Old Geezers cycle Test+ tren and Anavar

looking forward to watching this one zeek. im subscribed to this one. good to see youve got 3j on board, ive just done the same thing
Ya this cycle should help as well as 3j's advice. A nice 240lbs should be a nice change of pace and hopefully you drop the bf down a bit. Imo I'm more into the effects in the mirror rather than how much I can do. Even though I can throw up some serious weights. With that bein said are you the bigger type or can you cut? I'm just the bigger type and i can't cut worth a fuck.

One thing about me son is that none of you have ever seen me post in a dieting or cutting thread.

There is a very good reason for this, I've been bulking since I was 15 years old! Never big enough! and the truth is I still feel I'm not big enough. People out here constantly tell me don't get any bigger. Bottom line is women don't dig the bulk monster :( in the 80's that was different!

But hell these days I have to even shave my precious chest hair to be able to date!! blah to current times and trends!

Let me clarify my low dosages to guys reading this that may not know me well. I'm raising two kids on my own and one of them is barely out of being a baby and a on to being a little kid. If I drop dead like so many of my friends already have through the years using and abusing, these kids go to foster care because there isn;t another family member to be able to take care of them.

I have to consider this, I would love nothing more than to run a gram of test with 500mg of tren and 100mg of var just to see how big and strong i can get again at my age but the reality of my situation prevents this.

Who knows maybe when they are grown up and of to college I can try again at age 70 lol
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I know someone has to be thinking it so please say it!!

the tren dosage is too low?

am I too old to be playing with tren at any dosage?

Feel free to slap me around on this, if it were u posting you bet I would do it to you ;)

Back to Tren . . . powerful compound abused by 90% of guys. Too low no, no way!

Too old for a Tren run . . . your blood work is going to answer that best.

The question is: do you really need Tren for your goals? Most guy use Tren to blow up and keep vascular.

I think you have the old muscle(no pun, well slight pun intended)and muscle memory to do allot just cutting your BF would transform you into sex machine.

Excellent feedback guys keep it coming and thank you!

Blood pressure does go up during any cycle for me but I add in lisinopril at 10mg per day and that keep me in the 120/60 range.

My HDL is going to suffer from the anavar and that is a big concern for me especially since I am going at least 8 weeks with it.
True that. Keep it as safe as possible bud. Is it worth it? That's what you gotta ask yourself.
Mike hit the nail on the head.

Uhh ohh I know you aren't trying to date a lady with chest hair!! Lok. Fuck dude I was born halfway through the 80's. You prob got underwear older then me.
Zeek, you will find out soone enough if the Tren is too MUCH. I think you are playing it safe and that is a good way to go. I let my ego get in the way and haven't slept in tow days.

With your schedule, you are looking at 150mg-200mg a week of tren. Add that to your other compounds, and you have a pretty good stack. And Isn't tren supposed to be 4x as powerful as Test?

If after trying it out for several weeks at 50mg EOD, and you think you can handle more, then bump it up a little.

I think Repo (who loves Tren) recommendeds a 300mg Tren/200mg Test stack for a first cycle.
True that. Keep it as safe as possible bud. Is it worth it? That's what you gotta ask yourself.
Mike hit the nail on the head.

Uhh ohh I know you aren't trying to date a lady with chest hair!! Lok. Fuck dude I was born halfway through the 80's. You prob got underwear older then me.

The underwear I don;t know about but I sure do have sweat pants and sweatshirts from the 70's around here!
Ya that's y some people will run tren higher then test. Me I like to keep them even. I was running 400/400 split then to 600/600. My sides were minimal so ill prob try tren a bit higher next time around.
Shit zeek sounds like you got some mass!!! and 20 plus inch cannons?

Yes sir and that is without training bi's or tri's on their own for decades while I was into powerlifting.

My best part is my chest 54" but it only impresses other guys.
Looks good bud! You know your body and it sounds like you're being smart with the tren...so I can't wait to sit back and watch!

If you drop to 240 we'll be about the same size...I'm 5'10 235 :D
Yes sir and that is without training bi's or tri's on their own for decades while I was into powerlifting.

My best part is my chest 54" but it only impresses other guys.

We think the same. I always think about cutting up. Never happens!! Im about 5' 10 the only bad thing for me at 245lbs was very hard to wipe my ass!!
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Looks good zeek, I like the low dose of tren. I'm considering trying tren for the first time this summer. I was considering the same 50mg eod or even 33mg eod. I'm sure some tren guys will bash that.

Props on being a single dad...I too am a single dad and I know it's crucial to keep shit in perspective!

How are you like the PINN anavar? Considering them for my anavar order. Good luck!
Looks good bud! You know your body and it sounds like you're being smart with the tren...so I can't wait to sit back and watch!

If you drop to 240 we'll be about the same size...I'm 5'10 235 :D


We think the same. I always think about cutting up. Never happens!! Im about 5' 10 the only bad thing for me at 245lbs was very hard to wipe my ass!!

lol I must have long arms, I can still wipe :spit:

Looks good zeek, I like the low dose of tren. I'm considering trying tren for the first time this summer. I was considering the same 50mg eod or even 33mg eod. I'm sure some tren guys will bash that.

Props on being a single dad...I too am a single dad and I know it's crucial to keep shit in perspective!

How are you like the PINN anavar? Considering them for my anavar order. Good luck!

thx brother! The Pin var is very impressive. Other guys starting should be posting opinions soon also. Potent caps of goodness!

Where the hell is PhatBastard?

Yeah man, threads don;t seem the same without Phatbastard to talk shit to in them :(

I'm hoping he is just being spanked or in time out, would hate to lose him from the site.
Yeah man, threads don;t seem the same without Phatbastard to talk shit to in them :(

I'm hoping he is just being spanked or in time out, would hate to lose him from the site.

Did phat have a go at somebody or something? i noticed his neg rep. hes a truely valued member here
Zeek I think the cycle looks alright. I like tren a little bit higher than that. I think for myself the lowest I would go is 250mg per week.

I hear you on the primo, I am a fan of 800mg or even a gram a week of primo with some test. A few years ago I was brewing my primo and cruising at 250mg per week of Test Enanthate with 600mg per week of Primo. I would then blast at 500mg and 1gram respectively for about 16-20 weeks. I did that for a little over a year. I have not been running primo as much recently but I have been considering starting that up again.

Either way, try it out at your dosage. You seem to have a solid handle on where you are at so I am sure you can play with that if you need to. My first run with tren was at at 650mg per week of tren Acetate. I feel since joining the over 40 bunch that might be a bit too much.

I like your HGH, you can't get anymore?
well,well,Grasshopper,i guess i will follow you on this lol:cool:.....even though it is TREN you are using lol.....seriously though im gonna try and cut a few pounds to,i finished my cycle and ended up at 284lbs 22%BF already the biggest dude in our gym,but i want to be bigger,but will just havet to see about that between you,User and 3J lol.....i just want the intimidator look at 45 years old....think its possible?:angel2:

Just promise me you will get me there lol