Old Geezers cycle Test+ tren and Anavar


Community Veteran
This is what I'm thinking guys, trying to keep dosages low but not so low that i don't make steady gains.

Test C- 300mg per week

Tren A- 50mg eod

Anavar 50mg ed

Duration and all that is up in the air but I figure I would love to run the tren for at least 6 weeks and possibly longer depending if the insomnia gets out of hand like it did last time. The var will run 8 weeks and the test may go 12-16 weeks. Once the tren and Anavar fall off the schedule I will bump the test to 750mg/week for the remainder of the cycle and after that back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages of 150mg per week test P.

I know you guys hear me bashing tren all the time! and it is not without reason. The stuff is a nasty and toxic compound that i feel can be replaced in a cycle with high dosed primo and avoid the sides and such.

Unfortunately the primo I had purchased turned out to be bunk and i can't afford to buy another 200 amps of it right now. So tren is the substitute.

All input appreciated, feel free to drill me on the tren too ;)

The cycle is already started as far as the test and anavar, the tren is still sitting on my desk
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As a low mgs guy myself I like this approach and the cycle looks like one I myself would run. In seeing you here around this site I appreciate you've done your time and like me just want to "fill up" so to speak.

All about health #1 my AAS Brother.

As Bro Science as this sounds it is something I pay more and more attention too lately: Watch your urine color and listen to your body, you'll when to come off the Tren Train.
Let me also add that as usual HGH will be in the mix at 4iu per day with the current ankebio that I have on hand. My future dosage on generics will be determined by my GH serum levels on the next batch that I order soon.

I use HGH for anti aging, fat burning and general wellness. I do not use it to build muscle.
Looking forward to this Zeek. Respect your opinion a lot, so I am interested to see how it goes for you. Kane gave me some good advice and I will change my cycle based on his rec. However, if the insomnia continues to gets out of hand, I may put the tren aside.

Your insight on all AAS is very valuable, so this is getting subscribed to. Looking forward to the feedback on Anavar, too. Thanks
Looking forward to this Zeek. Respect your opinion a lot, so I am interested to see how it goes for you. Kane gave me some good advice and I will change my cycle based on his rec. However, if the insomnia continues to gets out of hand, I may put the tren aside.

Your insight on all AAS is very valuable, so this is getting subscribed to. Looking forward to the feedback on Anavar, too. Thanks

Same here, this looks like a nice cycle. I look forward to hearing about your experience with this cycle.
Thanks Megatron, Meathead and CrazyMike for the input!

The anavar I have actually been on for very close to 1 month already. It fantastic and until today i was running it with baby dosages of test, some weeks 150mg of test and other weeks 225 mg. Wonderful compound to add to any cycle!

btw guys currently sitting at 266 lbs with 16% BF as per the little PT faggot at the gym. Sorry for my vulgarity but I was really hoping to be closer to 14% ;)

My goal is to end up in the low 240's to give my heart a break pumping through the mass and also to look better.
I'm going to have a talk with 3J this week and get on board with him! and really take things to the next level!
How tall are you pops? After this cycle Im 6'1 235 which this is the most I have ever weighted ever. I'm pretty pumped tren is the shit. I'm gonna try and cut this fine specimen of a man up before summer.
Yaay boy except one problem zeeky poo! I thought you said last cycle was your last cycle. Lol. Jerk.

lol glad someone remembered that post! not!! haha

Here is the thing Big H, you just calle dme out on it today, The Dawg called my ass out on that last cycle BS the same day i wrote up that thread 4 months ago

I'm only 5 ft 10 Son

I think The Dawg send me a direct PM on the day i made that thread that went something like this..

Hi Zeek, last cycle huh?


signed Dawg ;)
LMAO!!!! Gotta love dawg. Hey I gotta look out for my pops!! At least um not a Snitch like my other brother hurt!! Lol. Dude 5'10, 270, at 16%? Damn you must be built like a brick shit house bro!!!
Blood work, blood work, blood work.

Pulling a Hormone Panel for Females every 6-8 weeks is in my game now. 50ish bucks to know where your Hemo, Hema, GFR, RBC and estro is.....not to mention a dozen other levels !!!!!

Like to see all of us guys over 45 taking these tests on a regular schedule.
LMAO!!!! Gotta love dawg. Hey I gotta look out for my pops!! At least um not a Snitch like my other brother hurt!! Lol. Dude 5'10, 270, at 16%? Damn you must be built like a brick shit house bro!!!

he does call it like he sees it doesn't he!

I'm big and strong but IMO I look sloppy and the main reason for taking things down to 240ish. My days of being the biggest and strongest guy in the gym have already passed but hell if i wasn't well into my mid 40's before they did.

Once i get my hands on Dahurt I might mak one last push to greatness! just to show him up that a 50 year old man can still slap some ownage around lol
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he does call it like he sees it doesn't he!

I'm big and strong but IMO I look sloppy and the main reason for taking things down to 240ish. My days of being the biggest and strongest guy in the gym have already passed but hell if i wasn't well into my mid 40's before they did.
Yes I totally agree. Plus being so big can't be good on your old knees. I've fucked my knee up playing football and my knee hasn't been the same since.
Blood work, blood work, blood work.

Pulling a Hormone Panel for Females every 6-8 weeks is in my game now. 50ish bucks to know where your Hemo, Hema, GFR, RBC and estro is.....not to mention a dozen other levels !!!!!

Like to see all of us guys over 45 taking these tests on a regular schedule.

I'll have to stretch that to every 8 weeks but I will follow through, thx Mike
I know someone has to be thinking it so please say it!!

the tren dosage is too low?

am I too old to be playing with tren at any dosage?

Feel free to slap me around on this, if it were u posting you bet I would do it to you ;)
Ya this cycle should help as well as 3j's advice. A nice 240lbs should be a nice change of pace and hopefully you drop the bf down a bit. Imo I'm more into the effects in the mirror rather than how much I can do. Even though I can throw up some serious weights. With that bein said are you the bigger type or can you cut? I'm just the bigger type and i can't cut worth a fuck.
I know someone has to be thinking it so please say it!!

the tren dosage is too low?

am I too old to be playing with tren at any dosage?

Feel free to slap me around on this, if it were u posting you bet I would do it to you ;)

I didn't wanna say it but you better watch out for the tren. The older you get I heard its sides are tougher. As long as the sides don't exceed the positive effects tren has on people. Then your good. I've seen people argue don't do it some say do it!! How's your blood pressure zeek?