Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

why the hell would you run 20-30 mg of dbol and shut down your natural test for that dose. quit trying to be smarter than everyone else and use your head.


i'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, just trying to have an intelligent discussion. Because 20-30mg of dbol will yield excellent gains? And at 4-6 weeks long it's very easy to recover from?

i'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, just trying to have an intelligent discussion. Because 20-30mg of dbol will yield excellent gains? And at 4-6 weeks long it's very easy to recover from?

you make around 100-150 mg of test a week and give that up for 160-210 mg of dbol a week , thats breaking even MAYBE plus what you lose while your natural test recovers . you can justify and rationilize until your blue in the face but your wrong.
you make around 100-150 mg of test a week and give that up for 160-210 mg of dbol a week , thats breaking even MAYBE plus what you lose while your natural test recovers . you can justify and rationilize until your blue in the face but your wrong.

you think 1mg of test = 1mg of dbol?4

did you not see the quote i posted earlier about how supposedly 10mg of dbol is enough to provide full androgen replacement for a man? Do you honestly think 2-3x the dose of that will do nothing?
you think 1mg of test = 1mg of dbol?4

did you not see the quote i posted earlier about how supposedly 10mg of dbol is enough to provide full androgen replacement for a man? Do you honestly think 2-3x the dose of that will do nothing?

i give up , you just cant fix STUPID . maybe one day you can get permission from your mommy to inject.
i give up , you just cant fix STUPID . maybe one day you can get permission from your mommy to inject.

from wiki:
" It also has the effect of decreasing the steroid's affinity for sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that de-activates steroid molecules and prevents them from further reactions with the body. As a result, methandrostenolone is significantly more active than an equivalent quantity of testosterone, resulting in rapid growth of muscle tissue"

well that proves that dbol is significantly more active than test so therefore your moot point of barely breaking even is proven wrong.
from wiki:
" It also has the effect of decreasing the steroid's affinity for sex hormone binding globulin, a protein that de-activates steroid molecules and prevents them from further reactions with the body. As a result, methandrostenolone is significantly more active than an equivalent quantity of testosterone, resulting in rapid growth of muscle tissue"

well that proves that dbol is significantly more active than test so therefore your moot point of barely breaking even is proven wrong.

how many people at wiki are using steroids you jackass. i shouldnt lose my cool but whan a stupid bastard whos afraid of needles waste my time i get pissed.your a fucking idiot whos takes the word of wiki instead of a vet whos been in this game since you were born , why the fuck do you come to these boards instead of just learning your vast amounts of knowledge from wikipedia.
how many people at wiki are using steroids you jackass. i shouldnt lose my cool but whan a stupid bastard whos afraid of needles waste my time i get pissed.your a fucking idiot whos takes the word of wiki instead of a vet whos been in this game since you were born , why the fuck do you come to these boards instead of just learning your vast amounts of knowledge from wikipedia.

who said I was afraid of needles? I'm just saying your original post in this thread is complete BROSCIENCE. I take word from SCIENCE. Just because you've been in this game for a long time, doesn't mean that everything you say is correct. I came on this board to discuss and to learn but all you do is spout insults rather than returning educated replies. Grow up.
who said I was afraid of needles? I'm just saying your original post in this thread is complete BROSCIENCE. I take word from SCIENCE. Just because you've been in this game for a long time, doesn't mean that everything you say is correct. I came on this board to discuss and to learn but all you do is spout insults rather than returning educated replies. Grow up.

your a fucking idiot and wikipedia cant change that. do NOT waste any more of my time.
your a fucking idiot and wikipedia cant change that. do NOT waste any more of my time.

the science behind what i quoted is correct.

you're still sticking to insults rather than refuting my points which is a classic sign of someone who's been proven wrong and knows it but isn't mature enough to admit it.

You're clearly not going to give any reasonable replies, so good day to you.
the science behind what i quoted is correct.

you're still sticking to insults rather than refuting my points which is a classic sign of someone who's been proven wrong and knows it but isn't mature enough to admit it.

