Old Geezers cycle Test+ tren and Anavar

Looks good bud! You know your body and it sounds like you're being smart with the tren...so I can't wait to sit back and watch!

If you drop to 240 we'll be about the same size...I'm 5'10 235 :D

I forgot how similar in size we are. Pops you did a great job raising two healthy, and strong as an ox boys. :startrek:
Zeek I think the cycle looks alright. I like tren a little bit higher than that. I think for myself the lowest I would go is 250mg per week.

I hear you on the primo, I am a fan of 800mg or even a gram a week of primo with some test. A few years ago I was brewing my primo and cruising at 250mg per week of Test Enanthate with 600mg per week of Primo. I would then blast at 500mg and 1gram respectively for about 16-20 weeks. I did that for a little over a year. I have not been running primo as much recently but I have been considering starting that up again.

Either way, try it out at your dosage. You seem to have a solid handle on where you are at so I am sure you can play with that if you need to. My first run with tren was at at 650mg per week of tren Acetate. I feel since joining the over 40 bunch that might be a bit too much.

I like your HGH, you can't get anymore?

I've run tren at higher dosages in years past and it seriously kicked my ass and dropped me! At the end of 8-10 weeks I was a walking disaster running on like 2 hours sleep per night max from the insomnia.

well,well,Grasshopper,i guess i will follow you on this lol:cool:.....even though it is TREN you are using lol.....seriously though im gonna try and cut a few pounds to,i finished my cycle and ended up at 284lbs 22%BF already the biggest dude in our gym,but i want to be bigger,but will just havet to see about that between you,User and 3J lol.....i just want the intimidator look at 45 years old....think its possible?:angel2:

Just promise me you will get me there lol

I think your wife is messing with you bro! ever see those mirrors in the carnival where you look at one and you are a skinny toothpick? she must have some of those in your house if you think you are small ;) 284 lbs by definition can't be anything but very big lol

You just went off cycle recently so when u are ready to blast again we will try to put something together where you can work in some low dose tren also, a little of this stuff does go a long way! You are good about getting blood work so in reality if we play to caution there is no real reason why a short low dose run isn't possible for you. I don't really like the idea of you on tren but I guess the do as I say not do as I do crap isn't flying with you ;)

I forgot how similar in size we are. Pops you did a great job raising two healthy, and strong as an ox boys. :startrek:

I have some stout sons for sure!
One thing about me son is that none of you have ever seen me post in a dieting or cutting thread.

There is a very good reason for this, I've been bulking since I was 15 years old! Never big enough! and the truth is I still feel I'm not big enough. People out here constantly tell me don't get any bigger. Bottom line is women don't dig the bulk monster :( in the 80's that was different!

But hell these days I have to even shave my precious chest hair to be able to date!! blah to current times and trends!

Let me clarify my low dosages to guys reading this that may not know me well. I'm raising two kids on my own and one of them is barely out of being a baby and a on to being a little kid. If I drop dead like so many of my friends already have through the years using and abusing, these kids go to foster care because there isn;t another family member to be able to take care of them.

I have to consider this, I would love nothing more than to run a gram of test with 500mg of tren and 100mg of var just to see how big and strong i can get again at my age but the reality of my situation prevents this.

Who knows maybe when they are grown up and of to college I can try again at age 70 lol

No foster care for the kiddos! If you keel over, I'll take them ;)
oh shit! pops fell off the wagon! hahahahaha.....good shit Zeek, interested to see your results.

Fell of right on to my face and woke up with a needle in my shoulder! empty bottle of tren next to me and an insane look in my eyes!!

No foster care for the kiddos! If you keel over, I'll take them ;)

Spoken like a true mother! 50mg eod should not drop me I'm hoping ;)
What brands are you using for the test and tren? I'm thinking about brewing my own for this summers cycle.

i'm curious to see if the lower dose allows you to sleep at night. I too got insomnia from my last tren cycle which has turned me off for some time now. I'm gonna start at a higher dose (thinking 500) and if the sides are bad I'll try taking the dose down before dropping it completely.
Wishing u luck

The buddy!

LOL Zeek i was just messing with ya brother,i love it ha ha....

Whew you had me worried man! I was like damn my recklessness is rubbing off on some of the good guys on here!

What brands are you using for the test and tren? I'm thinking about brewing my own for this summers cycle.

i'm curious to see if the lower dose allows you to sleep at night. I too got insomnia from my last tren cycle which has turned me off for some time now. I'm gonna start at a higher dose (thinking 500) and if the sides are bad I'll try taking the dose down before dropping it completely.

The test, tren and anavar are all Pinnacle :Pump:

The night sweats that will come i can deal with the insomnia is a killer though! sometimes I'll fall asleep and wake up every 15 minutes when on tren! what a mess
The test, tren and anavar are all Pinnacle :Pump:

The night sweats that will come i can deal with the insomnia is a killer though! sometimes I'll fall asleep and wake up every 15 minutes when on tren! what a mess

This is exactly what I went through. The last week I spent on tren I prolly got 9 hours of sleep spread between about 6 days. Didn't happen to me before either. It's weird how tren can react diff in the body each time you take it.

I've heard nothing but great things about pinnacle. I wish I would've ordered through them instead of spartan, which I still never received....
Jenn doesn't play around Son!

That lady will work 90% of the men on this site under the table in the gym ;)

She won't hesitate to call your ass out on a pic taken over a urinal lol
Jenn doesn't play around Son!

That lady will work 90% of the men on this site under the table in the gym ;)

She won't hesitate to call your ass out on a pic taken over a urinal lol

Bahhh haha! Poor Herm...and I thought my 'pants around the ankle' pic got flamed.

My poor brother...
Whew you had me worried man! I was like damn my recklessness is rubbing off on some of the good guys on here!

I was kidding brother,seriously,i dont want to take that chance,even at a low dose,i know what compounds i can take and manage my health issues at the same time,which is test,deca and masteron....i know what deca does to me by several blood test,got the BP issues under control,plus it kills my HDL,so my doctor added a stronger cholesterol drug and Naicin to combat that,so i know how to handle,but with tren,and all my health issues,i dont even wanna try lol
I was kidding brother,seriously,i dont want to take that chance,even at a low dose,i know what compounds i can take and manage my health issues at the same time,which is test,deca and masteron....i know what deca does to me by several blood test,got the BP issues under control,plus it kills my HDL,so my doctor added a stronger cholesterol drug and Naicin to combat that,so i know how to handle,but with tren,and all my health issues,i dont even wanna try lol

You can also safely use primo and anavar as well as the king of everything...HGH!