New UniVet mexico


I need help.. Ive been taking Univet mexican-Dbol 10 mg for about 9 days now.. I don't know if what i am taking is ligit. their small dark blue pills with a line across them and they say UV.
not sure bud. I've taken lots of QV stuff in past. But never univet. Also, I've never taken oral mexican gear only injectable. Might be good to take those pics where the camera is upright with a white back ground so you can get a better close up on the actual pill for someone to give there option as well.
I started my first cycle of mexican univet D-BOL on june 22 , it has been allready 11 days and i have not gained a pound.

But i do feel stronger i don't know if its because i started eating right since my cycle and working out intensly?. i am taking
mexican univet D-bol 10 mg. heres pics.
Let me know if you think they are Legit!
That looks exactly like the same mex gear that I have. Except yours is UNI-DBOL, and what I have is UNI-OXAVAR with yellow pills.
GAtor Mckusly so ur a mod on all those sights some how that makes you a god on steroids huh?. and ull never take mex gear, good for you, we all care, cant you tell.
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uni oxavar

Seems like this stuff is around a lot i got a bottle from a trusted source. I had another 2 bottles I did in feb that I did. but since I did it with equipoise sustanon then prop and tren I couldnt tell if it worked. I decided to give it another whirl since I never did it by itself. So I got two new bottles the other day lot #370 exp 5 2012. My buddy got some he just did and said that he gained 12 lbs on it alone and was noticeably leaner than before. My hook up said that he too ran it w Winstrol (winny) and gained 15 lbs solid but got a irreg heart beat and stopped use.

I naturally am very suspect having gotten burned one time with some upjohn crap. And you always are suspicious after you finish stacking all this crap and you feel like one or the other was bunk but you can never really tell. For instance I got some tren I thought was bunk from iberbolics i had used the stuff b4 w great results just this time the whole lot of bottles we got all had these marks as if the tops were removed and new stoppers were put on bc they were noticably harder to pierce through than the other iberbolics stuff and any of the other gear we had.

Sorry to get off tangent. Anyway about the Uni vet last time I took it the tabs were really really thin im ridiculously thin. Now 3 months later I got two new bottles the same univet unioxavar and the tablets ar now different size they are thicker. Now heres my reasoning. If your gonna b making and selling fake steroids why would you go get a new pill machine i mean unless one of two things happen the other one breaks or the cops busted them and this is a new outfit with a different press. all in all I have people using it and it alone and are getting reults I started taking it and I have noticed IM harder but since I had an operation and was out for 3 weeks lost 15 lbs I dont kn0ow if the weight is just coming back or is the anavar the culprit for 8 lbs I have gained in two weeks. all in all I will repost to let you all know how it progresses Im anxious to throw other stuff in but am waiting to feel this out for a few weeks unit i can get some other gear. Hope it donesnt shut me down too much I heard it doesnt though
i was using univet products and got hugh but i was curious why the oils where so thin but since it worked i didnt care. the pills i had i think where fake the bottles posted on here look different then what i hadmine where not see through. i also noticed every time the pills would change colors like one time yellow, then blue, then pink. although i believe it was real stuff i think the masteron was actually test and not masteron because i was holding to much water from it. i lost my univet connection and started tetrix labs from canada right after my show i gained 30 pounds thats normal after a show so i was using 100mg test and 600 mg deka after two weeks i was still very tight no water retention i was tired and had no sex drive went to the dr. got a testosterone test. when i was on qv in 2005 my test levels where 12,000 the average man is 200-800 on tetrix labs i was 94 meaning it was fake. so now i got univet again started it yesterday will use 2 weeks and get blood work again to test my levels thats the only 100% way to tell if you are on real stuff
It is real.How many times are people going to ask about this,getting very old.Try it out its the only way to know.I feel there is still way to much talk about things,dont mess up a good thing.
The uni-dbol worked well for me, the uni-decca hurt like hell but was good stuff.
The uni-enant 250 I firmly believe is garbage as I didnt see much results at all and it tested out at a measly 166 mg /ml : (
to the guys that said the stan hurt, ITS WATER BASED lol most get pain from water based products..

univet is golden...its all i use, im on t400 800mg a week and 300mg extra prop 600mg tren 600mg eq love it, painless, thin

my only issue in the past was the cyp crashed on me once but cyp is annoying to stay in suspension some times..

ive gotten bloodwork also before and after and test levels through the roof.

also guys with abcesses you can get them from pharm gear too, could happen to anyone at anytime.

also remember stan is water based, and water based gear CAN get bacteria if not climate controlled or direct remember it bounces all over and sits in sweltering airports, houses, before it gets to you doesnt mean it came from the maker that way..

im just tired of people making stupid comments and not knowing facts about ALL gear
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Unistan 50

I've seen alot of talk about this and 1 pic of the box, but what should the liquid look like the gear I got is in clear bottle and is white/silverish in color. Is that what UNI VET UNI STAN 50 is suppose to look like?
I've seen alot of talk about this and 1 pic of the box, but what should the liquid look like the gear I got is in clear bottle and is white/silverish in color. Is that what UNI VET UNI STAN 50 is suppose to look like?

ya mines the same color and I'm still trying to find a good cycle for it. i've only found ones that involve Dbol or sus250 and im not a fan of sus, i might add dbol.
Cool, Thats Exactly How Mine Look. I Was Thinking Of Stacking It With Qv Deca 300, But Not Too Sure Yet. Thanks For The Help, Much Appreciated.
anyone tried the uni tren 100?? i heard its painful and you could get crazy abcess from it? is it true? anyone have used it for a cycle yet? i have it at home but havent use it yet..
anyone tried the uni tren 100?? i heard its painful and you could get crazy abcess from it? is it true? anyone have used it for a cycle yet? i have it at home but havent use it yet..

Sorry bro I havent used it.. but if and when you do use it.. keep us posted
i was using univet products and got hugh but i was curious why the oils where so thin but since it worked i didnt care. the pills i had i think where fake the bottles posted on here look different then what i hadmine where not see through. i also noticed every time the pills would change colors like one time yellow, then blue, then pink. although i believe it was real stuff i think the masteron was actually test and not masteron because i was holding to much water from it. i lost my univet connection and started tetrix labs from canada right after my show i gained 30 pounds thats normal after a show so i was using 100mg test and 600 mg deka after two weeks i was still very tight no water retention i was tired and had no sex drive went to the dr. got a testosterone test. when i was on qv in 2005 my test levels where 12,000 the average man is 200-800 on tetrix labs i was 94 meaning it was fake. so now i got univet again started it yesterday will use 2 weeks and get blood work again to test my levels thats the only 100% way to tell if you are on real stuff

What did the bottles look like