Pre-cycle pictures

Lol manly activities like that don't make you not gay :p
Actually I know a couple guys that if i didnt already know, I'd never assume anything because they for one could kick my ass without question, and they're seemingly the straightest guys Around.
This Tuesday is pin # 5 the start of week 3 so no point to put new pics up yet!
I have never run this kind of cycle size is not my goal and I'm not sure how how much mass I'll even gain!
Only time will tell!!
Wish me luck my friends
I'm a roofer its not climbing the ladder that sucks, it's the next five feet walk after you get on roof, legs all jacked from walking up steps. I wouldnt have even considered that walk. lol
Hey guys

Sorry im back to work so I haven't had much time to post!
My back is better still feel it a bit at the end of a hard shift but not to bad!
I'm staying in a town for work but they have no hotel rooms I can use because of some convention in the area so I'm sleeping in my truck lol showering at a local guy I found it's good really I dont really mind it ha ha!
I have been having some alright workouts but it's hard to put out hard after a long day at work!
It still works though ha ha
Food consumption has not been as much as I planed I'm getting around 3500-4000
But I know I could use more!
Pin # 6 today no sides so no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet!
My plan was to be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right now but with no fridge to put it in it will wait ha ha
I do feel stronger and I think I look a little thicker I'm up about 5lbs now
I'm on night shifts time for bed!
Thanks for following guys!
Glad to hear Bro. Wow sleeping in your truck, that is something. I couldn't imagine not having my bed after a grooling workout. Your hardcore man, you make me look like a pussy running for my spa (jacuzzi) after my leg workout. LOL

Glad to hear Bro. Wow sleeping in your truck, that is something. I couldn't imagine not having my bed after a grooling workout. Your hardcore man, you make me look like a pussy running for my spa (jacuzzi) after my leg workout. LOL

Ha ha
That's because you are a pussy ha jk
I knee it would be a pain in the ass with work but I didn't thing it would be this bad lol
I pinned in my truck parked behind someone's house!
I woke up to a sign in my window "do not park behind my house"
Ha ha I have seen better days but all is well I'm still on the green side of the grass!! And running gear ha love life!!
wow hardcore

i figure all that hard labor is just as good as working out or better, so if you are having lighter work out in gym as a result i bet it all evens out in end
I actually ordered my gear to help my back as well. I have had lower back spasms and the doc said it was weak muscles in lower back....fuck the bullshit, i'm gonna cycle up and get em well. Of course the added benefits of cycling aren't to be frowned gear should be arriving this week...can't wait.
Even though I crack up every time I see your user name (seriously how many tries does it take for you to log in?) you're a pretty bad mofo to be doing what you're doing.

Keep it up boss.
Thanks guys!
It ain't easy being me! Lol
Had a awesome chest workout this morning but I had to wait for the gym to open opens late on weekends!
Im working the night shift so this is after work for me.
Had a nap while I waited for it to open which fucked me right up horrible sleep today!!
But I feel big and strong ha ha
Hell yea my phone keeps me logged in I don't need to type it in everytime.
There are 14 "e's"
I tried changing it couldn't figure it out.
I was thinking of getting another bottle of eq and bringing it up to 800/week what do you guys think?
Thanks guys!
It ain't easy being me! Lol
Had a awesome chest workout this morning but I had to wait for the gym to open opens late on weekends!
Im working the night shift so this is after work for me.
Had a nap while I waited for it to open which fucked me right up horrible sleep today!!
But I feel big and strong ha ha
Hell yea my phone keeps me logged in I don't need to type it in everytime.
There are 14 "e's"
I tried changing it couldn't figure it out.
I was thinking of getting another bottle of eq and bringing it up to 800/week what do you guys think?

Yeah last cycle was Test E & EQ and I should of been using 800mg/wk instead of 660, but the lab I was with was underdosed for sure. I'm glad I got hooked up with AML! btw I started my run of sust, mast E & adding the var later, very smooth injections so far!
Nice man!! Sounds like a good ride!!
Well you made up my mind I am going to change things mid cycle I know I know it's horrible all this planning 3 weeks in and I change it. Ha ha oh well I'll be running 800mg eq for the rest of my cycle another 13 weeks to go! I love my life. Ha ha
Pinned today it's a shit load of gear I'm throwing in there every shot if I were running more test I'd need 2 shots there's no friggin room in the syringe lol!
Trained back today it was awesome had an awesome pump had a hard time showering after!
I think I'm a Little bloated I'm up 6 lbs I think I look bigger but well see
Still in my truck ha ha I can't pose pics with my phone so the next set of pics will have to wait till I'm home with my job who knows when that will be!