Pre-cycle pictures

took my second shot today went well!! in left quad!
took 2 days off the gym because i hurt my back fuckin thing still hurts a but but getting better!
shoulders tomorrow tomorrow so that will be the test i cant even go back to work just yet cause of the back
i put out a little more in the gym just knowing that its in me ha ha
Take it easy my friend. You dont want too get seriously hurt and blow your whole cycle. Good luck and take care of your back.

i think this is come kind of cruel trick i jump in a icey bath post about how much it sucked then you laugh your ass off infront of your computer and tell your friends! your not tricking me buddy haha
Almost one week done bro! How you feeling? Keep it up!!!

Things are good!!
So I'm workin away last night (night shift) and my nipples keep getting itchy I didn't have time to check it out it was a
Pretty busy night! So I'm thinking to myself maybe I got a different ester like prop or something I don't know cause I shouldn't be feeling anything yet it's only been a week and I'm on test e! So this morning I'm getting ready for bed and I feel it again, WTF take of my shirt to take a better look turns out my nipple hairs are growing back in!! Really had myself going there! Other then that everything is good training hard eating a shit load feeling stronger eventhough I know I'm not yet ha ha it's a good time!!
good deal. good pics/good base. looking forward to your results. dont push yourself with your back. rest is key.
lol you wont believe but same exact thing happen to me yesterday lol.

Things are good!!
So I'm workin away last night (night shift) and my nipples keep getting itchy I didn't have time to check it out it was a
Pretty busy night! So I'm thinking to myself maybe I got a different ester like prop or something I don't know cause I shouldn't be feeling anything yet it's only been a week and I'm on test e! So this morning I'm getting ready for bed and I feel it again, WTF take of my shirt to take a better look turns out my nipple hairs are growing back in!! Really had myself going there! Other then that everything is good training hard eating a shit load feeling stronger eventhough I know I'm not yet ha ha it's a good time!!
Ha ha my mind is playin tricks on me!! "maybe it is prop I did feel pretty strong at the gym yesterday" damn fool after all the noobs I have made fun of ha ha
Ha ha my mind is playin tricks on me!! "maybe it is prop I did feel pretty strong at the gym yesterday" damn fool after all the noobs I have made fun of ha ha

I always feel it a little bit, even after a week (on T cyp/T enanthate) especially when the gear is strong like Andromed gear... I mean maybe its psychological...but i doubt it. Ok it takes a good 4 weeks to feel the big kick, but to say its zero before that...nah...You got fuking good gear bro, thats why you feel it ;)
yes i agree and have said it in other posts before ,

I can feel an IM of test e or test c pretty quickly if i have been off gear for a while. well being, sex drive, oil skin for me happen before some dudes say they dont feel for 4 or 5 weeks. not me.