You're clearly not going to give any reasonable replies, so good day to you.

whats wrong with u man this is like school and we are the students they are the teachers the end
and it's the responsibility of a student to point out to a teacher when he makes a mistake in his teaching, don't you think so?

bottom line , learn some respect or leave . feel free to look up respect on wikipedia .
bottom line , learn some respect or leave . feel free to look up respect on wikipedia .

You would have gotten respect if you had responded in a mature manner but instead you decided to throw a fit and started insulting me. Would you respect someone like that?

Anyways, I'm done arguing, it's leg day ;)
Lol, that put some comical humor into my very dull day...

I'm with dadawg. The vets know what works, wiki can be edited by anyone for one. You can't dispute years and years of USER KNOWLEDGE and user trial and error. Science isn't 100% accurate, and I believe some of wikipedia shit is less than 10% accurate.

You may take him as insulting you, his just trying to set you straight bro, I would seriously love his knowledge, I would suggest you get rid of wikipedia and listen to the veterans of the game. They've all been there, done that. At the end of the day, they're here so you don't get hurt and damage your health, what's important, your health or bullshit on wiki.
He knows his shit man, I've read a lot of his stuff and tried it myself. It fuckin more then works
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Great post and I want to say that oral cycle sucks dick...I learned the hard way with fucking d-bol and my (gains) was waste and water. I don`t know what hg91 dumb fuck is talking about but I never ever will make that same mistake on running an oral only bullshit...
This arguing just make my day with this fucking hg91 retard and Mr. Dawg
In my mind it just doesn't make physiologic sense from an endocrine standpoint. That being said, I tried doing the anavar only just to see how it would feel.

FELT LIKE SHIT. Lasted 10 days and said fuck that. Jumped on test and good to go. Never again amigo.

My feeling is that some people will convince themselves they had decent experience on an oral only because they were not experienced lifting or not experienced in general. It becomes important to differentiate between placebo effects and actual effects. This is hard to do without some experience, imo.

At this point I just am unable to see why anyone would want to do oral only. Yea you can find people posting somewhere that say they had great experience but given the physiologic issues why not run a test base??

There is no reason not to.

I've got to think that much of the oral only crowd are the guys that think a good spring training schedule consist of hitting the tanning bed 7 days a week, doing the pec deck and concentration curls only just to get "tone" while they watch reruns of jersey shore in their TapOut shirt sipping on NO explode and listening to diet advice from their bro who is NASA certified or whatever the fuck it is and really knows his shit.

Everybody is different. As for Anavar, it produces a feeling of euphoria, which largely counterbalances testosterone suppression. My friend - who has a very limited experience with steroids - said that he had never felt better in his whole life, when he had been taking Anavar. I experienced something similar with Turinabol, but not with Winstrol, after which I felt strangely deadened.

Personally, I don't understand all the testo-mania and I see nothing strange on oral cycles. Well, there are serious issues with cholesterol (not with liver values, if you take Anavar) and long-term, repeated oral cycles thus certainly aren't healthy, but a cycle with tesosterone can have far more devastating consequences, if you are extremely prone to acne or hair loss.
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Everybody is different. As for Anavar, it produces a feeling of euphoria, which largely counterbalances testosterone suppression. My friend - who has a very limited experience with steroids - said that he had never felt better in his whole life, when he had been taking Anavar. I experienced something similar with Turinabol, but not with Winstrol, after which I felt strangely deadened.

Personally, I don't understand all the testo-mania and I see nothing strange on oral cycles. Well, there are serious issues with cholesterol (not with liver values, if you take Anavar) and long-term, repeated oral cycles thus certainly aren't healthy, but a cycle with tesosterone can have far more devastating consequences, if you are extremely prone to acne or hair loss.

his euphoria was probablly mental / in his head because he was taking steroids. test is THE natural steroid . nothing wrong with orals as PART of a cycle . taking enough orals to counter the loss of testosterone you naturally make puts you at a high enough dose by itself so why bother . put your big boy panties on and inject.