Precontest Cycle


New member
Hey guys i am new here and was hoping to get maybe a bit advice/ comments about my precontest cycle i am about to start on :) I am a competing athlete and compete on a national level here in Norway . I compete in Atletic fitness category, For those who dont know just google Atletic Fitness :) not so much previous experience with gear so its my first contestprep with gear - did one comp before and prepped without gear. so on to the point - > the cycle i am about to go on is:

4 IU HGH/day (gonna use Kigtropin)
300 mg Trenbolone /week
50 mg Winstrol/day

starting 1 jan with all - the first comp is 6 apr,then 20 apr and then in the beginning of may (date has not been released yet).

what do you guys think?
Drop the tren. This is your first cycle. yousome test propionate. That is all you need besides y'sour post cycle and AI's.
but will i not gain water from Test Prop? my coach who set this up told me that tren and winst i could do almost up tho the comp day - the GH must be cut 3 weeks before

and this is not my first cycle - have done a bit before,and did tren before as well:) but first time on HGH
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NEVER run anything without a test base. Run prop @ 200mg/week with tren @ 400mg/week, since it's for contest the Winstrol (winny) is fine as well. Make sure you run the prop 2 weeks longer than the tren. Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the test (will keep the bloat away as well) and caber or prami for the tren (prolactin sides). GH for 3 months is a waste in my opinion, it's a long term commitment thing and most guys say unless your using it for 6 months minimum then all it's doing is burning a hole in your wallet. Don't run the cycle for longer than 20-24 weeks and post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid @ 50/50/50/50 + nolva @ 40/40/20/20. I would invest in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also.
your coach told you to run Winstrol (winny) and tren and not run test??? and this is your first cycle??
your coach is an idiot..

by chance is your coach also your dealer?
No my coach is my coach and my dealer is another person :) and i am sorry but i am not familiar with all the terminology used here? could you explain what you are saying Iron Giant?
I can tell you guys have your hands full on this one .
1 Don't run this cycle without test .
2. Have your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ON HAND Dex . For test , carb / prima for the tren .

3 have your post cycle therapy (pct) on hand. ... Nova , and or clomid ..
No my coach is my coach and my dealer is another person :) and i am sorry but i am not familiar with all the terminology used here? could you explain what you are saying Iron Giant?

You'll have to elaborate, I thought I was fairly clear so I'm not sure what you would like me to explain. Also, when elaborating can you please specify the exact number of weeks you would like to run a cycle so we know what we're working with?
Here's a perfect contest prep cycle for you...


If you want I would throw some mast in there as well


This is what my pre contest cycle would use to look like but I threw Anavar in the cycle towards the beginning and winstrol 6weeks out from comp.

The reason for very low test, is for bloat and its just for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so you have some test in your body
You'll have to elaborate, I thought I was fairly clear so I'm not sure what you would like me to explain. Also, when elaborating can you please specify the exact number of weeks you would like to run a cycle so we know what we're working with?

the terms like Aromatase inhibitor (AI) caber/prami are unfammiliar to me - i live in a non - english speaking country and have much less expeirience with the gear that probably most of the people here - thats why i am asking for advice :)

the cycle starts 1 jan and i am prepping for 3 shows(spring season) the first one is 6 apr the second one is 20 apr and the last one is in the beginning of may
Here's a perfect contest prep cycle for you...


If you want I would throw some mast in there as well


This is what my pre contest cycle would use to look like but I threw Anavar in the cycle towards the beginning and winstrol 6weeks out from comp.

The reason for very low test, is for bloat and its just for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so you have some test in your body

ok thanx but what about HGH? will i have no benefits at all running 4IU/Ed along side with the rest? The HGH i am planning on using is Kigtropin
the terms like Aromatase inhibitor (AI) caber/prami are unfammiliar to me - i live in a non - english speaking country and have much less expeirience with the gear that probably most of the people here - thats why i am asking for advice :)

the cycle starts 1 jan and i am prepping for 3 shows(spring season) the first one is 6 apr the second one is 20 apr and the last one is in the beginning of may

AI = aromatase inhibitor (Arimidex or Aromasin - used to combat estrogen from test)
caber = cabergoline (used to control prolactin sides from the tren you'll be running)
prami = pramipexole (used to control prolactin sides from the tren you'll be running)

So are you going to run the cycle and stay on while competing in these shows? Or would you like to be off cycle for the Apr. 6/12 show? 4everBulking is going to have more experience in the contest prep field than I.
AI = aromatase inhibitor (Arimidex or Aromasin - used to combat estrogen from test)
caber = cabergoline (used to control prolactin sides from the tren you'll be running)
prami = pramipexole (used to control prolactin sides from the tren you'll be running)

So are you going to run the cycle and stay on while competing in these shows? Or would you like to be off cycle for the Apr. 6/12 show? 4everBulking is going to have more experience in the contest prep field than I.

