I wouldn't run it without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami. If no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then you could get estrogen induced gyno and bloating, if no caber/prami then you could end up with prolactin induced gyno. Getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & caber/prami is bound to be cheaper than having surgery later on to remove the gyno
I would follow 4everBulking's cycle advice and run the Winstrol (winny) 2/3 weeks out from your first show. Like this:
Wk 1-20: test/125mgs/wk
Wk 1-18: tren/600mgs/wk (if you're not comfortable running tren this long you can run it Wk 4-18 and just use more prop the first 3 weeks)
Wk 11/12-18: Winstrol/50mgs/Ed (depending on if you start week 11/12 this will be 7/8 weeks on winny...have a good liver support, Winstrol (winny) is rough on your liver).
Wk 1-20: Aromasin @ 6.25mg EOD or Arimidex @ .25mg E3D (E3D = every 3 days)
Wk 1-18: Prami @ .50mg E3D
You also have the option of running Masteron/600mgs/wk (as 4everBulking mentioned), the same way you would run tren.
A 20 week cycle is going to go 1-2 weeks past your last show, but it's important to run test 2 weeks longer than tren. You'll be on tren the entire time you're competing, and once you finish, it will just be a couple weeks of only test so the tren can fully clear your system. You will need a good PCT and I suggest clomid @ 50/50/50/50 with Nolva @ 40/40/20/20 4-5 days after your last jab of test/HCG. You will also want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the entire cycle @ 500iu/week (250iu split into 2 shots every 3-4 days) - 4 weeks on, 1 week off.
This is a long cycle including a 19-nor (tren) and you can't really short change anything here. You need the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), caber/prami and proper PCT (clomid, nolva, hcg) or you risk not recovering. Keep in mind these are short esters and need to be pinned every other day, in fact tren is best pinned everyday, but this can me impractical.