New winny thread. let the old one die.

NYCEE said:
Yep it works well, might even be able to get it to hold at 150 or 125. It's painless to inject as well.


well hell. i got Winstrol (winny) 348mg/ml holdin and the site wont let me post the pic. tech difficuluties.

hopfully it will hold and i can post pic tomorrow

its holding at room temp.
ld50 said:
c'mon PB, lets see your pasty solution:D

still wont let me post a pic. am i doing somethig wrong. i have posted pics here before from my pc.

anyway today its still holding. it is thick but holding. i aint trying a shot though. :eek:

oh i added 4ml of peg400 to 2g Winstrol (winny) powder. heated til it cleard and its ready and holding.

but what this does for us is this:

mr. t's aqueous suspension requires that the Winstrol (winny) be in solution long enough to filter it. we'll we got that. only prob with making small amounts in water is if you filter only 5 ml or so you gonna have some waste and at 350mg/ml that adds up quick. perhaps a 100ml total volume connversion would be more feasable. so 10g Winstrol (winny) powder and 20ml peg will yeild close to 29ml to filter into bac water with ps80. makes more sense and with less % waste.
pullinbig said:
mr. t's aqueous suspension requires that the Winstrol (winny) be in solution long enough to filter it. we'll we got that. only prob with making small amounts in water is if you filter only 5 ml or so you gonna have some waste and at 350mg/ml that adds up quick. perhaps a 100ml total volume connversion would be more feasable. so 10g Winstrol (winny) powder and 20ml peg will yeild close to 29ml to filter into bac water with ps80. makes more sense and with less % waste.
Ill be doing this with 5g real soon, planned on doing it all at once for the same reason.
its still holding. going on 24 hours. look like karo syrup if you guys are old enough to remember that.

also if you want oil without all that peg this will only yield 20% solvent and a little over 70% oil. use grapeseed or walnuut for a thinner home brew.

still wont let me post a pic. anybody else havig probs posting pics?
Yea poeple host thier pics on other servers, then use the
has this been going on a while? is ology hosting the atavars?

i have a host but dont want to post juice pics on there.
pullinbig said:
has this been going on a while? is ology hosting the atavars?

i have a host but dont want to post juice pics on there.
been a problem for a couple months now i believe

send em to gymphreak I think he can hook u up with a host
winny and 4adne are the two toughest i have treid to convert. 4adne being slightly more frustrating at times. 4adne wouldnt hold in peg. so i just make it as a suspension but anything over 75mg/ml will set fire to that ass.

plus i know that peg is safe but there is something about injecting glycol that doesnt sit well with me. =0)
pullinbig said:
has this been going on a while? is ology hosting the atavars?

i have a host but dont want to post juice pics on there.

It's a problem that we've had, I don't fully understand, but I think it should be fixed within a month or so.
DougoeFre5h said:
why is Winstrol (winny) the only thing were using PEG for? Anyone try prop/peg?

I personally only use it as a last resort. At the end of the day oil is the most benign carrier, and works well enough. To what extent, i don't know, but at some point i beleive peg can be toxic. don't have the info handy at the moment to back that up though.
pullinbig said:
its still holding. going on 24 hours. look like karo syrup if you guys are old enough to remember that.

also if you want oil without all that peg this will only yield 20% solvent and a little over 70% oil. use grapeseed or walnuut for a thinner home brew.

still wont let me post a pic. anybody else havig probs posting pics?

I remember Karo syrup. I used to get up at 2am so that I could stock it on a shelf at a grocery store. Back in the day.

After 5days both my solutions are holding well.
after 48 hours mine froze up. its still clear but locked up. i wil add .9ml of peg so that will make it 300mg/ml+/-. we'll isee f it holds then. as far as water base goes the 350mg/ml held fine to filter. dont see any reason why it would crash once in the water. solvent is just so it can be filtered and put in susupension. agreed ida?

i 'll post results tomorrow.
well hell. the 300 didnt hold either in straight peg. so i added more jsut to try the 40% theory. if it holds it will be 200mg/ml. if it holds then i can dilute it by half with oil to get 100mg/ml solution for IM.

i'l post results as they break =0)

looks like the ba and bb with peg may be better than straight peg ida. you got it hold at 288 i beleive you said.
pullinbig said:
after 48 hours mine froze up. its still clear but locked up. i wil add .9ml of peg so that will make it 300mg/ml+/-. we'll isee f it holds then. as far as water base goes the 350mg/ml held fine to filter. dont see any reason why it would crash once in the water. solvent is just so it can be filtered and put in susupension. agreed ida?

i 'll post results tomorrow.

It could still crash once it cools and sits for a while. Thats when mine always crash. i think 350 is excpecting too much. Even if it worked, no one would be crazy enough to shoot it.:D
pullinbig said:
well hell. the 300 didnt hold either in straight peg. so i added more jsut to try the 40% theory. if it holds it will be 200mg/ml. if it holds then i can dilute it by half with oil to get 100mg/ml solution for IM.

i'l post results as they break =0)

looks like the ba and bb with peg may be better than straight peg ida. you got it hold at 288 i beleive you said.

The 288 was with 5% ba and 30% p400. it is still holding. 100mg/ml.

The 5%ba, 20%bb, 30%p400 has started to crystalize a little right at the seperation line between the oil and p400. I did not reheat it yet, but shook the hell out of it. Once shaken you can see enough granules to make it a bad idea for injection. I will reheat and see how fast it falls back in solution.
35 sec in the microwave didn't get it back into solution. fna

i don't even know if it easy ont he pain yet. this sucks.

I wonder how ps80 would help if added to this solution. I think I'll get some and see.
just out of you guys even use all the stuff u guys make?? especially all these "attempts" of high concentration Winstrol (winny)? or at the end, do u just dilute down to 100mg/ml?
gymphreak said:
just out of you guys even use all the stuff u guys make?? especially all these "attempts" of high concentration Winstrol (winny)? or at the end, do u just dilute down to 100mg/ml?

The high concentration stuff is just too see what the limits are. i will eventually settle on 50-100mg/ml for use.

i have a feeling the solution that works best for me involve p200 intead of 400.