Pinnacle Labs SALE!!!! Mao Raws.....

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cant find a source anywhere. but pinnacle labs will hopefully provide. once i am honored with information on ordering from them.
I got the word on the shipping and they aren't shipping to Canada currently. Also, the sale ended on the 19th at 12am. So the code would not work now if you tried it.
Bummer for us Canucks, wish there was a source like this in the great white north
I've been "reading" here for a long time now but until this thread, I never considered actually getting involved. Yea, I want some of dat stuff!
Well, it looks like Pinnacle has stepped up the competition for all those underdosers and low quality competitors!!! I just saw their site and it blew me back. It appears they are using the BEST raws this game offers and have been offering for a VERY long time as Mao Raws have been around forever and have been the TOP of the food chain in final product since day one!!!
I guess they are kicking off this conversion to Mao with a HUGE sale!!!!

Pops!!!! It's time to get yourself stocked up on all that BADASS anavar you been waiting on cause it looks like they are stocked to the gills and have even added a few products!!!!

Happy Pinning!!!!

Awesome! Did everything you got from them work as advertised? Do you still recommend them?
Do they have PCTs? Looking to find a place to get my post cycle therapy (pct), apparently it appears I will not be getting access to pinns site, so instead I will have to go through a local guy for test for my first cycle and cross my fingers, unless a reputable user here hook me up, if not I totally understand and if anyone has a good site for pcts send me a pm, thanks and look forward being a part of this badass forum.
Yea I believe that's how things go around here , looks like I need to get to work on posting in here so I can get some info ! Ive never used any gear befor but I've been researching everything for months now and need to find a good source to get some gear ! Looks like I just have to be patient and wait my turn !
Wait till you try these Mao Orals!!!!! HOLY SHITBALLS BATMAN!!!! Pinnacle has ALWAYS had some good shit, there is a thread floating around here, (can't find it now with this new layout Ology has) but there is a bro on the A-Bombs from Pinnacles Older batch which is BLOWING his mind and that is just one of the bros that is keeping a LOG!!!! Can you imagine now that the Orals are ALLLLLL higher quality???? I mean, like I said, shit was good before but it is KILLER now!!!! I don't see anyone keeping up!!! The Tbol has reps by bros here on Ology as well but as I stated, I cannot find any of the Pinnacle threads now that there is this new layout!!!
Man, this new product looks so good!!! I got my goodies ahead of time cause I'm cool.... LOL I cannot wait to post up my results from them!!!! Gonna be CRAZY!!!!
I don't see these latest batches lasting during this sale!!!

Hopefully my stuff gets here within the next day so I can have some mind BLOWING workouts this weekend.
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