Progress pic


New member
updated. 165 lbs first pic. 200lbs second pic. tryin to cut the bf down. now at 195 lbs in 3rd pic most recent.

so far
shoulder press dumbells 90's 6x
bench dumbells 110's 7x havent really been doing barbell
deadlift is pretty weak. will be working on it. broke my back few years back. (deadlift at 315lbs)
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Tried to post it for u but I don't think u copied the IMG code right, u can use photobucket & copy & paste the IMG code.

Tried to post it for u but I don't think u copied the IMG code right, u can use photobucket & copy & paste the IMG code.

I posted it for him already :confused:
It's really hard to tell because you aren't showing us much in the pictures, but it looks like your body fat is pretty high. You will definitely want to bring that down before using any anabolics.

How old are you? Do you have any before pictures? Cool ink.
put different pics up. ill try to stay 195 - 200lbs with a lower bf% with in the next 3 months or so then maybe gear up.
24 years old.
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i love this forum every body wants to be ripped and buddy light weight...Ronny colman Mr.p help him get Ripped..
I would say that you've got some time before hopping on gear. get a good diet and start lifting heavy.
I would say that you've got some time before hopping on gear. get a good diet and start lifting heavy.

your right. just tempting to speed up the process. i will probably wait on gear for a long while and work on gettin bf% low for now and then gain more lbm.