So would u like to see me run test e.250 or is that too much. Im a rookie man. In no way am I ignorant. Im not on anything but clen and lost my belly so before I do anything. I will take all advice..
A typical replacement dosage is between 100-200mg per week. At a minimum you need to run that much testosterone if you are going to cycle.
By the way, a first cycle should be just testosterone, hCG and an AI -- maybe a SERM while on cycle too. You should not run more than one AAS compound on your first cycle. You need to learn how your body responds to testosterone first and learn how to manage side effects. You can. ad another compound and stack it with Test your second cycle
I am sure your friend is a great guy and means well, but by telling you to run EQ by it self and use EQ during your first cycle, he is giving you very bad advice. The type of advice that could be extremely harmful to your long-term health. I am glad that you were smart enough to come here and seek a second opinion and educate yourself. Make sure you fully understand everything about AAS and the HPTA before you start self-medicating. Don't assume your friend knows what he is doing. And also keep in mind that none of the guys here are trying to sell you anything. We have no reason to be biased in the advice we give you.