Pinnacles Dbol


New member
Everyone keeps talking about their Var, but how about that dbol!?!!??

Im on day 4 and taking 50mg a day... I think im starting to feel the pumps but not sure of it lol. Anyone else run it ??? JB said this dbol is going to kick my ass, so I am excited.
I can tell you def is the D-bol pumps. Hit fast and HARD!!!! You will love what is about to happen in the next few days bro...Thanx for sharing.
You will love their dbol for sure. I have always responded very well to dbol, all I took.was one cap a day(25mg) split into two doses and that was enough for some pretty good gains, strength and pumps were still.really intense even at 25mg
So a good friend of mine today start Pinnacle`s D-bol today and text me " D-bol is GREAT!! Im only at 25mgs for the first week to get used to it, lol shit is strong at 50mgs this is just going to be crazy"
And here I am want some more of those D-bols...
I have run D-bols from 5-10-25 mgs and must are decent never run some D-bols so good as you claim. I think I may want to do some of those...hmmmm I will find my way lol
I have run D-bols from 5-10-25 mgs and must are decent never run some D-bols so good as you claim. I think I may want to do some of those...hmmmm I will find my way lol

I can almost guarranty you never run a D-bol like this one bro...Period!!!! your way is close ;)
i cant wait to run mine after seeing this thread! ha i was planning on 50mg but im now considering jjust one capsule with the contents split.
Yea pax, I have been taking the d-bol from pinn for about 3 weeks now. I started off at 25mg/day and increased to 50 mg/day and the pump you feel when you work out is nasty and crazy. I am staking it with some tren -A 100mg. But can definately say the dbol is gtg.
bros dont start splitting shit just take 25 or 50mg it wont kill you (hopefully) I got some of this dbol rockin it next cycle.Dbol only cycle baby!!! hhahaah jk dont start pm me tellin how bad a dbol only cycle is good shit cant wait to try it
I can't give you first hand experience from Pinnicales Dbol...

However - I would give any creditable Dbol - a two week time frame to start to grow on you.

The three week benchmark is always the "ah ha" - moment where I really see
a much bigger difference.

Two to three weeks is really where you see Dbol kick in at its best.
Yeah but bro, this pinnacle dbol man kicks ass Quick!!!! You just have to see!!! Mater of fact there is not one thing they have that I've used that hasn't ever blown away all the other labs I've tried in my time in this shit!!!

Pinnacle simply is the SHIZZZZNIT!!!
I can`t wait to get on D`s again after all this talking is just make want to open my bottle lol