Ok here is my sitution Futher Muckerz!

I think that you come from the dark side.
I bet you have had shit happen to you that many have not. The streets are tough motherfuggin teachers. This I know.
I think that you are an underdog. I like underdogs cause their victories come sweeter because they earned them the hard way...against all odds.

I dont know if you will pick up a sponsor.
I hope that you do. Odds are against it.
BUT....you dont measure your values ideas and vision on what others say. You march to the beat of the drum inside your ownhead!

Keep stepin to your beat. No one else can hear it but you.
It will bring you a fine harvest.

Go for it. Attain it. Achieve it. Embrace it.
Its yours to have and much more.
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thanks Pickle

im not saying i have it all mapped out and the road ahead leads to gold...but i am saying i have the determination! Nothing will stop me, i am a tank and everything else is butter baby. The road may be long and hard ahead but nothing worth having comes with out a fight....and i am prepared for that... I didnt intend on getting into a battle royal with sniggy-poo but if i couldnt answer his questions then how would i answer them when they come up in the future from some one else...so i went for it, to the best of my ability. In my past stuff like this would make me back down and walk away but now it drives me more than ever....im more motivated then when i started this thread, not for "i told you so's" but for me....im in this FOR ME! and no one else....the people it effect because of me are a bonus.
bro i dont know why you think im hating or i envy you. you started the debate, and im giving you my point of view on obesity. Props for realizing it and starting to do something about it. If you want to send me a shirt then make sure it's "fitted" so it looks good on my V taper. Thanks.

You need to understand that there are reasons that people get to be 600 lbs.
Most often it is Not gluttony but deeper seeded reasons.

There are many reasons why women become 200 lb rock hard body builders.
Often times because it is because they were abused when they were young.
You are looking at the outside result when if fact most of this is a result of negative life experiences from youth.

I am not basshing you. Just pointing out a different view.
wake up in the morning... and saying to yourself :

"an other day with a world which's not ready for my kind yet." ( Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Juess In reply to your pm.. Look at that fuckin dueche "Jarod" from Subway". He's getting paid now. Im not hating on him/he handled bus... im just saying if that guy did anything, then u can too. Once again i would be calling/emailing every supplement company in the bb magazines and start feeling things out/trying to sell them your story. All-of-them bro.. somebody trying to get there name out there might be interested, or some of the bigger name like i listed before

I told u I do not feel sorry for over weight people at all. But, i respect people who man up and just fucking handle their bus and do something about it. Also, i LOVE when somebody tells me i cant do something..... that just makes it automaticly happen for me!Dont be a bitch and quit when things get tough
wake up in the morning... and saying to yourself :

"an other day with a world which's not ready for my kind yet." ( Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Juess In reply to your pm.. Look at that fuckin dueche "Jarod" from Subway". He's getting paid now. Im not hating on him/he handled bus... im just saying if that guy did anything, then u can too. Once again i would be calling/emailing every supplement company in the bb magazines and start feeling things out/trying to sell them your story. All-of-them bro.. somebody trying to get there name out there might be interested, or some of the bigger name like i listed before

I told u I do not feel sorry for over weight people at all. But, i respect people who man up and just fucking handle their bus and do something about it. Also, i LOVE when somebody tells me i cant do something..... that just makes it automaticly happen for me!Dont be a bitch and quit when things get tough

got yuh, ROGER THAT!

I thought you were gonna start spittin out "kesha" lyrics...boy was i wrong again...
i was like " I swear to God if this dude says feeling like P-Diddy" lol