Would just straight up hgh be more effective at this? I was considering running 2-4iu/day to see if it would help, but was a little bit concerned with just having so much all going on at once..
No, not even close. CJC with or without DAC is not only superior to GH it's also far less expensive. So unless you already bought the GH, do like IMT recommended.
Combine it with GHRP-6 or GHRP-2. Or do like IMT says and combine CJC with Ipamorelin. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Plusside with ipa is that it does not increase cortisol or prolactin at any dose.
Standard dose would be something like 600mcg twice per week if you're using DAC. Without DAC you need to inject at least twice per day. GHRP you can dose at 100-200mcg per day.