Pictures need help VETERANS

Bro hes been my friend for my whole life. Since i grew up and yes its real. Im on clen and im getting ripped. A heart attack. Im not startin anything. Im working on diet. Working on perfect execution for excersises. Do you think I would have a stranger mix my gear. Guys im not taking anything. Im losing body fat first. Asked him for winny and he said too.toxic for your liver. When he sees how my body is responding were talkin about test.e or sus.
How do you know the jins are real? Do you have the serial number to confirm? Those things are very much faked not easy to come by and your buddy doesnt really k ow what hes doing giving a guy that jjst cleaned up clen? You looking for a heart attack?

Bro hes my best friend. I get kits. Tons of them. Added some pics. Bro my.friend not.just some joe I met at the gym.
Bro hes my best friend. I get kits. Tons of them. Added some pics. Bro my.friend not.just some joe I met at the gym.
do they have the little anticounterfitting threads hidden in the labels? Just cuz hes your friend dont mean shit i use to sell all my friends same garbage hgh generics i used until i learned better and yes you can get a heart attack with clen. You need actual time in a gym before jumping on shit if anything you should only use test until you have some type of base
Lol this seems like an ongoing thing recently using another aas without test as your base
By looking at your photo's even if u do cut down to a decent bf percentage u hardly are carrying any muscle.mass to begin with
What I mean is what u see on Magizines or guys on here that are jacked have been doing it for quite sometime not just weeks or months but years bro, good that u are clean and sober but one cycle is not going to turn u into a superhero
Turn it into a hobby and enjoy the gym, and give it sometime and you'll notice a change what your buddy is saying to u is total bullshit bra

Bro I dont wanna be jacked. That shit is ugly. I hate when I see a juicehead down here in nj all bloated. Im going to the.gym to better my life bro. Im not looking for a superhero body. Im loving.what.this clen is doing to me. Im happy im skinny. Im just lookin for lean man. So check ur forum ego at the door. I dont want crazy muscle. The clen good I lost 11lbs. My abs are starting to come out. Im pretty happy and I think thats all people want in life is to be content in their own skin.
Bro I dont wanna be jacked. That shit is ugly. I hate when I see a juicehead down here in nj all bloated. Im going to the.gym to better my life bro. Im not looking for a superhero body. Im loving.what.this clen is doing to me. Im happy im skinny. Im just lookin for lean man. So check ur forum ego at the door. I dont want crazy muscle. The clen good I lost 11lbs. My abs are starting to come out. Im pretty happy and I think thats all people want in life is to be content in their own skin.
You sound so ignorant i wont even express how i feel simce i was once there good luck gettimg jacked cuz you take test lmao test is what makes you a man and im pretty sure you are lacking test. If you take other compounds you will stop producing the little bit of man you actually have left in you. And please dont relapse while you are in gear and keep feeding the idea that we as bodybuilders are all idiots. You obviously are doing this shit for the wrong reasons and you are clueless
do they have the little anticounterfitting threads hidden in the labels? Just cuz hes your friend dont mean shit i use to sell all my friends same garbage hgh generics i used until i learned better and yes you can get a heart attack with clen. You need actual time in a gym before jumping on shit if anything you should only use test until you have some type of base

Thanks 49er here some pics. Ok ill get test e 250 . But he knows I dont wanna get big man thats why I didnt wanna take test. And theres plenty of people who want different looks. I wanna not do anything till my body is used to it.
You sound so ignorant i wont even express how i feel simce i was once there good luck gettimg jacked cuz you take test lmao test is what makes you a man and im pretty sure you are lacking test. If you take other compounds you will stop producing the little bit of man you actually have left in you. And please dont relapse while you are in gear and keep feeding the idea that we as bodybuilders are all idiots. You obviously are doing this shit for the wrong reasons and you are clueless

