Please Help My Dad(He is New to TRT)


New member
my father is 65 years old.his total test was 181ng/dl before trt.(he also has diabetes)kaiser who i hate when it comes to hormones,have actually agreed to give him trt.problem is they are only giving him 100mg test cyp every OTHER week. i told him to try to ask for 75mg a week.any advice?
With a lot of docs you just have to play the game. They like to start low and the dosage and work their way up. Make sure he is pinning at least once a week though.
If they are as stubborn as you say, ask for blood tests, I would try a blood test before the injection to see if his levels dropped since the last injection, and they probably did, and tell them this roller coaster with his levels isn't good, that you want them at a constant level, and to f**k off.

Man I hate doctors, that paper on the wall doesn't mean all knowing douche.

If that doesn't work, find some studies that promote weekly injections.
If that doesn't work switch dr.s or find a source? But free is free...
even the person who gives him the shot said"at this low a dose i would ask for once a week shots" oh well next injection will be 4 weeks in.ill have him call his doc and say something like"i feel great for the first week,but the last few days before the shot i feel like crap"
With TRT, many doctors start low and work up. The good ones will be working to find a dose that is not just in the normal range (many find it best in the mid to med high range) but also work with your Dad to ask how he's feeling at different levels. Some find they feel best in the mid range, others feel better at the high range; higher is not always better when it comes to TRT - it's very individual. Make sure your Dad's Dr is focusing not just on the numbers but how your Dad is actually feeling, and it may take a few month to half a year to find the right spot. 100mgs a week of test cyp is the standard max dose per the drug companies.