New winny thread. let the old one die.

With the little to no pain from this, i'd think you might be able to go higher with the concentration, bring it up to 125 or 150 mg/ml. I dont have any spare Winstrol (winny) powder left right now to test this though. Just curious, what would be the advantages of going with half oil half peg?

cut viscosity. plus some folks dont do well with peg,,,ie ida. maybe cut it with walnut since deadlift said it was almost water like.
Yeah, the whole purpose of my experiment is to find the minimum amount of peg necessary to hold 100mg/ml.

The following percentages are holding very well. It is a little cloudy w/ a very slight amount of grainy particles:


I am sure that taking the p400 to 35% will clear it up completely.

This will make for a final solution w/ 39% oil. If it is painless, or at least no more painfull than usual, I am set.

Interesting to note, p400 works as good if not better than ba and bb. If you figure that I have 1g of Winstrol (winny) in 6ml of solvent, that yields a concentration of 166mg/ml. It seems possible that you could probably go even higher on the concentration with 100% p400.
I haven't upped it to 35%p400 yet, here is a pic at 30%

pullinbig said:
cut viscosity. plus some folks dont do well with peg,,,ie ida. maybe cut it with walnut since deadlift said it was almost water like.

I see. Well, with my 100mg/ml in PEG it was painless to me. I woke up this morning and that bruised feeling i usually get was gone. So i got no additional pain than normal from this. It actually works so well, i am considering filtering the rest of it and making it all injectable. It works well enough orally, and i will already be poking my self several times a week, i'll probably just leave it and use orally. This is a great way to get pain free Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml, granted you arent sensitive to Peg.

next time you got some powder try 150 ny

ida what kinda oil you using? i am wondering if the ba and bb are even necessary? that stuff may hold at 40% peg and oil. i got somewiny powder on the way, be here in the next couple of days. i'l give it a go and see what hapens at this ratio and pain factor 100mg/ml.

i really like mr. t's water version. he didnt say what % of PS80 to use in the sterile water though. i know 1% ba, distilled water and fitering technically makes sterile water just missed the amount of ps80.
yeah, it is very much like T's deal.

you are right, i think I am going to whip up a gram in 40%p400 as well to see how it holds, then I will compare the two for pain.

i have been using safflower oil to date, but i have not added it to my current solution yet. want to make sure it holds in solvents first.
well add the 3.5ml of oil and see what happens. depending on the thickness of you oil this may not be too thick. i'll start on mine tomorrow. i am going 40% peg and oil. if it holds for a few days fire in the hole. gonn apic me up soe distilled water and ps80 too.
pullinbig said:
well add the 3.5ml of oil and see what happens. depending on the thickness of you oil this may not be too thick. i'll start on mine tomorrow. i am going 40% peg and oil. if it holds for a few days fire in the hole. gonn apic me up soe distilled water and ps80 too.
definatly keep me posted on that one PB, making homemade zambon-like Winstrol (winny) would be cool as hell.
DougoeFre5h said:
definatly keep me posted on that one PB, making homemade zambon-like Winstrol (winny) would be cool as hell.

You should try the 100% peg with Winstrol (winny). It worked at 100mg/ml completely painless for me.
Ok, the brew is still holdin, so i will add the oil.

PB- i pulled out my old bottle of Winstrol (winny) from the first peg experiment (50mg/ml) wich had 5%ba. i drew out 3.5ml and added 875mg. It is holding after one day, thick and cloudy, but not crystalized.


ba: .175ml

Plus~ .875ml for powder volume

Total 4.375ml

Winny 1000mg= 228.57mg/ml

This is probably close to the maximum concentration achievable.

c'mon PB, get a higher concentration w/ straight p400!
if get it to hold at 300 you gonna do the first shot? maybe in the head of you pecker. that may be how that guy messed up that bathroom you posted a pic of.:D :eek:

i have tickled myself wit dat one.
Here is a pic after sitting 3 days. you can see the layer seperation btw the peg and oil. Did not crash, so will have to shoot and see how the pain factor is.

gymphreak said: def gonna try to get it to hold at 100mg/ml in solid peg....that should work eh?

Yep it works well, might even be able to get it to hold at 150 or 125. It's painless to inject as well.
