New Pics ( Jan 6)

Looking good. You've got enough mass that you'll look really awesome when you cut down. Get ready and hit the beaches this summer :D
currentl running 600mg/week andro t300
been on for 7 months, i know i know, people give me shit all the time on here for such along cycle
adding in npp next week at 450mg/week for a 10 week run then gonna do a very hard PCT and cut down to show more definition lol
current weight is 208 at 5'11 as of right now
currentl running 600mg/week andro t300
been on for 7 months, i know i know, people give me shit all the time on here for such along cycle
adding in npp next week at 450mg/week for a 10 week run then gonna do a very hard PCT and cut down to show more definition lol
current weight is 208 at 5'11 as of right now

After you do proper pct and wait a few months you gotta use the Tri-Tren for summer get you shredded!!!
Looks good, I suggest to work on your traps and get some width on the arms.

Good progress though!

i agree 4ever bulking
what are some good routines to add some width to the arms

my arm routine looks like this


Incline dumbell curls
incline hammer curls
Preacher curls
concentrated curls as well


Rope pulldowns
flat bench close grip bench press
skull crushers
dumbell skull crushers
One of the weakest bod parts of my body is my bi's for lifting lol
as for other parts i lift pretty heavy, for instance
Squats 545 for 6-8 reps
shrugs 315 12 reps, 405 for 8 reps, 500 for 4-6 reps
bench press 315 for 8 reps

now when i curl i switched up my routine a month ago and really been concentrating on form then heavy weight
for instance i curl 30 pound dumbells ( lol) i know i know low weight, and try to really feel a burn
as for the preacher curls or bb curls i use a narrow grip as well and the e curl bar so maybe by switch to a wide grip stance will that hit the outter width of the bicep?
i found i can lift heavy for preacher curls, or normal barbell curls using 2 arms but when it comes to using db's i find my bi's are weak, probs the weakest link on my body, and for abit i am stuck at 16's for bi's flexed and cant seem to gain anymore size to them, i am hoping adding in some npp will maybe put some inches on my bi's and tri's but who knows, as i also only train my bi's and tri's once a week
my weekly routine looks like this as well

Mon- Chest
Tues- Back
Fri- Bi's and Tri's

any suggestions to how i can get my bi's more inches is much appreciated, i am beginning maybe to think its just a genitic issue lol
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One of the weakest bod parts of my body is my bi's for lifting lol
as for other parts i lift pretty heavy, for instance
Squats 545 for 6-8 reps
shrugs 315 12 reps, 405 for 8 reps, 500 for 4-6 reps
bench press 315 for 8 reps

now when i curl i switched up my routine a month ago and really been concentrating on form then heavy weight
for instance i curl 30 pound dumbells ( lol) i know i know low weight, and try to really feel a burn
as for the preacher curls or bb curls i use a narrow grip as well and the e curl bar so maybe by switch to a wide grip stance will that hit the outter width of the bicep?
i found i can lift heavy for preacher curls, or normal barbell curls using 2 arms but when it comes to using db's i find my bi's are weak, probs the weakest link on my body, and for abit i am stuck at 16's for bi's flexed and cant seem to gain anymore size to them, i am hoping adding in some npp will maybe put some inches on my bi's and tri's but who knows, as i also only train my bi's and tri's once a week
my weekly routine looks like this as well

Mon- Chest
Tues- Back
Fri- Bi's and Tri's

any suggestions to how i can get my bi's more inches is much appreciated, i am beginning maybe to think its just a genitic issue lol

pic's of legs... no way your squat 545lb's 6-8 reps... sorry, i hope you do. and the traps... don't see you able lifting 500lb's off the floor to be able to do 6 reps of shrugs.
i agree 4ever bulking
what are some good routines to add some width to the arms

my arm routine looks like this


Incline dumbell curls
incline hammer curls
Preacher curls
concentrated curls as well


Rope pulldowns
flat bench close grip bench press
skull crushers
dumbell skull crushers
Heavy heavy preacher curls will help ALOT!!

Just go super heavy on everything.
i agree 4ever bulking
what are some good routines to add some width to the arms

my arm routine looks like this


Incline dumbell curls
incline hammer curls
Preacher curls
concentrated curls as well


Rope pulldowns
flat bench close grip bench press
skull crushers
dumbell skull crushers

This is my favorite Arm routine:
1. Weighted Dips (for the tri's, so no elbow flares, tuck the chin as well) - 6 reps x 3-4 sets
2. Weighted Chin ups - 6 reps x 3 sets.
3. Incline Skullcrushers & Crossbody Hammer Curls Super set - 8-10 reos x 3-4 sets.
4. Burn Set: Rope Pulldowns & E-Z Bar Cable Curls Super Set - 40 reps x 1 set
*I'll throw a 10 second pose in on the last set of each exercise and occasionally add negatives.

Anything done with a hammer style grip will build girth in the bi's, anything that allows you to load the triceps super heavy (dips, narrow grip bench, narrow grip decline bench, french press, etc.) will always produce the best size in triceps. Also, anything using a thicker bar (e.g. an axle) will destroy your forearms.

Hope this helps mate...treat arms the same as other muscles...fuck isolation and use big heavy compound movements. Cheers.
pic's of legs... no way your squat 545lb's 6-8 reps... sorry, i hope you do. and the traps... don't see you able lifting 500lb's off the floor to be able to do 6 reps of shrugs.

I bar shrug 455x6 and just rack it on the outside of the power cage so I'm lifting from hip height vs. floor. He's probably doing similar...lots of guys do....I am also interested in seeing this squat video though, that's pretty beastly.