Bro Im not putting bodybuilders dowm at all. Just everyone has there different point of views. Im not ignorant at all. I take advice from everyone and was just thanking u before u wrote that. Like thanking u for ur help. How is that ignorant. Is it that bad that im doing eq which is a very safe steriod. Is it that bad..I know my test is prob depleted. But if i wanna go easy without much toxicity. Whats.wrong with someone starting eq. Ive seen a ton of people who take eq with test. They luv it.
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Even test 125mg a week is better than nothing believe me nobody is getting big off trt doses. Im all for hormone use the more the better my only concern is tou jumping in without knowing how to train i dont know if you have but your pics looks like you haven't lifted un a very long time
Even test 125mg a week is better than nothing believe me nobody is getting big off trt doses. Im all for hormone use the more the better my only concern is tou jumping in without knowing how to train i dont know if you have but your pics looks like you haven't lifted un a very long time

Yes 49Er thats why I havent touched anything yet. Im working on diet and form Here are some pics. Yes im skinny.but.the potential is.there. My.body is def leaner without much muscle yet. I def.leaned out. Im about 5 10 and was 191 and excersise im 179 now.
Thanks 49er here some pics. Ok ill get test e 250 . But he knows I dont wanna get big man thats why I didnt wanna take test. And theres plenty of people who want different looks. I wanna not do anything till my body is used to it.

No steroid gets u big bro, I mean if your dieting in a caloric deficit how the hell do u think you are going to grow?, man u are getting fed the wrong information by your buddy
Your diet will determine on what goals u want to achieve not the aas u have been told by your buddy!
Thanks 49er here some pics. Ok ill get test e 250 . But he knows I dont wanna get big man thats why I didnt wanna take test. And theres plenty of people who want different looks. I wanna not do anything till my body is used to it.

Do you realize that running EQ will shut down your natural testosterone production? Do you realize that humans require testosterone to be healthy? If you are going to use AAS, you have to take a least a replacement dose of testosterone.
No steroid gets u big bro, I mean if your dieting in a caloric deficit how the hell do u think you are going to grow?, man u are getting fed the wrong information by your buddy
Your diet will determine on what goals u want to achieve not the aas u have been told by your buddy!

Im gonna be working with 3 on this diet forum. Why do u think my thread says help veterans. Thats why im here. Bro I had a beer belly. I had to cut a little fat. Me and 3 r gonna work together. Just very happy I lost my belly.
Do you realize that running EQ will shut down your natural testosterone production? Do you realize that humans require testosterone to be healthy? If you are going to use AAS, you have to take a least a replacement dose of testosterone.

Thats why im going to doc to see where my test is at
Thats why im going to doc to see where my test is at

That is good that you are checking your natty T levels, but that is different from what I posted about EQ shutting down your natty T. It doesn't matter how much or how little natty T you have. EQ will turn it off while you use it.
Once u cut u are going to look like a string bean, u have no.muscle mass, no offense bro U should look into 3j for dieting wise before wasting your time with that clown
So would u like to see me run test e.250 or is that too much. Im a rookie man. In no way am I ignorant. Im not on anything but clen and lost my belly so before I do anything. I will take all advice..
And if your t is low u don't need other shit at this point in the game, being on a caloric deficit which u say u wanna cut means u are dieting under your maitanance calorie intake so tell me if u have been working out for nomore then 2 weeks how much muscle are u really gonna hold? Get what I am saying? U r not in a building phase, when u cut u are just trying to preserve muscle while in a calorie deficit, so why do u think u need all that shit bro?
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And if your t is low u don't need other shit at this point in the game, being on a caloric deficit which u say u wanna cut means u are dieting under your maitanance calorie intake so tell me if u have been working out for nomore then 2 weeks how much muscle are u really gonna hold? Get what I am saying? U r not in a building phase, when u cut u are just trying to preserve muscle while in a calorie deficit, so why do u think u need all that shit bro?

Bro Im gonna work with 3. I just wanna break my fat down then build myself up slowly. I know its a lifestyle and takes time and dedication. Your absolutely right.. all I did Was get it maybe for the future. And trust me Im scared to take growth. I wouldnt even touch it until Im experienced in everything Im working with.