Pics BEFORE First Cycle


New member
Here some recent shots...I am about to run my first cycle. I have never done any prohormones or AAS, I am currently natural. My first cycle will be 10 weeks of Test E at 250-500mg a week. I will post some progress pics as well. Here are my stats:

Age: 20
Weight: 203
Height: 6'0"
Bf%: 8?
Lifting Experience: 5 years, One show under my belt.

The Pics.....




well first off you look really good man, congrats on your conditioning... I would recommend a cycle toward the higher end of what your looking to run (400-500mg)... and with the way you look now you should be able to put on some serious size

good luck
Lookin awesome man. I'd do a nice clean bulk and you'd look just the same but bigger. Hit those calfs hard tho!!! hehe
you look great man...phonomenal for 20, i'm almost 22 and it makes me look like a shitshow.....definatly hit the 400-500 range bro, you'll be stoked, don't forget pct.
Id stick with the upper end too, probably 500mg week. Youre further along than most guys with 3 or 4 cycles under their belt already. Dont expect to blow up even though its your first though.
i appreciate the feedback guys, I was leaning more towards the 500 mg per week range. Quick question, with the Test E, how long should I wait post cycle to start the nolva?
i've heard 2-3 weeks....the ammount you are taking should make a difference in that also. I waited 2 weeks and it ended up well. wait for some professional feedback tho
Damn bro. Great physique for 20 years old with no gear. I'll be interested in seeing what one cycle will add to it. Keep us posted.
non-stop said:
i appreciate the feedback guys, I was leaning more towards the 500 mg per week range. Quick question, with the Test E, how long should I wait post cycle to start the nolva?

2 weeks after you last shot of test E, start your Nolva
Great genetics! Your hard work shows. Are you competing naturally??? Why do you want to start AAS?? Goals?? Just curious because some guys have to run numerous cycles and cut hard to acheive what you already have.
JayC said:
Great genetics! Your hard work shows. Are you competing naturally??? Why do you want to start AAS?? Goals?? Just curious because some guys have to run numerous cycles and cut hard to acheive what you already have.

No kidding. He looks just like Trevdog and he's 20.
Thanks for the feedback guys, to answer your questions...I did compete naturally. My first show was back in september, it was an OCB show and I took first in the mens novice division and third in the mens open. I want to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for the same reasons everyone else does, to get bigger and better then I am right now. In the near future i plan on getting involved in fitness modeling, I need to put on about 20 more pounds and shed a little more bf to do so. I may or may not compete again, there is really no money in it unless you make it big time and personally I dont want to be the size of an IFBB pro. Any more questions or comments please feel free to ask
non-stop said:
Thanks for the feedback guys, to answer your questions...I did compete naturally. My first show was back in september, it was an OCB show and I took first in the mens novice division and third in the mens open. I want to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for the same reasons everyone else does, to get bigger and better then I am right now. In the near future i plan on getting involved in fitness modeling, I need to put on about 20 more pounds and shed a little more bf to do so. I may or may not compete again, there is really no money in it unless you make it big time and personally I dont want to be the size of an IFBB pro. Any more questions or comments please feel free to ask

I don't think you need to get leaner per say, but the juice will give your muscles a different quality than you could acheive otherwise. More density, more vascularity etc.
agreed, for a fitness model, you won't want to be too much leaner.
I don't think you need to get leaner per say, but the juice will give your muscles a different quality than you could acheive otherwise. More density, more vascularity etc.

agreed, even guys that are my exact size just look better if their on. I hope to achieve more overall muscularity and density from the cycle. My vascularity is pretty good to begin with but I guess it could always be better.
All I can say is WOW. Great work man. I would love to know your diet... Also some more info on your routine. very very impressive. also i would push some more test. at least 500...