pinning bis & tris (and other alternative sites)


On a breather
hey guys.... just curious.... until now i've been pinning my quads, delts, pecs, and ass muscle.

i think i remember humdiddly saying somewhere that he had a 14-site rotation.

i've been contemplating expanding to the bis and tris. mostly out of curiosity. wondering what thoughts are on pinning these sites, as well as any other alternatives.

how much gear do people pin in places like bis and tris? i'm doing 2.5-3ml right now in all of the aforementioned sites with no problem. was worried about the pecs but it turned out to be no thang.

any warnings? bi is a pretty veiny area which had me worried. is it pretty painful? is a 1" needle okay? should i not put it in all the way?

my arms aren't huge but aren't exactly small either. i'm over 18 inches flexed ***and no, RJ, your penis is not as big as my arms***

cautions/suggestions/ideas/gear donations

all are welcome. let me know!
Try the ventro glutes. Smooth as butter and you can shove 5ml in there with no problem if you wanted. Easier to hit than pinning your ass too.

I'd avoid least for me that hurt as much as pinning calves. No more than 1ml if you choose to.

Chest is easy and painless. 1.5ml there is no problem. Same with triceps and 1.5ml is good there too.
for bi's it hurts like hell the first time.
start off with just half a ml in each and work up each week soon a full ml will be no problem.
i use a 23gauge 1.5 inch pin and go half way in. lots of veins but the deeper you go the less.
tris are the same.
chest is the same
calves you can shoot a ml at a time but you wont be walking for a few days.
the tear drop muscle on the iner quade is good for 1.5ml
the traps are good for a 1-2 ml and the side lats are good also.
a friend of mine did 1ml in his tri just a few weeks back, got really swollen up and a lil red, dont know if it was an infection or if its just virgin muscle and he told me it was just sore as fuck for 3 4 days, but ive read somewhere that 0.5ml is a more ideal dose for the bis & tris, personally i wouldnt do them at all
cool, thanks guys.

i probably won't bother with bis if i can't shoot 2ml or more total. same with tris.

traps or lats seem like they could handle the load. i'll try shooting ventro-gluteal next time.

i'll probably just do oral only cycles after this anyway.... pinning schedules are such a pain in the ass to keep up with.

speaking of ventro.... anyone had any luck with pinning the left or right ventricles? seem like good strudy musces right there. just gotta jam the whole load in within like .5 seconds before the next contraction but otherwise legit right? go from the side?
i'll probably just do oral only cycles after this anyway.... pinning schedules are such a pain in the ass to keep up with.

This is so true. Plus oral only cycles are exactly like injectable cycles except they produce like 50x more gains.

More people need to run oral only cycles!!!!
for bi's it hurts like hell the first time.
start off with just half a ml in each and work up each week soon a full ml will be no problem.
i use a 23gauge 1.5 inch pin and go half way in. lots of veins but the deeper you go the less.
tris are the same.
chest is the same
calves you can shoot a ml at a time but you wont be walking for a few days.
Dissagree here. Heat that shit up first. I just put it in a sink of hot water. Then massage the hell out of the inject site after no prob. I routinly shoot up to 1.25mg. Painless!
the tear drop muscle on the iner quade is good for 1.5ml
Excellent spot here too. Do the same and massage.
the traps are good for a 1-2 ml and the side lats are good also.
Pretty much anywhere in quads is good to go.
the only oral cycle i like is part the lips of a wet snatch.
other then that any oral sucks balls.

i have YET to find a lab that has good orals that will give me anything. and i have tried alot of labs.
sure Zed its no problem once you get use to it.
the first time i pinned the calf i was ukered. it was profina but all those locations i gave i have pinned. and thats just the facts i have for myself use.

and very strange for me. if i heat any of my gear. its about 10x worse for any pain. i never heat mine ever.
real men have scar tissue.

ez, ventro glute and amazingly enough, rear delts are as smooth as butter. gotta get your wife to give you those obviously. :D
Never tried the Ventro Glute. Actually never even heard of people injecting there. Found this pic of the injection. I definitely will have to try it. Anyone give a little insight on the Ventro Glute shot. Not hi-jacking the thread, just curious.

Just freaks me out because of how the hip bone is just right there. Seems like it would be a hell of a shot. But I'm no pussy either so I will try it.
Ventro glute shot:

Stick your hand on the side of your upper leg (while standing) and slowly sway your weight from one leg to the other.

When you put the weight on the leg that your hand is touching, you should feel a little muscle bulge out near the middle of the side of your leg. That's the spot.

For another reference point - look at the side of your leg in the mirror. See where the curve of the top of your butt is starting? Follow that line over to the middle of the side of your leg and you'll feel it.

And for yet another reference point - put your hand on the side of your leg with palm on your hip. Lift that leg to the side. The muscle that hardens up is the medius glute. That's what you're looking for.

No major nerves or anything run through there. It's a really safe spot and easy to reach. It's deep too.
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I just switch between

Thighs and Glute hold a lot.
Only shot 1.2 in chest and delts with slin pin.
Ventro glute shot:

Stick your hand on the side of your upper leg (while standing) and slowly sway your weight from one leg to the other.

When you put the weight on the leg that your hand is touching, you should feel a little muscle bulge out near the middle of the side of your leg. That's the spot.

For another reference point - look at the side of your leg in the mirror. See where the curve of the top of your butt is starting? Follow that line over to the middle of the side of your leg and you'll feel it.

And for yet another reference point - put your hand on the side of your leg with palm on your hip. Lift that leg to the side. The muscle that hardens up is the medius glute. That's what you're looking for.

No major nerves or anything run through there. It's a really safe spot and easy to reach. It's deep too.

Hell yeah man. Those were the details I was looking for. Thanks for the info. I will be trying that spot on Monday.
If you gonna band me for just stating that is a good source then FU. If anyone else wants a price and product list email him. But use my ology name as a refference. That way I get my discount on my next order. I see people repping naps all the time, why is that ok? expecially when the trueth is gearbox is cheaper and way faster shipping. I put up a thread about them last night, and when everyone posted how great they were and that they prefer them over naps, it got deleted. I take it Naps pays steroidolody, well thats bull shit that shouldnt give them the right to advertize a unreliable source that sell expired under dosed gear!
real men have scar tissue.

ez, ventro glute and amazingly enough, rear delts are as smooth as butter. gotta get your wife to give you those obviously. :D

rear delta eh? i mean i love the middle delts so no reason why i wouldnt like rear as well. nice and thick. the wife is not down with my injections though.

can i just tape the syringe to the door frame, walk into it backwards and then pull the door closed so the door pushes the plunger?

DAMN auto injectors would sell like mcgriddles strap it on location and hit a button it sticks the needle in and then another button releases the gear. ima go to work on some prototypes!
Great thread ezred - I've only been pining my glutes and just started the quads...

I'm seeing a lot of places being mentioned that I woulnt have thought of.

My wife is going to school to be a nurse so eventually I'll be able to get her to hit hard to reach places for me :)
I always shoot in the hip aka Ventro glute area, funny i never knew the name for it till now. Like said earlier its easy to reach and not much to really hit while injecting.