nolva instead of an aromatase inhibitor


New member
hi, I am currently 2nd week on dbol 30mg ED, deca 400mg and test 500mg. Gains are coming nicely but bloat is getting problematic. I have arimidex on hand but last time I used that it made me feel horrible. Even at a miserable dose of .25 E 3rd day. Using letro seems bad idea since its supposed to be stronger and aromasin is out of the question because it is way too expensive where I buy it. Can I just use nolva which my body seems to get along with better?
Nolva is a SERM, not an Aromatase Inhibitor. It will not lower your estrogen.

When you last ran an AI, what level did it put your E2 at and what compounds were you running at the time?
SERMS block receptor site s for estro ll still bloat

AI s cause estro to commit suicide so to speak
Lots of these posts lately. Nolva on cycle basically keeps gyno from forming. That's about it. Doesn't stop bloat, high blood pressure, acne, limp dick or no sex drive. Shouldn't even be using gear asking a question like this to be honest...