Opinions on importance of professional labeling


New member
Obviously sterility and potency are what's most important when buying gear.


In my opinion, the look of the gear is also important. Professional, uniform labeling would certainly sway my decision when choosing from 2 reputable labs. I feel if you can take the time to make your product look professional, then it's a good indication of the time and effort you put into the product itself.

Does it matter all that much to you?

Opinions? :)
Matters to me somewhat the quality and rep of the gear come first always. But a nice label would be a influence if I had to pic between two company's with good gear. Professional lables will always be eye candy to most consumers imho
You can smear lipstick on a pig, its still a pig. I don't really care what it looks like. So long as I know what it is and it works good. Not into pretty labels that cost more money...
Obviously sterility and potency are what's most important when buying gear.


In my opinion, the look of the gear is also important. Professional, uniform labeling would certainly sway my decision when choosing from 2 reputable labs. I feel if you can take the time to make your product look professional, then it's a good indication of the time and effort you put into the product itself.

Does it matter all that much to you?

Opinions? :)

Just because you pour syrup on shit don't make them pancakes, you can have the most colorful ad you can create like all those ads on the disney channel and it works, its marketing 101. What I learned at my years at Oxford School of Business is that the person with the loudest voice sells the most. Look at our media today and that's pretty much self evident. The secret is and always will be from the beginning of the advertising racket is word of mouth, create a great product, build yourself a loyal customer base, win their hearts and minds and the world is yours...

oh and make sure to take really good care of your customers because if you don't, someone else will.

p.s and dont forget to tell your friends that if they want to advertise with Steroidology.com to email adsales@steroidology.com Great new fall rates! :)
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I mean yes a fancy label with holograms does make me feel special, but as a wise man on here once said "the proof is in the pudding" (yes I'm going to run that one in to the ground). As long as the gear is good, really I couldn't care if it's just sharpie on the bottle, but I do like to feel fancy lol.
-"You can smear lipstick on a pig, its still a pig"
-"Just because you pour syrup on shit don't make them pancakes"
-"the proof is in the pudding"
what more can we come up with fellas this is important market research!
Tommy Boy ftmfw. :agreed:

I just need to know what I'm putting in the syringe to be honest about it. Sure, I've seen some labels that had a wow factor, when combined with tinted oils - but that doesn't mean they're any better, just usually more expensive. ;)
I kind of look at like buying speakers. You can get ones with nice big fancy cases that look nice, but I would rather have my investment go towards the actual speaker hardware. I want them to sound good -- not look good. I buy the speakers that look plain and boring.
I see where you are all coming from. I personally think that a professional label is a good indicator of how professional the lab is. I suppose you could put time into a really nice label and still produce crap gear, but I don't see why anyone would do that.
Gotta be honest, I do NOT get moist over a label, I DO get moist over potent gear though!

And let's face it, we don't exactly keep our shit out on display on the kitchen shelves!
I'm pretty much on the same page as everyone else that it matters more what's in the vile than on the label, but at the same time a simple, professional label is always nice. If I order from somewhere, especially for the first time and it shows up with the label written in sharpie on hockey tape and spelled wrong I'm going to question it a little bit
Its icing on the cake but it is far from the top when it comes to importance. For my own personal use I dont even care if my stuff is labeled. Color coded flip tops is fine by me to be honest. While if everything else is in order nice professional labeling is an added bonus I really dont place much emphasis on it personally. Maybe thats from years of home brew use, I dont know,
I look at it slightly differently. I feel the label shows the pride the maker takes in their work. The outside of a violin does not need to be coated and polished and shiny for it to sound good - but if the violin outside was not coated in protective film and looked like untreated wood, people would think the quality was low automatically.

If a lab makes a crappy label, I am included to wonder what other corners they cut...what else do they have a lack of pride in? A nice label does not mean nice gear, and a bad label does not mean bad gear, but there is often a correlation between the two.
I did a trade awhile back for a lot of 20cc jugs of test e. Shit showed up with masking tape or something crazy like that and ink pen. "S-labs" was marked on it. I'm not going into detail but some of you may know the lab. Very good stuff! The last bunch I picked up was 100% inside and out. Even custom tops with etched vials. I'm not into retail but I can see where some would like all the fancy stuff.
Try living in Australia.

Everything I receive from overseas can't have a label such as ones you may receive. Aussie customs would grab that faster than a goanna on a hot rock.
Usually things are plain....like vitamin vials.

If you don't know what a goanna is, look them up. Beautiful creatures