thanx for the explanation of the terms :) i am not sure if i can get my hands on all of this stuff but i will most def try :) and yes i wanna stay on all the way tru my season to keep the hardness
thanx for the explanation of the terms :) i am not sure if i can get my hands on all of this stuff but i will most def try :) and yes i wanna stay on all the way tru my season to keep the hardness

I wouldn't run it without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami. If no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then you could get estrogen induced gyno and bloating, if no caber/prami then you could end up with prolactin induced gyno. Getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami is bound to be cheaper than having surgery later on to remove the gyno ;)

I would follow 4everBulking's cycle advice and run the Winstrol (winny) 2/3 weeks out from your first show. Like this:

Wk 1-20: test/125mgs/wk
Wk 1-18: tren/600mgs/wk (if you're not comfortable running tren this long you can run it Wk 4-18 and just use more prop the first 3 weeks)
Wk 11/12-18: Winstrol/50mgs/Ed (depending on if you start week 11/12 this will be 7/8 weeks on winny...have a good liver support, Winstrol (winny) is rough on your liver).
Wk 1-20: Aromasin @ 6.25mg EOD or Arimidex @ .25mg E3D (E3D = every 3 days)
Wk 1-18: Prami @ .50mg E3D

You also have the option of running Masteron/600mgs/wk (as 4everBulking mentioned), the same way you would run tren.

A 20 week cycle is going to go 1-2 weeks past your last show, but it's important to run test 2 weeks longer than tren. You'll be on tren the entire time you're competing, and once you finish, it will just be a couple weeks of only test so the tren can fully clear your system. You will need a good PCT and I suggest clomid @ 50/50/50/50 with Nolva @ 40/40/20/20 4-5 days after your last jab of test/HCG. You will also want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the entire cycle @ 500iu/week (250iu split into 2 shots every 3-4 days) - 4 weeks on, 1 week off.

This is a long cycle including a 19-nor (tren) and you can't really short change anything here. You need the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), caber/prami and proper PCT (clomid, nolva, hcg) or you risk not recovering. Keep in mind these are short esters and need to be pinned every other day, in fact tren is best pinned everyday, but this can me impractical.
I wouldn't run it without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami. If no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then you could get estrogen induced gyno and bloating, if no caber/prami then you could end up with prolactin induced gyno. Getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami is bound to be cheaper than having surgery later on to remove the gyno ;)

I would follow 4everBulking's cycle advice and run the Winstrol (winny) 2/3 weeks out from your first show. Like this:

Wk 1-20: test/125mgs/wk
Wk 1-18: tren/600mgs/wk (if you're not comfortable running tren this long you can run it Wk 4-18 and just use more prop the first 3 weeks)
Wk 11/12-18: Winstrol/50mgs/Ed (depending on if you start week 11/12 this will be 7/8 weeks on winny...have a good liver support, Winstrol (winny) is rough on your liver).
Wk 1-20: Aromasin @ 6.25mg EOD or Arimidex @ .25mg E3D (E3D = every 3 days)
Wk 1-18: Prami @ .50mg E3D

You also have the option of running Masteron/600mgs/wk (as 4everBulking mentioned), the same way you would run tren.

A 20 week cycle is going to go 1-2 weeks past your last show, but it's important to run test 2 weeks longer than tren. You'll be on tren the entire time you're competing, and once you finish, it will just be a couple weeks of only test so the tren can fully clear your system. You will need a good PCT and I suggest clomid @ 50/50/50/50 with Nolva @ 40/40/20/20 4-5 days after your last jab of test/HCG. You will also want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the entire cycle @ 500iu/week (250iu split into 2 shots every 3-4 days) - 4 weeks on, 1 week off.

This is a long cycle including a 19-nor (tren) and you can't really short change anything here. You need the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), caber/prami and proper PCT (clomid, nolva, hcg) or you risk not recovering. Keep in mind these are short esters and need to be pinned every other day, in fact tren is best pinned everyday, but this can me impractical.

thanx for the great answer :) but i still wonder - if i run 4IU/Ed with Kigtroping alongside will i not benefit at all of that?:)
thanx for the great answer :) but i still wonder - if i run 4IU/Ed with Kigtroping alongside will i not benefit at all of that?:)

Well 20 weeks on HGH would be 5 months, so you should see some benefit. I'm not entirely sure on exactly how much of a benefit you will see though, as I have yet to run HGH. My only advice is to run the HGH 6 months (so with your cycle and during PCT). Hopefully some more experienced chaps can chime in on your dosage.
Well 20 weeks on HGH would be 5 months, so you should see some benefit. I'm not entirely sure on exactly how much of a benefit you will see though, as I have yet to run HGH. My only advice is to run the HGH 6 months (so with your cycle and during PCT). Hopefully some more experienced chaps can chime in on your dosage.

thanx alot for shedding some light for me Iron Giant :) wery helpful and concrete answers :)
No problem brotha, we're here to help :bigok: Good luck, and have fun. Let us know how it goes!

sure i will:) started dieting this week - really exited about upcoming shows :) everything is on point now my nutrition my training and now the gear :) so its gonna be awsome :) Thanx again :)