mosh69 said:Man, this shit is so confusing to me!!! I feel like I'm in fucking chemistry class and completely lost!!
I know I never experienced any neg symptons on my last cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct) and I'm having VERY minimal sides on my current cycle.
So, I don't know if I'm one of the few who don't react as harshly to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or what.
I'm prepared to do the post cycle therapy (pct) at the end of this cycle though, I'm just lost with all the different options available.
I've read different articles here that suggest either Clomid or Nolva then some say to add in an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex or Proviron?????
Since I've been lucky with no real sides so far I'm hoping that luck will continue into the post cycle therapy (pct) but not so sure with the big change in levels.
Never cared about the balls, mine don't atrophy much at all honestly.
So the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isn't a concern, true?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I've kept the cycle simple Deca:400mg/wk Sus:500/wk
So I'd like to try to keep the post cycle therapy (pct) simple also.
I am using androgel just to boost test while working out nothing hardcore should i even take nolva and for how long ?
on page one is seemed that nolva was the prefered option and clomid was pointless.then i read on to page 2 were opinion totally shifted to wards clomid instead of nolva (by the same people).
i know i have am probably missing something but can someone please clarify?and why?
i was thinking of running them together.
one more thing..
someone posted that proviron has a blocking action at the steroid receptor sites?????
Originally Posted by bachar
not crazy about proviron..IMO its blocking action at the steroid receptor sites outweighs its usefullness
out of topic a bit
cidoviron or nolvadex during the cycle ?
I mean can I just replace nolvadex and Proviron with cidoviron only?
I am planing on using it during a cycle from the very first day.
I googled a bit and saw a link that say's that cidoviron is like proviron but can not replace it, while almost every one that seems knowledgeable enough in the local gym's around me keep telling me that running cidoviron is just enough.
now can some elaborate?
Thanks in advance
Dont need any of that crap during your cycle just an AI.
DO some more research, this thread is obsolete.