New Pics ( Jan 6)

Preacher curls till your bi,s are burning you cant do another..thatll give you the definiion and peak your looking for brother..your tris are lagging behind also want to hit and work all 3 tri heads ...that will "fill" out and ad size on to your overall arm have good foundation..just need to mold and sculpt what you have now..great dedication my friend..
One of the weakest bod parts of my body is my bi's for lifting lol
as for other parts i lift pretty heavy, for instance
Squats 545 for 6-8 reps
shrugs 315 12 reps, 405 for 8 reps, 500 for 4-6 reps
bench press 315 for 8 reps

now when i curl i switched up my routine a month ago and really been concentrating on form then heavy weight
for instance i curl 30 pound dumbells ( lol) i know i know low weight, and try to really feel a burn
as for the preacher curls or bb curls i use a narrow grip as well and the e curl bar so maybe by switch to a wide grip stance will that hit the outter width of the bicep?
i found i can lift heavy for preacher curls, or normal barbell curls using 2 arms but when it comes to using db's i find my bi's are weak, probs the weakest link on my body, and for abit i am stuck at 16's for bi's flexed and cant seem to gain anymore size to them, i am hoping adding in some npp will maybe put some inches on my bi's and tri's but who knows, as i also only train my bi's and tri's once a week
my weekly routine looks like this as well

Mon- Chest
Tues- Back
Fri- Bi's and Tri's

any suggestions to how i can get my bi's more inches is much appreciated, i am beginning maybe to think its just a genitic issue lol

dont worry about your strength on biceps. the only thing that matters is if you're getting a good workout, no matter if you curl 30lbs 10x or curl 85lbs 10x. If you're lifting to failure on your sets and you're working hard then who cares how much you can curl.

there are plenty of guys out there who can easily out-curl top level pro bodybuilders, but i guaran-damn-teeeee you they dont have nearly as impressive biceps.

one thing you could try that "might" help you with your gains is to do biceps on the same day as back. Some people would say hell no, never...but think of this: On friday you roast your biceps, and they need a good 6-7 days to recover before you hit them again,'re hitting them again only 4 days later on back day. Your bi's are trying to recover from friday and you're overloading them, then they try to recover from your back day on Tues, and you smash them again 3 days later on Friday.

Try eating enough carbs to get you through a tough back and bicep workout on the same day, then give them their full week to recover. Also, measure often...everytime you see a fraction of an inch of growth, it might give you a little more motivation to go harder and harder on them in the gym.
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as far as the post is concerned with squats, i squat heavy on the smith machine and yes 6-8 reps at 545 if that makes a diffy, but the reason i dont do it on the power rack is cause that is an excessive amount of weight with no spotter , but yes i will post a video thurs or friday if people are still interested in seeing that
if not oh well lol
as far as shrugs go, i use the powrr rack as well, i call it powering shrugging use alot of legs when i shrug 500+ pounds but i use the pyramid theor doing shrugs starting at 225 and then going up and then back down
also i can deadlift 500 as well from a post someone stated you;d be lucky to get that off the ground, as far as my legs go i will take some pics as well, just was fooling around last night working on my posing till my gf said wtf are u doing lol
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Pumped to be adding in the npp for 10 weeks as well next week, very stoked to see the results of running 600mg/week andro t300 and npp 450mg/week
very stoked as this is gonna be the first time adding in npp to the mix of things :)
as far as the post is concerned with squats, i squat heavy on the smith machine and yes 6-8 reps at 545 if that makes a diffy, but the reason i dont do it on the power rack is cause that is an excessive amount of weight with no spotter , but yes i will post a video thurs or friday if people are still interested in seeing that
if not oh well lol
as far as shrugs go, i use the powrr rack as well, i call it powering shrugging use alot of legs when i shrug 500+ pounds but i use the pyramid theor doing shrugs starting at 225 and then going up and then back down
also i can deadlift 500 as well from a post someone stated you;d be lucky to get that off the ground, as far as my legs go i will take some pics as well, just was fooling around last night working on my posing till my gf said wtf are u doing lol

I show you mine... not squatting 545 lb's. lol

Not flaming you buddy, just saying I don't see any back/lats to support dead lifting 500lb's either... cmon man.
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Yea I am in for the Vid myself. You kai Greene's Bro?, Not saying it can't be done just finding it hard to believe right now lol.
What's the point in being supposedly "strong" if you still look like shit. I'd rather be 180lbs at 10% bf benching 250 rather than being 280lbs 25% bf benching 500lbs. If I see myself in the mirror and I think I look like shit, I know I won't turn on any girl(not my case). And no I don't squat anywhere near that nor do I care because i dont have an egotistic teenager mentality.
You don't need super heavy weights for legs. I have had my best progress in the 20 rep range. I wouldn't squat on the smith machine personally. Its like a totally different exercise. Just drop the poundage and use free weights for squats. There's no comparison You will grow everywhere.
What's the point in being supposedly "strong" if you still look like shit. I'd rather be 180lbs at 10% bf benching 250 rather than being 280lbs 25% bf benching 500lbs. If I see myself in the mirror and I think I look like shit, I know I won't turn on any girl(not my case). And no I don't squat anywhere near that nor do I care because i dont have an egotistic teenager mentality.
But it feels fing good to hurl around some heavy iron, admit it!