And I can already spot your disease pippin it's head up... your not even on gear and your reaching to pretty much take anything you can just to see results...
Your gonna end up in a shitty situation with that mentality... believe me steroids have made me relapse on heroin due to the mental side effects of gear..however because of the rec drugs and steroids I am now on trt for good...
You need to slow down and take it one day at a time.. or in this case one drug at a time...
You WILL eventually end up obsessing over what else you can throw in your cycle endlessly chasing results... you won't be able to stick to whatever it is you originally planned on taking..
I know all this because I did it all myself and I bet any other recovering addict on here will say they've done the same
I disagree with this. Steroids are not a "mind altering" substance. For a drug to really be addicting, its gotta have an effect on your dopamine and endorphin levels. So yes there may be a potential for mental addiction, however its not physically addicting. Your body can't crave it, your mind can crave it a little bit but its not as if youre going to get sick from not using it.In my opinion steroids are just as addictive as any narcotic so dont under estimate how addictive having a insanely great physique can be.
So my boy is a personal trainer. I was fat becauseveryone of drinking. I only drink water now. I started at about 191. He gave me 100 clen so I'm down to about 184. He says he wants to break me down then build me up.
I also have jintropin and equipsose but he says I'm not ready for it. My question is about supplements. Plaza mag 10 surge workout fuel X2 and elite pro mineral.
I'll include some pics tomorrow but I only take one clen a day and every 4th day I go up. He knows what he's doing. So was just wondering about the supplements. Thanks fellas.
So the equipose is legit. And tje jintropin is legit. Im gonna start the jintropin soon but im in nj. This kid knows wat hes doin. He said the equipose would be better then test e 250 he said for my body. I dont wanna get huge. I just want a nice athletic body and im seeing it just from the clen. I also cut out dairy only drink water. Also salads and chicken and steak. Also he bought me argentine. Creatine and some 100 whey he also wants me to get glutamine. Hes gonna mix the jintropin and the gear is from no online pharmacy. Hes the real deal so I know nothing he gives me is.shit. Hes a straight up body builder. Hes gonnna do the mixing and everything. He wouldnt even work out before teaching me stretching techniques.
Just eq and jintropin. Bro the guy knows.what hes.doing. I.didnt start anything as he to stick just with.the clen. So no need to be a dick.
Hes doing everything. He said he doesnt wanna start me on crazy shit. The equipose is 200 test he said and he only works with bodybuilders so i kbow its the best stuff around. Hes gonna show me how to pin the growth. He said.its.almost like a.teburculosis shot. I trust him. Last night he told me not to listem to some people because he doesnt want me to get hurt.