoulders now
Righto there was only 200 mg left in the first tren ace vial so just injected that instead of the 150 :-) with 100mg of test

Diet was fairly shitty today work was hectic put in a 14 hr day
So only worked out for an hour and didn't really feel like lifting
Heavy so did 12 reps 6 sets moderate weight and just concentrated on the squeeze and form and got a massive pump arms of course shock the muscle

Blasting 70s rock out of the shed at 11 at night like a solider
Anyways going to grab something to eat and a whey shake then off to bed night fellas
Lol. Well just be careful bro n dont forget that compound deserves much respect. One thing about tren is that it's sexual sides can creep up on ya. At first I'm a 18 year old again then all the sudden tren dick!! That was my first run with it. I was adjusting the dose then too. And I wasn't taking a DA then either.
Its good to hear so far so good tho!
Lol. Well just be careful bro n dont forget that compound deserves much respect. One thing about tren is that it's sexual sides can creep up on ya. At first I'm a 18 year old again then all the sudden tren dick!! That was my first run with it. I was adjusting the dose then too. And I wasn't taking a DA then either.
Its good to hear so far so good tho!
Haha ive got a 5 year old running around brother so the sex is limited anyway but the old fella is going strong so far lol i could definitely feel that i had taken more tren today i wouldn't call it angry or roid rage more like when i was quitting smoking just a bit on edge lol but still feel great ill just stick with 150 eod then bump it up to 200 in a few weeks and add the d bol thanks for checking in brother
The thing about tren B is that it is a great nutrient partitioner. This means that more of the food you eat, the nutrients in it will be used by your body. It doesn't take much tren for for this to happen either. With tren, less is more brother. Go easy on the compound. Lift hard. You will make what u have last longer and your liver will thank u later;-) Are you taking any TUDCA or other liver support btw??
So less tren, eat right and more. Just want you to get the most out of this cycle brother.
Funny you say that brother i actually sat down tonight and tried to re sort my diet out as i was probably eating less calories than i thought i was so from tomorrow that should be sorted out if there's anything thats lacking it would be diet training i think ive got down ok there's always room for improvement but i have a decent idea of whats going down there

As for liver support ive been taking nac a few times a week ed would be better but it tastes like shit lol but i should make an effort to have more

And to be to be honest i think my tren may be a wee bit underdosed its just hard to tell because i haven't ran it before
But when i had the 200 mg the next day i was just thinking to myself damm so this is what tren feels like i could definitely feel it doing its thing then so i dont know maybe im expecting to much too soon everyone builds tren up so maybe i just have a good tolerance i dont know no sides other than a little increase in aggression and harder to get to sleep no cough sweats ect but after having the 200 i did really feel like a beast by the next afternoon so if i have to run it at that dose i dont mind grabbing a few extra vials im in a good place money wise and ive never minded spending my hard earned on gear lol